Chapter 554
Defeat like a mountain!
The Qiang soldiers were hunted mercilessly, and the few remaining ones ran until they lost their pants, and were eventually shot to death.

The young patriarch never expected that the imperial troops in the city would dare to go out and set fire to the city.

Originally, his subordinates had mentioned to him that they were worried about the enemy's fire attack, but the young patriarch believed that there was no strong wind in this valley area, so even if it burned, it would not be a big problem.

However, the demonic wind tonight was very strange. Not only was it fierce, but it was also very fast and very big. The wind helped the fire and burned them so hard that they could not find the southeast, northwest, or east.

War is cruel!

The imperial army's pursuit is ruthless and endless, with a fierce style of killing everyone and never giving up.

At this moment, the young leader of the Qiang tribe was frightened out of his wits. Looking at the tribesmen who were being hunted down the mountain, he beat his chest and feet, and his intestines turned green with regret.

"Young Patriarch, let's run away quickly, the enemy is chasing us."

A subordinate shouted loudly.

"I'm going to fight them!"

The young patriarch roared angrily.

"Young Patriarch, let's leave the green hills without worrying about having firewood. Let's retreat quickly."

Another subordinate held him tightly.

The situation is over, what's the use of going up to die now?
The young leader of the Qiang tribe gritted his teeth and finally escaped under the escort of several subordinates.

Lu Hao stood on the city tower and watched the young patriarch escape, but did not kill him or leave him alone.

Because he knew very well that as long as the old patriarch was still there, the young patriarch would not play much role.

This chase lasted for two hours, and the imperial army won a complete victory. Although they did not kill the young clan leader, they wiped out most of the Qiang soldiers.

Jiang Li led the army back to the city, but Lu Hao had already disappeared.

The Chinese Empire and the Qiang people soon held a treaty signing ceremony, and the two sides also ended the state of war.

As for the other two ethnic groups, seeing that the Qiang people were giving in, they naturally didn't dare to say anything.

Lu Hao asked Liu Ruxu to withdraw his troops to Negese, where he planned to mine coal and iron ore, smelt them, and send them to the imperial capital.

Of course, mining coal and iron ore definitely requires local Qiang people, and it can also bring endless wealth to the Qiang people.

Just leave this matter to Liu Rufeng, and Lu Hao ordered the Minister of Industry to branch off the main official road to the south and build it directly to Negese.

In the future, Negese will be the strategic support point of the empire here, and it will also be the bridgehead for attacking Zheng and Yue.

Lu Hao did not immediately mobilize Liu Ruxu's troops, but asked her to temporarily station here to act as a deterrent to these ethnic minorities and avoid another rebellion.

When the Zheng and Yue states learned that Lu Hao had regained half of the country in the southwest, they immediately became anxious and immediately sent people to help the three tribes fight against the imperial army.

However, this time, the old leader of the Qiang people learned the lesson and sent the delegations from the two countries directly to Negese, letting Liu Ruxu handle it by herself.

As for Situ Tianyin's logistics troops, who were ordered to send military supplies to Qiongzhu Port, it was obvious that Lu Hao's next target was definitely Zheng and Yue.

If we fight this time, the two countries may be in danger of being destroyed.


The Zhuang clan leader in the southeast remained stubborn. After Nangong Wuhen was killed, the Sui Empire sent new people to maintain relations between the two parties.

It is said that the Sui Empire sent Nangong Fei, the eighth brother of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, and also brought [-] troops to the border towns between the two countries.

Of course, they did not dare to cross the border casually. Once the empire believed that this was an act of aggression by the Sui Empire, then they would wait for war to begin.

I heard that the Sui Empire and the Wei Empire had concluded a treaty of friendship, and they were ready to turn their hostilities into friendship and deal with the rising Chinese Empire together.

Therefore, Emperor Sui Yang of the Great Sui Empire dared to send his brothers to the Yunmeng Mountains in an attempt to disrupt the situation on the southeastern border.

Xuanyuan Lingyu led the first main force of the Empire's Central Army and was currently stationed in Yu County and did not attack again.

Xuanyuan Dingyuan, with the help of the new chief of the Moyi tribe, basically took care of all the other ethnic minorities.However, the leader of the Zhuang tribe may not be able to cope with it psychologically because the Zhuang tribe suffered many casualties last time, so he gritted his teeth and fought against the empire to the end.

Unexpectedly, after Nangong Wuhen died, the Sui Empire sent Nangong Ting, the eighth brother of Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.

Since the rebellion of Emperor Sui Yang's second brother Nangong Yu and fifth brother Nangong Lie failed, Emperor Sui Yang was very defensive towards his remaining brothers.

However, Nan Gongting has always supported him, and he is a younger brother whom he feels more at ease with.

This time, Emperor Sui Yang sent him here in the hope of slowing down the progress of the Chinese Empire.

After all, if the Chinese Empire continues to have internal strife, it will not expand outwards, and the Sui Empire will be safer.

Since Lu Hao destroyed more than 20 elites last time, the Sui Empire was ready for another battle with the Chinese Empire.

Therefore, they sent people to lobby the Wei Empire, turned their hostility into friendship, and prepared to unite to deal with the Chinese Empire.

The Wei Empire was also frightened after learning about the new weapons of the Chinese Empire, and did not want to continue to consume them with the Sui Empire.

Only then would they agree to form an alliance with them and prepare to send a naval fleet across the South China Sea to kill the Qiannan Great Plains of the Chinese Empire.

Lu Hao slowly landed at the City Lord's Mansion in Yu County.

When Xuanyuan Lingyu and the generals saw the emperor coming, they immediately knelt down.

"No courtesy! General Zhenguo, how is the situation?"

Lu Hao raised his hand and walked towards the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Xuanyuan Lingyu hurriedly followed and reported loudly: "Father has convinced the Moyi, Kanbi and other ethnic minorities, but only the Zhuang chief is stubborn and does not agree to it!"

"In addition, Emperor Sui Yang of the Great Sui Empire sent his eighth brother Nan Gongting, and also stationed [-] elite troops on the border. Apparently he wanted to support the Zhuang people."

Lu Hao walked into the hall, came to the map, and asked in a deep voice: "Which cities do the Zhuang people occupy now? Have you figured out the general military deployment?"

"The Zhuang now occupy this large area."

Xuanyuan Lingyu circled a large area on the map with her finger and said, "There are about a dozen cities, as well as some small counties and towns..."

"The Zhuang people now have about 12 troops stationed in Philadelphia, Tangcheng, Wancheng, and Yucheng..."

Xuanyuan Lingyu had obviously figured out the enemy's military deployment long ago and was ready to go to war at any time.

"Since the Zhuang people don't want to talk, let's stop talking and ask Lord Xuanyuan to withdraw."

Lu Hao said coldly.

"The general will send someone to pick up father immediately!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu responded.

"General Xuanyuan Lingyu accepts the order!"

Lu Hao shouted loudly.

"Xuanyuan Lingyu accepts the decree!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu fell to her knees.

"I order you to launch an attack on the Zhuang city. You do not need to report the specific operational deployment. You can decide by yourself. I will not interfere with the specific operational deployment."

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

"The final commander will definitely live up to his mission!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu responded with great joy.

(End of this chapter)

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