Chapter 790: Just wait and sleep

The Ninth Princess has always had a hot temper. If the leader of the Zheng Kingdom had not threatened the life of her mother and concubine, she would never have come to see Emperor Yongtai no matter what.

What she didn't expect was that for such a stunning beauty, she would be returned by Emperor Yongtai.

Yes, in her opinion, she is a commodity for trade.

However, even if you are a piece of merchandise, you still have your own dignity and pride.

Emperor Yongtai actually asked her to go back. Wasn't this insulting to her?

The most disgusting thing is that if he goes back, it means that his father's marriage and peace strategy has completely failed.

Ping Pong Pong...

The Ninth Princess was so angry that she swept away the teacups and tea utensils on the table, and there was a sudden sound of the utensils breaking.

"Princess, calm down! Princess, calm down..."

Kuang Wuya, the master of the imperial family, hurriedly persuaded.

"Calm down your anger? How to calm down your anger? That bastard Lu Hao, I want to find him!"

Nine princesses said angrily.

"This...this...doesn't seem good?"

Kuangwuya said with a grimace.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Didn't you say that the armies of the Zhou Dynasty and the Yue Kingdom are mobilizing their armies to support us? I don't believe that I can't hold him back!"

The Ninth Princess seemed to be willing to risk everything.

In fact, it was not the case. If the leader of the country, Zheng Yuanjie, had not given her a death order, she would not have bothered to meet Lu Hao, the pervert, to avoid risking her innocence.

After all, she was still worried that her father would kill her mother and concubine in anger.

In the harem, only the mother-in-law loves her the most, and she is the only person she cherishes.

"What the princess said is true. As a girl, if you keep messing around with Emperor Yongtai, you can delay it for two more days."

Kuangwuya actually agreed with her approach.

"Two days? Even if I fight to keep my innocence, I will let him stay... for five days."

The ninth princess angrily held out five fingers.

"The princess is so dedicated to the country and the people. The veteran minister is deeply gratified and admires her greatly."

Kuangwuya smiled and praised.

"Without further ado, come and dress up this princess!"

The Ninth Princess was in great spirits.

"Yes, princess."

Several maids immediately got busy.

To be honest, the Ninth Princess has absolute confidence in her beauty. As long as Emperor Yongtai sees her, he will never be able to move his legs.

However, what kind of person is this Emperor Yongtai?Why do you ignore the beauty of this princess?
Doesn't he know that this princess is famous far and wide?Are you not even a little curious about this princess?

The Ninth Princess dressed up and, accompanied by the Imperial Master, went directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Princess, I'm sorry, the emperor will not see you."

General Zhou Yuan blocked her way.

"Go tell Lu Hao that this princess must see him today!"

The Ninth Princess is still very angry.

"Princess, the Emperor is very busy now and has no time to see you!"

General Zhou Yuan said perfunctorily.

"Lu Hao, you are a coward, don't you even dare to see me in front of this princess?"

The Ninth Princess saw the right opportunity, bypassed General Zhou and rushed towards the city lord's mansion.

"Princess, princess..."

General Zhou was about to chase her, but was stopped by two maids.

The ninth princess walked towards the hall and shouted loudly: "Lu Hao, get out of here, princess."

At this time, Lu Hao was studying the map in the hall, thinking about how to use his military advantage to completely defeat the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.

Hearing this angry voice, Lu Hao turned around and saw an extremely beautiful woman appearing at the door of the hall.

"Your Majesty, the Ninth Princess..."

General Zhou Yuan came in a hurry with his people. "Okay, I understand, you can go down."

Lu Hao waved his hand towards her, indicating that it was okay.

"As ordered!"

General Zhou Yuan led his people out, and there were only two people left in the hall.

"Are you Emperor Yongtai?"

Princess Ninth stared at the handsome boy in front of her, her eyes full of curiosity.

In her impression, Emperor Yongtai must be a ferocious, ugly, cruel and vicious old guy.

However, she didn't expect that it was a handsome guy who completely subverted her outlook on life.

Lu Hao also looked at the stunning beauty in front of him, but he was not so obsessed with her, just more curious.

There is no way, Lu Hao is surrounded by stunning beauties, and his immunity to beauties is still very high.

"Didn't I ask you to go back? Why are you here?"

Lu Hao said puzzled.

"Why don't you see me? Is this princess a ferocious beast? Or are you afraid that if you see me, you won't be able to let me go?"

Ninth Princess asked coldly.

"Ninth Princess is very confident in her beauty!"

Lu Hao suddenly became interested.

"You are studying the map of the Western Region. You don't want to annex the entire Western Region, right?"

The Ninth Princess walked slowly and found the map on the table.

"Annexing the Western Region? Well, this annexation is used very well, why not conquer it?"

Lu Hao did not deny it.

"So, the emperor is planning to conquer the entire Western Region?"

The Ninth Princess's eyes were cold and cold.

"The Western Region is just a side dish for me to dominate the world. I don't see any problem in conquering the entire Western Region."

Lu Hao said in a deep voice.

"But to launch such a large-scale war to satisfy your own selfish interests, don't you know that many people will die?"

Princess Ninth asked coldly.

"People will definitely die in war. Of course, if Zheng Guo is willing to surrender, there will be no need to die."

Lu Hao didn't take it seriously at all.

"Surrender? Why should we surrender? You are the heinous invader. You invaded our country, slaughtered our soldiers, and enslaved our subjects. You are the real devil!"

The Ninth Princess suddenly lost control of her emotions and began to curse.

"Ninth Princess, if you are done scolding me, then go back. I am not in the mood to vent my anger on a little girl like you."

Lu Hao responded calmly.

"This princess is here to get married. I will not go back."

After the Ninth Princess finished speaking, her face turned red.

"Don't go back? Are you really planning to sleep with me? Don't be stupid! Go back, go back..."

Lu Hao pointed to the door and motioned for her to get out of here.

"I'm going to bed if I'm going to bed. This princess has not completed the task assigned by her father. She will die if she goes back! It's better than..."

When the Ninth Princess said this, her face turned even redder.

"I still have things to do. If you figure it out, you can go back by yourself. I don't have time to take care of you!"

Lu Hao said, taking out another map and studying it carefully.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

Whether it is the era of cold weapons or the era of hot weapons, topography, climate and astronomical phenomena have a crucial impact on war.

However, the maps of the entire Western Region are from different versions, and many places are not comprehensive. In other words, in order to save trouble, the mapmakers will mix them up and give a rough terrain label.

It's like there is a col or a depression between two mountains. However, to save trouble and simplicity, often only the mountains can be seen on the map, but there are no other signs.

(End of this chapter)

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