Chapter 625
"The time has not yet come for peace talks. Let's just set up camp nearby and wait for further orders from me. We will wait until General Dong defeats Sikong Lie's [-]-strong army and then we will see the specific situation."

Lu Hao asked them to stay still for the time being.

"The minister leads the order."

Gongsun Meng felt relieved now.

To be honest, she is a little girl. Although she has Lu Hao's support, it is still difficult to really convince the three leaders.

Sure enough, as she expected, the three leaders not only did not want to sue for peace, but also wanted to attack the Empire's Third Army.

Don't cry without seeing the coffin!
Since the three leaders wanted to make fun of the lives of the grassland soldiers, she could only wait for them to suffer defeat before going to peace talks.

Of course, what is called peace talks is actually a surrender. Everyone knows this, so don't make it so straightforward.

Lu Hao followed General Dong's army towards Shadow Moon Beach, which was only four hours' horse ride away from Shadow Moon Beach.

The sky gradually darkened, and it was almost dark.

Suddenly, Lu Hao, who was leading the way, tightened the reins, and his face darkened for a moment.

"What's the matter? Your Majesty."

Dong Xiaojun also condensed.

"The enemy is coming, and they are moving very fast. I guess they know our route, and they are already more than 50 kilometers ahead."

Lu Hao responded in a deep voice.

"Then what do we do?"

Dong Xiaojun asked.

"Two options are to take advantage of the enemy's unsteady footing, kill them directly, and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. The other option is to set up camp on the same spot, pretend not to know the enemy, lay a trap, and wait for them to sneak attack tonight and catch the turtle in the jar."

Lu Hao responded calmly.

"Which option is better?"

Dong Xiaojun asked again.

"There is another plan. From here to Shadow Moon Beach, it is only about a four-hour horse ride. Because they sent Sikong Lie to intercept us, a group of leaders from Shadow Moon Beach must be waiting for news here, so , they are definitely in Shadow Moon Beach now, if they kill them tonight, they can catch the enemy by surprise, and maybe they can wipe out the entire enemy in Shadow Moon Beach."

Lu Hao smiled and said the third plan.

"Then just cover up and annihilate all the enemies in Shadow Moon Beach!"

Dong Xiaojun was very excited.

"What do you think Sikong Lie will do if we go around it?"

Lu Hao suddenly asked.

"If I were Sikong Lie, I would definitely return to rescue Shadow Moon Beach."

Dong Xiaojun responded.

"If he returns to rescue Shadow Moon Beach, we can wait and annihilate them all. If they escape, because they are all cavalry, the chance of catching up is slim."

Lu Hao said in a deep voice.

"Then the emperor means to eliminate Sikong Lie first?"

Dong Xiaojun asked.

"According to the information I got, there are about [-] cavalry in Shadow Moon Beach, and they belong to three leaders. Sikong Changfeng has [-], Ximen Hongri and Tuoba Zhiheng have [-] each, and the rest are basically infantry. .”

"Therefore, after comprehensive evaluation, my opinion is to kill Sikong Lie's [-] cavalry first, and then surround Shadow Moon Beach. Even if some of their cavalry run away, it will be easier to pursue them in the future."

Lu Hao analyzed everything in detail and gave expert-level guidance.

"Your Majesty, shall we set up camp on the spot, or shall we surround him?"

Dong Xiaojun nodded slightly and asked again.

"I mean..."

Lu Hao lowered his voice.

"General, I understand!" Dong Xiaojun smiled deceitfully.

The third main force of the Empire's Central Army began to set up camp immediately after dark, and it seemed that Sikong Lie's army was not discovered at all.

Because the reconnaissance cavalry sent by Sikong Lie did not find the scouts sent by the third legion.

"Is the Central Army of the Chinese Empire so poorly guarded? Why didn't they send out scouts?"

Sikong Lie felt strange in his heart.

According to the report of the scouts he sent, the Third Army of the Empire was thirty miles away, and he only needed to charge forward to break into the camp of the Imperial Army.

At this time, it was when the enemy was cooking, and thick smoke seemed to be vaguely visible in the distance.

However, he ordered his scouts not to get too close as they might alert the enemy. Therefore, he mistakenly thought that the smoke meant the enemy was cooking dinner.

"General, since the imperial army has no defense at all, why not let us kill it."

One of his generals suggested.

"Don't worry, let all the soldiers dismount and eat. Wait until dark before launching the attack."

Sikong Lie was not in a hurry.

Today he leads an army of [-] people, and this is the largest number of troops he has ever led. Maybe he can achieve success in one battle and defeat the Chinese Empire's army.

If he really defeated the Third Army of the Empire, his name would be famous in the mainland.

"Isn't it already dark?"

The subordinate was puzzled.

"What do you know? The soldiers have been on a long-distance attack for four hours. How can we launch an attack without recovering our physical strength?"

Sikong Lie scolded him coldly.

"That's exactly what the general said."

Several subordinate generals responded in unison.

At Sikong Lie's request, all the soldiers dismounted from their horses to drink water and eat, while the horses were left beside them, freely eating the grass on the ground.

At the same time, Lu Hao had ordered Dong Xiao's army to divide into four groups and surrounded an army of [-] people from the southeast and northwest.

With his current soul power, he had already killed all the enemy's scouts, but Sikong Lie thought the imperial army was careless and didn't even send out any scouts.

All the war horses wrapped their hooves and did not run wildly. Instead, they strolled toward Sikong Lie's army.

When the encirclement was completed and the imperial troops from four directions entered the attack range, Lu Hao issued the attack order.

Under the Imperial Third Army, Dong Xiaojun had four lieutenants, namely Cui Chengjun, Liu Zhan, Zhao Bingkun, and Zeng Fan. Each of them led two thousand troops and launched attacks from four directions at the same time.

To be honest, without Lu Hao's powerful soul power, how could he possibly grasp the situation on the battlefield?How to act in unison?

"General Cui, General Liu, General Zhao, and General Zeng launched an attack according to the original plan..."

Lu Hao's soul transmitted the message and issued the combat order.

Dong Xiaojun led 2000 people to the base camp to lure the enemy, while the remaining four lieutenants led people to surround Sikong Lie's army.

This trick fooled Sikong Lie into thinking that the imperial army was cooking and eating, and thus missed the best time to attack.

The most terrible thing is that Sikong Lie asked the soldiers to dismount, drink water and eat, giving the imperial army the best time to attack.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

The four generals rushed towards Sikong Lie's army from four directions.

well deserved...

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and the war horses of the imperial army in four directions let go of their hooves. It was just a short charge, and the enemy was already sighted.

bang bang bang...

Dense bullets slanted down, and the first batch of enemies died under random gunfire before they had time to mount their horses.

(End of this chapter)

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