Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 789 The three-nation coalition must be defeated

Chapter 789 The Three Kingdoms Allied Forces Will Defeat
After all, Lu Hao had no contact with the Xixia Kingdom, and he had no credentials.

How could he possibly recognize the seal of the King of Xixia?
"Master Ji, I can't tell whether this is the seal of the King of Xixia? Don't you have anything to prove your identity?"

Lu Hao asked with a grimace.

"The foreign minister is the commander of the palace guards. This is the foreign minister's belt as the commander!"

Master Ji took off another sign from his waist and handed it over.

Lu Hao looked over it over and over, then handed the letter and the sign to Xuanyuan Lingyu and General Zhou Yuan.

After reading it, the two beauties nodded slightly to him, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the letter seal and this brand.

"Let's do this. I believe you were sent by the King of Xixia. However, I do not agree with the plan proposed by the King of Xixia. If you are not willing to go to war, then let the army of the Xixia Dynasty withdraw from the lands of Jin and Shu. ."

Lu Hao said coldly.

"Your Majesty, the foreign ministers thought that Xixia occupied those lands first, and the two countries joined the Chinese Empire later. Therefore, Xixia should get those lands, and we Xixia will also send you a beautiful princess. Why not? Woolen cloth?"

Mr. Ji argued hard.

"Go back and tell the King of Xixia that not only must you evacuate the lands of the two countries, but you must also send a princess over. Otherwise, I will definitely send troops to attack Xixia and destroy Xixia!"

Lu Hao was full of murderous intent and didn't buy it at all.

"Your Majesty, our King of Xixia is sincerely willing to have good relations with the Chinese Empire. Please think again, Your Majesty!"

Master Ji also looked a little embarrassed, but he was still struggling.

"Don't think twice, just follow my words and reply to the King of Xixia and withdraw the army before the New Year. After I defeat the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, I will send my troops northward. If there are still Xixia troops on the territory of Jin and Shu by then , I am not as easy to talk to now."

Lu Hao's voice was still cold.

"Let's do this. If the emperor defeats the Three Kingdoms Alliance, we will withdraw our troops. If not, those lands will belong to Xixia!"

Lord Ji is quite cunning.

"I can tell you that the Three Kingdoms Alliance will be defeated! As for whether you will withdraw your troops or not, I don't want to care now. After I defeat the Three Kingdoms Alliance, I will directly send my troops north to destroy Xixia!"

Lu Hao was very domineering and did not give Xixia any room to relax.

"If this is the case, Xixia will send troops to help Zheng Guo, and then the pressure on the emperor will be even greater."

Master Ji said in a deep voice.

This bastard actually dares to threaten me. He really doesn't know how to live or die!

"Okay, if you Xixia sends troops, I will be happy to ask for it!"

Lu Haosi was not afraid.

He just hoped that Xixia would send troops southward so that they could be eliminated together.

Lu Hao's original strategy was to drive away the armies of other countries from the territories of Jin and Shu. Later, he felt that there was no need to recover city by city.

As long as the coalition forces of the Three Kingdoms are defeated, the troops occupying Jin and Shu will definitely be scared to death and flee quickly.

As for the things they took away, Lu Hao would make them spit them out sooner or later.

"Your Majesty, is there no need to discuss this deal?"

Mr. Ji didn't look very good.

"Withdraw the army according to my wishes and send the princess. Otherwise, let the King of Xixia wait for the two main legions of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire!"

Lu Hao didn't give in even a step.

"The foreign minister must bring the news to the King of Xixia, so I say goodbye!"

Lord Ji clasped his fists in salute and stormed away angrily.

Lu Hao and three others were left in the hall.

"Your Majesty, you are such a pervert! How can you want another princess?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu pursed her lips and snickered, mockingly.

"This King of Xixia also thinks that I am a big pervert. He actually wants to exchange the land of Jin and Shu for giving me a princess. He really thinks that I am being taken advantage of!"

Lu Hao said coldly with a dark face.

"Your Majesty, if you are at odds with Xixia now, the King of Xixia might be angry and send troops to attack us." General Zhou Yuan reminded.

"I'm afraid that he won't send troops. As long as he sends troops, I will have enough reasons to destroy Xixia!"

The corners of Lu Hao's mouth curved into an evil arc.

"Your Majesty, we haven't destroyed the Zheng Kingdom, and there is also the Yue Kingdom. How can we free up our hands to deal with the Xixia Dynasty?"

General Zhou Yuan said in confusion.

"I can destroy the State of Zheng at any time. It can be said that it is effortless and there is no difficulty at all."

Lu Hao smiled and shrugged, acting very relaxed.

"It's indeed not that difficult, but if we stay here all the time, how long will it take to destroy the Zheng Kingdom?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu was extremely depressed.

"Who said we were hiding here? I asked the army to contain the Zheng State's army. In fact, Cao Ming and General Ding have already swept half of the Zheng State."

Thief Lu Hao chuckled.

That's it!

The two beauties looked at each other and seemed to understand Lu Hao's intentions.

"But if we don't send troops, it will be difficult to deal with their armies when they get together."

Xuanyuan Lingyu frowned and said.

"It's okay. I still have a chess piece in Penzhou City. As soon as they arrive, we will dispatch a pincer attack on the coalition forces at the same time and ensure that they will be beaten to pieces."

Lu Hao was confident and had already made a plan.

"Then when can we move out?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu asked.

"Look, as shown on the map, Baya City is the east gate of the capital of the Zheng Kingdom. From here to the west, although the terrain is somewhat gentler, you can still ambush the enemy..."

Lu Hao pointed at the map and began to explain.

From Hanzhou City to Xunyang City, in addition to Boya City, there is also a small city without a solid city wall. For the Imperial Central Army, it is like walking on flat ground.

Of course, if there were no defenders along the way, Lu Hao's cavalry could reach Xunyang City, the capital of Zheng State, within one day.

For a small country like Zheng with no depth of defense, the Chinese Empire can be easily destroyed, it just depends on when it starts taking action.

According to Lu Hao's guess, the armies of the Zhou Dynasty and the Yue Kingdom will definitely go straight to Xunyang City and fight the Chinese Empire's army in Xunyang City.

However, Lu Hao would not tolerate them, and had already thought of a strategy to encircle them and call for reinforcements.


The inn next to the city lord's palace.

Kuang Wuya, the Imperial Counselor of the State of Zheng, had just received the news from General Zhou Yuan and hurried back to the inn, heading towards the luxurious room upstairs.

Along the way, Kuang Wuya's mind was still buzzing, and he couldn't believe Emperor Yongtai's decision at all.

"Princess Qi, Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire wants us to go back."

Kuangwuya bowed and reported.

"What? Go back?"

The ninth princess was shocked.

"Yes, General Zhou Yuan of the Chinese Empire just sent a message, saying that the emperor has no intention of accepting the princess and wants us to go back to where we came from?"

Kuangwuya responded with an embarrassed look.

"What? If you don't accept this princess? Then let me wait here for how many days? Who does he think he is? This princess doesn't care!"

The Ninth Princess felt insulted and became furious.

(End of this chapter)

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