Chapter 555 Independent Legion
Xuanyuan Lingyu has always had a bad temper and would start fighting if they disagreed. This time, her father insisted on peace talks and kept suppressing her, which made her feel very aggrieved.

Now that Lu Hao gave the order, she could finally show off her talents.

"Okay, you can decide the specific combat arrangements yourself. I only want one result. The Zhuang people will either surrender and surrender, or they will perish from now on!"

Lu Hao's voice was extremely cold.

"Follow the emperor's will!"

All the generals knelt on the ground.

Lu Hao acted as a hands-off shopkeeper and went directly to the backyard of the city lord's mansion, where he had some food and wine brought to him, and he drank slowly.

To be honest, the alcohol content of this kind of Zhuang wine is just right, and it goes smoothly in the mouth. You won't get drunk even if you drink it all night.

Liu Ruxu and a group of generals were arranging combat missions in the hall.

Going out from the east of Yu County, there are three cities, namely Philadelphia, Tangcheng and Wancheng.

Philadelphia is in the north, with Tangcheng in the middle and Wancheng to the south. Philadelphia is now in the hands of the Moyi people, while Tangcheng and Wancheng have fallen into the hands of the Zhuang people.

Wancheng is closest to the border. It is said that Nan Gongting came to Yunmeng Mountain and lived in this city.

To the east of Wancheng is Yucheng, which is also the hometown of the Zhuang clan leader. However, the Zhuang clan does not have any holy temples, only a sacred stele with a message in Zhuang language.

Xuanyuan Lingyu and Liu Ruxu have completely different fighting styles. Xuanyuan Lingyu has a fiery temper, and her fighting style is violent and direct, without any bells and whistles.

Her order was simple. 2000 people were left behind in Yu County, and the remaining 8000 people were divided into two groups to attack Tangcheng and Wancheng.

The middle group was led by Cao Ming. After capturing the city, they immediately continued eastward and pointed their swords at the city of Delaso, where the Xinimo Alliance was concluded, forming a siege on Yu City.

Of course, Xuanyuan Lingyu is so strong because the first main army of the Empire's Central Army carries the most abundant weapons, equipment and bullets.

As the first main army of the empire, it has outstanding military achievements and can be said to be the signature of the empire. Therefore, all weapons and equipment and new equipment must first satisfy them.

Under Lu Hao's guidance, Xuanyuan Lingyu was also equipped closest to modern warfare, such as establishing independent cavalry, engineering, artillery, and logistics support teams.

This all-round setup is completely the model of an independent corps. Once coordinated operations between various services are formed in the future, it will be even more complete.

To deal with a small city like the Zhuang's, it only takes one round of grenades to blow open the city gate and open a passage with an explosive pack.

Of course, if submachine guns are manufactured in the future and new small steel cannons are formed, the combat effectiveness will increase exponentially.

As for the tanks, aircraft and artillery in the future, I can only think about it now.

Xuanyuan Lingyu was a fiery woman. Once the military operation was confirmed, she immediately issued an attack order.

Lieutenant General Zhou Yuan led 2000 people to stay in Yu County, while Cao Ming led 3000 people to kill Tangcheng from the middle.

Xuanyuan Lingyu personally led the main army of 5000 people to directly attack Wancheng in the south. After capturing Wancheng, they would make a long-distance attack on Yucheng, the home of the Zhuang clan leader.

In fact, the current Zhuang clan leader and Nan Gongting are negotiating in Tangcheng, and Nan Gongting has also sent a lot of weapons and equipment, including some crossbows and bows.

Tangcheng and Wancheng are both important strategic support points for the Zhuang people. Therefore, Tangcheng has 3 horses and Wancheng has 5 horses.

This area is basically dominated by the Zhuang people. If there is any trouble in Yu County, the defenders of the two cities will get the news immediately, and there is no way to make a sneak attack.

The current situation is completely different from that of the Qiang people in the southwest. There is no opportunism and they can only attack the city in earnest.

Because the Zhuang clan leader has never compromised, he must have closely monitored the imperial army. It is impossible to hide the traces.

To be honest, with such elite soldiers and generals, this is why the leader of the Zhuang tribe wants to compete with the Chinese Empire.

Although there are rumors that the new army of the Chinese Empire is very powerful, the First Legion of the Central Army only has 1 people, while the Zhuang tribe has 12 warriors.

Besides, the person leading the troops to fight is a woman, how powerful can she be?Could it be that so many warriors couldn't defeat one woman?
They were naturally discriminatory against women and thought how could women lead troops in war. They also heard that Lu Hao had gone to the west, so they were not worried at all.In the city lord's palace in Wancheng, the Zhuang clan leader and Nan Gongting were drinking and talking, and they were in good spirits.

It turns out that when Nan Gongting was young, he was exiled to a remote town on the border with the Zhuang people. Therefore, he could also speak Zhuang language, but he was not very authentic.

Of course, this was one of the reasons why Emperor Sui Yang sent him.

"Clan leader, the enemies of Yu County are divided into two groups and are coming to kill us."

A majestic and mighty man walked in and loudly reported.

"What? Killed?"

The patriarch was shocked.

"How many are there? Report the details."

Nan Gongting interrupted loudly.

"Clan leader, prince, the imperial army in Yu County is divided into two groups, heading east. Cao Ming is leading the army, obviously going to Tangcheng. It is estimated that the strength is about 3000 people."

"The other group heading towards our Wancheng is led by Xuanyuan Lingyu, and there are about 5000 people."

The warrior responded loudly.

"How long does it take to get to Wancheng?"

The Zhuang clan leader asked loudly.

"Xuanyuan Lingyu is about five hours away from Wancheng, and Cao Ming is estimated to be three hours away from Tangcheng."

The warrior responded.

"5000 people want to attack my Wancheng. They really don't know whether to live or die. Send the order and prepare the army for war!"

The Zhuang clan leader shouted an order.

"Yes, patriarch!"

The warrior retreated.

"Clan Chief, the weapons used by the Central Army of the Chinese Empire are very advanced and cannot be resisted by us head-on. My suggestion is to set up an ambush halfway and take advantage of the terrain to attack the enemy."

Nan Gongting spoke loudly.

"My lord, don't worry. There are [-] warriors of our clan stationed in Wancheng. All of them are brave and good at fighting. Coupled with the solid city walls and the weapons and equipment and defensive equipment sent by your lord, I guarantee that Xuanyuan Lingyu will be defeated!"

The leader of the Zhuang tribe is full of confidence.

"Clan leader, Xuanyuan Lingyu has been on an expedition for a long time, so she must be out of men and horses. Why don't we take advantage of her unsteady footing, ambush some soldiers and horses on the opposite mountain, and launch a surprise attack when the time comes?"

Nan Gongting spoke again.

"Sudden attack? Well, what the prince said is true. Xuanyuan Lingyu is arrogant and thinks that 6000 people can capture the strong city guarded by [-] warriors of our clan. Then let her suffer a little."

The Zhuang clan leader nodded slightly, obviously feeling a little moved.

Outside the west gate of Wancheng is a vast area, but a team of people can definitely be ambushed on the mountain opposite.

When Xuanyuan Lingyu was about to attack the city, the soldiers ambush on the mountain surged down and attacked the soldiers guarding the city from both front and back. I didn't believe that they couldn't defeat this little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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