Chapter 738
Far to the north is Xijin City, the capital of the Xixia Dynasty.

In the palace at this time, King Nalan Shengtian of Xixia, Prime Minister Yu Wensu, General Helian Chunsheng and several important officials of the imperial court were discussing important matters in the emperor's study room.

Ever since he received the news that General Zhong's army had been destroyed, Xixia King Nalan Shengtian had always had a dark face, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

The prime minister and the general, both civil and military, are the pillars of the country and the backbone of the Xixia Dynasty.

When they learned the news, they were also stunned and couldn't believe their ears.

"Your Majesty, General Zhong was really defeated by Emperor Yongtai?"

Prime Minister Yu Wensu asked in a deep voice.

"The news is absolutely reliable, you can see for yourself."

Nalan Shengtian handed the intelligence to the prime minister.

General Helian Chunsheng also came up. After the two of them read it, their faces became extremely ugly.

"Why is Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire in Jindu City? It's unbelievable!"

Prime Minister Yu Wensu sighed loudly.

"This Emperor Yongtai has created many miracles. Not only did he defeat the Sui Empire to pay for the princess, but he also destroyed the Eastern Turks. He also just wiped out the northern prairie. It is said that his own strength has reached the master level..."

Helian Chunsheng knew Lu Hao very well, and he also knew his deeds very well.

"According to the intelligence, there are only [-] defenders in Jindu City. However, General Zhong led an army of [-]. How come the entire army was destroyed? Is this Lu Hao really that powerful?"

Prime Minister Yu Wensu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

There is no doubt that Lu Hao is definitely an ambitious person and a powerful enemy!

"The intelligence showed that General Zhong was ambushed and was burned by fire. Obviously Lu Hao is a military genius who is good at taking advantage of the environment! I really want to compete with him!"

Helian Chunsheng's eyes flashed with blazing light.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? Are we going to go to war directly with Lu Hao?"

Li Xiande, Minister of War, asked.

"This time General Zhong sent his troops south and has captured six cities in the Kingdom of Shu. On the other hand, he has also captured four cities in the Kingdom of Jin. I really don't want to lose them!"

Nalan Shengtian pondered.

"Your Majesty, intelligence shows that the Zhou Dynasty is besieging Jindu City. We don't have to rush to go to war with the Chinese Empire. After all, we are bordering the Chinese Empire and they can attack us at any time."

"The old minister's opinion is to stay away from the edge for the time being, wait and see what happens, wait for the opportunity, and reap the benefits."

Prime Minister Yu Wensu Jin said.

"Reaping the benefits? It's easier said than done. Once the Zhou Dynasty conquers Jindu City, we may not even have a chance to drink soup."

Helian Chunsheng objected.

"The general means to send troops to attack Jindu City? I wonder how sure it is that the general will lead the army?"

Nalan Shengtian looked at General Helian with great interest.

"Now the Zhou Dynasty is determined to win Jindu City. It wants to open a passage to the east and get a share of the Jin Kingdom. Lu Hao blocks his route to the east, which gives us a great opportunity."

"What the general means is that we don't have to worry about the gain or loss of Jindu City. Before the Zhou Dynasty moves eastward, we can just take advantage of the large tracts of land in the Jin Kingdom."

"As for Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire, we will give it to the Zhou Dynasty first. After we get the land of Jin, we will join forces with them to attack Emperor Yongtai. However, let them take the lead. We will decide based on the situation."

Helian Chunsheng's eyes rolled, shining with the light of wisdom. "General, Emperor Yongtai is not so easy to defeat with the powerful Chinese Empire on his back, and it is said that General Pingxi of the Chinese Empire has sent an army of tens of thousands of people and is rushing to Jindu City."

Li Xiande, Minister of War, said in a deep voice.

"The general knows this. It's just a grain transport unit, and we can intercept them in Jin territory. By then, our army will not even have food and grass."

Helian Chunsheng chuckled.

"Cutting off the enemy's food and grass will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the enemy. By then, Jindu City will be an isolated city and will be captured sooner or later. However, there are ongoing conflicts in Jin and the situation is extremely complicated. If you want to send troops, be cautious."

Prime Minister Yu Wensu nodded slightly and felt that it was still possible to send troops.

According to the general and his wishes, it would be better to send troops to the Jin Kingdom to compare prices. Anyway, the Shu Kingdom has almost occupied it, and the Jin Kingdom still has many places that can be captured.

"The general is the pillar of the country. There is no need to go this time. Let General Wei Li lead an army of [-] people to go south to assist General Ge and continue to occupy the cities of Jin."

Nalan Shengtian said decisively.

"Follow the king's orders!"

The three of them bowed slightly and retreated.

Nalan Shengtian walked to the window and looked towards the south, his eyes shining like fire.


Jindu City was full of carnival, and the soldiers and civilians had fun together, making everyone feel the warmth of the Chinese Empire family.

Many refugees actively asked to join the empire and become its subjects in order to be protected by the empire.

Originally, Lu Hao was worried that these refugees would be difficult to deal with. It would be great if they were willing to join the empire.

Seeing that so many people were willing to join the Chinese Empire, Princess Furong immediately stood up and knelt down to Lu Haoyingying.

"Fu Rong, why are you kneeling down? What's the matter? Get up and talk?"

Lu Hao asked with a cheerful smile.

"Dear Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire, as the new head of the Shu Kingdom, on behalf of all the common people of the Shu Kingdom, I am willing to join the Chinese Empire, and I am willing to seek the permission of the Emperor Yongtai."

Princess Furong said loudly.

Her voice was loud and involved the entire Shu Kingdom. Everyone looked over and the scene suddenly became quiet.

After all, she is now the apparent new leader of the Shu Kingdom, and she also wants to find a way out for the common people of the Shu Kingdom to survive.

There are so many refugees in the current capital, and there must be many cities around it. Moreover, these occupied cities will definitely be looted by other dynasties, and the people's life will be very difficult.

Now only by joining the Chinese Empire can we truly find a way out for all civilians.

"Since you mentioned it last time, I have discussed this matter with the imperial cabinet, and the imperial cabinet has expressed its willingness to accept Shu as a member of the Chinese Empire."

Lu Hao stood up as he spoke, glanced across the square, and said loudly: "Tonight, in front of everyone, I announce that I will accept Princess Furong's request and accept the annexation of Shu into the Chinese Empire!"

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Chinese Empire!"

Everyone immediately fell to their knees and shouted long live.

"From today on, the Kingdom of Shu is the territory of the Chinese Empire. The subjects of the Kingdom of Shu are the subjects of the Chinese Empire and will be protected by the Chinese Empire. Master Deng, immediately issued a statement to the outside world to ask all dynasties that invaded the Kingdom of Shu to withdraw their troops. Otherwise, China will The empire will send troops to attack the major dynasties."

Lu Hao is domineering and full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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