Chapter 737
Now that Zhou Lifeng had spoken, General Shi had no scruples and started a crazy robbery early the next morning.

Many wealthy merchants in Jidong City were robbed by the Zhou warriors, and they also set fires and killed people everywhere, just like a group of bandits.

The most disgusting thing is that many girls in Ji Dongcheng received special care from these warriors and were humiliated.

The entire Jidong City is like a purgatory on earth.


In the square outside the palace, many tables and chairs have been placed.

On the general stage, a super luxurious dragon chair was specially prepared for Lu Hao.

A blazing bonfire was set up in the middle and lit. The flames suddenly shot into the sky and illuminated half of Jindu City.

Many bonfires have now been set up in several refugee settlements, and everyone is sitting together, enjoying the upcoming celebration moment.

In order to prepare for the celebration banquet, Zhou Dingbang hired chefs from all over the city to prepare delicious food for everyone.

On the grill not far away, whole cows, horses and sheep have been roasted until they are brown and sizzling with oil. After being sprinkled with spices, the aroma suddenly fills the nostrils and makes people salivate.

Exquisite pastries are placed on the table next to it, waiting for the arrival of distinguished guests.

Although there are no pastries in the refugee camp, there are definitely enough cattle, horses and sheep to take care of, and there are also some old wines sent from the city's wineries.

As for the emperor, the generals, and the wealthy heads of the city, they must be enjoying the best wine available.

In preparation for tonight's celebration, the two princesses specially bathed and changed, dressed up, and put on beautiful new dresses.

Dressed in a red dress, the elegant, gentle and virtuous Princess Heshuo is like a blooming rose, passionate and unrestrained.

The graceful figure, the forward and backward curves, the plump and erect position, is ready to come out, and there is a feeling that cannot be grasped with one hand.

Dressed in a white dress, it is the cute and charming Princess Furong of Xiaojiabiyu. She is so charming and charming that I feel pity for her, giving people a strong desire to protect her.

Two stunning princesses, one holding Lu Hao's arm on the left and the other on the right, came together.

"Greetings to the Emperor! Long live, long live, long live!"

Everyone fell to their knees and shouted loudly.

Lu Hao and the two princesses walked slowly towards the dragon chair and sat down.

"Everyone loves to be flat!"

Lu Hao showed off his emperor's style.

In the past, he was just the emperor of the Chinese Empire. This was the Shu Kingdom after all, and there was no place to show off.

Now that the subjects of Jindu City are willing to join the empire, they are subjects of the empire, and he is worthy of his title as emperor.

Originally, Lu Hao did not want to stick to Jindu City, but the situation now is completely different.

Since he promised the people of Jindu City, Jindu City will be merged into the empire's territory from now on, and these people are also subjects of the empire. Therefore, he cannot give up Jindu City.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to only rely on [-] Shu troops and [-] pistol teams to defend Jindu City.

Especially now that the pistol team consumes a lot of bullets and basically has no ammunition left.

Therefore, if we want to defend Jindu City, subsequent strategic materials must be transported.

However, transportation on these mountainous roads in the Western Region is very difficult. If you want to hold on here, you must expand the main roads.

The problem now is that the surrounding dynasties will not give you time to build roads, and they are not willing to let the Chinese Empire extend its hand.

"Today, I got the news that all the people of Jindu City are willing to join the Chinese Empire. I am here to thank the people of Jindu City, thank you for your recognition of the Chinese Empire, and thank you for your recognition of me!" "I am here today. On behalf of the Chinese Empire, on behalf of the imperial cabinet, on behalf of the imperial royal family, and on behalf of the 14 billion subjects of the Chinese Empire, I welcome you to join the embrace of the Chinese Empire!"

Lu Hao's voice was filled with internal energy and resounded throughout Jindu City.

"The Emperor is wise! The Emperor is mighty!"

Everyone shouted loudly, and the sound wave swept up and reached the sky.

"Since I came to Jindu City, I have been besieged on three sides by the Zhou Dynasty, Xixia Dynasty and Yue Kingdom. However, I have foiled their plot and used their plan to destroy the armies of Xixia and Yue Kingdom. As for the Zhou Dynasty , losing more than 3 warriors, finally chose to retreat and have gone south to Jidong City."

"In last night's battle, we seized a large amount of weapons and food supplies, which relieved the pressure on us to defend the city. I believe that as long as we unite, we will be able to defend Jindu City and defeat the three dynasties!"

Lu Hao's voice was loud and bold, and his voice shook the sky.

"The Emperor is wise! The Emperor is mighty!"

Everyone shouted again.

"Today, I am holding a celebration here to reward all the soldiers who defended the city. At the same time, I tell the world that from today on, Jindu City is the territory of the Chinese Empire. Once anyone dares to invade, they will be the enemies of the empire!"

"Those who offend China's heavenly power will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Lu Hao is domineering and full of murderous intent.

"The Emperor is mighty! The Empire is mighty!"

Everyone roared loudly again.

The whole scene was completely ignited by these domineering words.

"I have always made clear rewards and punishments. In this defense battle of Jindu City, all the officers and soldiers have contributed indispensably. General Zou, Lord Deng, Lord Jiang, General Peng and General Zhao will each be rewarded with 100 taels of gold and three pieces of gold, silver and jewels. The other generals, According to the official rank, the reward ranges from 100 taels to 500 taels of silver. Ordinary soldiers are each rewarded with 100 taels of silver..."

Lu Hao announced loudly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

All the soldiers fell to their knees.

"Now, I announce the start of the celebration, let us enjoy the wine and food!"

Lu Hao raised his wine glass.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank with Lu Hao from a distance, kicking off tonight's celebration.

These soldiers fight all the year round and only have five taels of silver per month. Moreover, the Shu Kingdom's treasury is empty and there is no money to pay for it. Otherwise, it will not cause civil strife.

In fact, Lu Hao has no money now because the palace was looted and burned by the rebels. After these people escaped, they still don't know where they went.

However, he captured so many war horses. These war horses are military supplies from the Western Regions and can be exchanged for money.

And General Peng obviously has the channels to do this, and he has already locked in the buyer at a price that is [-]% higher than the market price.

The buyer will come to inspect the goods in person tomorrow. As long as the goods are genuine, gold and silver, it is not a problem at all.

After all, there are many big businessmen in the Western Regions. They are powerful and travel among the major dynasties to do business. Once they get these war horses, they will definitely sell them at a price that is [-]% higher than the market price, or even double.

Because of the civil strife between Jin and Shu, all the major dynasties now want to annex the territories of the two countries. Maybe in the end, there will be internal strife among several major dynasties. These war horses are their scarce military supplies.

Businessmen are always pursuing profits. As long as there is business and money to be made, they will come at all costs, even to Jindu City.

(End of this chapter)

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