Chapter 626

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack..."

Someone finally yelled.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, everyone's eyes actually turned over.

When they saw the flying flags of the imperial horses and the flags of the hunting flags, the warriors of the grassland tribes knew that the imperial army was coming.

bang bang bang...

Gunshots rang out from all directions, one after another, and since it was already dark, there was no telling how many imperial troops had arrived. Gunshots were heard everywhere.

This unknown fear soon spread, and most of the tribal warriors were like headless flies, not knowing which direction to break out.

"Grenade ready, throw!"

Cui Chengjun ordered loudly.

Suddenly, more than a dozen grenades were thrown into the enemy group dozens of meters away.

bang bang bang...

Countless explosions sounded, and the war horses were frightened at the same time. Many of the war horses were in pain or frightened, and began to run wildly.

Many tribal warriors who wanted to mount their horses could not find their horses now. Even if they managed to catch a horse, they were thrown away by the horse as soon as they got on the horse.

"Defense! Defense..."

Sikong Lie ordered loudly, but found that no one listened to his orders.

As he shouted at the top of his lungs, more than a dozen personal guards rushed over to protect him, hoping to lead him out of the encirclement.

"General, we are surrounded now. Let's break out quickly."

One of the guards said.

"Breakout? Yes, yes, follow me and fight out quickly!"

Sikong Lie jumped onto his horse.

Unfortunately, after a huge explosion, the war horse flew up with its hooves and threw him away.

Sikong Lie fell to the ground and rolled twice, his eyes suddenly filled with stars.

"General Sikong, general..."

More than a dozen personal guards rushed forward.

"Leave me alone. Send an order to all generals to organize men to break out of the encirclement. Break out of the encirclement..."

Sikong Lie roared loudly.

"Yes, General!"

More than a dozen personal guards rushed to deliver the order.

The Third Army of the Empire's Central Army rushed over from all directions, and all the surrounding tribal warriors rushed towards the middle area.

Gradually, these tribal warriors gathered together, and many of them were pushed to the ground. Those behind them trampled on them, causing serious injuries even if they were not killed.

"Grenade Throwing!"

General Zeng Fan from the south also issued an order.

"Grenade and kerosene bomb throwing!"

Zhao Bingkun from the West also started throwing grenades.

"Hand grenades and kerosene bombs are thrown freely!"

General Liu Zhan from the north also shouted loudly.

All the grenades began to be thrown at the enemy crowd in the middle, and a series of explosions sounded.

bang bang bang...

The sound of explosions one after another drove the enemies towards the center.

Inside, the horses neighed and galloped, the enemy troops roared and roared, and soon it became a mess.

One hundred thousand troops were all crowded into a small area, and half of them were trampled and kicked to death.

Many people were pushed down by their own people inexplicably, and then more than a dozen people trampled on them. Even if they didn't die, they couldn't get up.

The soldiers who were ignited by the kerosene bombs rushed into the crowd like a flaming man. Many people were so frightened that they fled for their lives, or gave the flaming man a knife or an arrow.

Bang bang bang...the gunshots from the outside are getting closer...

bang bang bang...

The explosions of grenades are getting closer and closer...

Sikong Lie finally stood up and wanted to lead his men to break out, but found a large number of soldiers rushing towards him.

Until this time, he finally saw the imperial flag in the firelight.

"Shield defense!"

Sikong Lie roared at the top of his lungs.

It's a pity that his roar was drowned in the rolling torrent of steel. He was pushed to the ground by someone who didn't know who, and then the crowd surged past like a huge wave.

"Help! Help..."

"I am Sikong Lie! General"

Sikong Lie struggled on the ground and shouted.

It's a pity that these soldiers just want to escape now because grenades are thrown from behind.

This kind of killer weapon that will blow up a large area if thrown over it is like everyone's nightmare. Whenever you see a grenade coming, you will be scared and run for your life.

Therefore, no one cared about General Sikong on the ground, let alone saved him.

In the entire army, he is just a speck of dust now. Everyone just wants to escape for their lives, and they don't care whether you are a general or not?

General Sikong Lie's face was covered with blood, his hands and feet had been trampled off long ago, and the flesh of one leg had been trampled to a bloody pulp, like a piece of paste.

He tried to open his mouth, trying to call for help, but no sound came out.

Under his fiery red eyes, Dong Xiaojun's war horse galloped over and trampled on his back, killing his last chance of survival.

The killing continues...

The [-]-strong army spent more than an hour in a bloody massacre. In the end, the grassland was filled with corpses and rivers of blood, turning it into a hell on earth.

The third main force of the Imperial Central Army, under the leadership of General Dong, wiped out all the invading enemies, killed [-] cavalry, and captured countless war horses.

Lu Hao was riding on his horse, looking at the corpses everywhere, and couldn't help but rang out that classic sentence.

It will be a success!

He wants to unify the continent, establish eternal achievements, and reproduce the glory of the Chinese Empire.

Lu Hao's path is destined to be filled with bones and bones, and he will reach the pinnacle of power step by step.

Compassion and kindness are just the excuses and words of cowards.

"General Dong, clean up the battlefield immediately. Leave 100 men to guard the captured horses and weapons. The remaining soldiers will set off in half an hour to prepare for a night attack on Shadow Moon Beach."

Lu Hao issued the latest order.

Under the perception of his soul power, no one fled to the west, so they had enough time to make a long-distance attack on Shadow Moon Beach.

Half an hour later, the soldiers hastily disposed of some corpses, or moved them together, and then mounted their horses and set off.

From now on, they would fly for four hours, and at this moment, in the Chinese army's tent on Shadow Moon Beach, Sikong Changfeng was anxiously waiting for Sikong Lie's battle report.

The last battle report was from Sikong Lie, who reported that he had encountered the Empire's Third Army and was preparing to launch an attack in half an hour.

He now hoped that Sikong Lie could successfully attack in a sneak attack and deal a heavy blow to the imperial army. As the leader of the alliance, he would naturally play an indispensable role.

Ximen Hongri and Tuoba Zhiheng couldn't sit still when they learned that Sikong Lie had launched an attack. They hurried to Sikong Changfeng's Chinese army tent and waited patiently, hoping that good news would come back.

However, more than four hours have passed and there is still no news.

"Alliance leader, why hasn't the news come back from General Sikong Lie?"

Ximen Hongri was getting a little impatient waiting.

"General Sikong Lie must be leading his troops to attack the enemy, so he has no time to send back battle reports from the front line."

Sikong Changfeng explained.

"Leader, in case General Sikong Lie fails to attack successfully, should we make preparations?"

Ximen Hongri asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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