Chapter 531 Occupying Qingwan Port

Drawing a nautical chart requires precise coordinates and surrounding reference objects.

Fortunately, there are still islands around the Dawan Strait, and there are also some protruding rocks, which can be used as a reference.

But now is the hottest part of summer, when the monsoon climate brings heavy rainfall, and changes in seawater threaten to flood the reefs.

This, to a certain extent, increases the difficulty of drawing nautical charts.

With Lu Hao's powerful soul power, it is now enough to cover about fifty kilometers, and the large island discovered can be used as a reference.

Of course, Lu Hao's route selection will be based on these large islands, which will make sailing in the future much more convenient.

"General Ding, tell the helmsman, from now on, obey my orders. No matter how many turns I give, it can't be more or less."

Lu Hao said in a deep voice.


General Ding responded.

"Tell the helmsman to deviate five degrees south based on the current course, then maintain the course and keep heading west..."

Lu Hao issued the first order.

At the same time, his chart marked a deviation of five degrees, and the ruler drew a straight line.

According to his induction, he would have to sail thirty kilometers before turning back five degrees and heading west again.

In this way, we can avoid the reef hidden on the seabed and pass an island thirty kilometers away.

In other words, when you see the island, just adjust the direction and keep it westward.

Sail another twenty kilometers to the west and you will encounter another island. After passing through the south of the island, adjust southward about three degrees again to avoid the submarine shoal in front.

With a superpower like Lu Hao at the helm, the entire fleet formed a line and headed west. The mighty First Fleet of the Imperial Navy now has more than 5000 people.

There are more than 3000 soldiers, more than 2000 handyman sailors, and huge logistics supply ships.

Of course, these ships are still carrying supplies, and they will definitely be full of loot when they return.

The essence of war is robbery and plunder!

At the end of the first day's voyage, the Empire's First Navy Fleet had only traveled less than half of the sea route, and the road ahead was still long.

To be honest, on this endless sea, driving forward, it seems that you can never see the end, which makes people have a fear of the unknown.

Fortunately, the emperor, Lu Hao, remained calm and composed, and did not seem to be worried at all about getting lost in the sea.

With his super sense, it can cover a range of more than fifty kilometers, so what else is there to worry about?
After a whole day like this, Lu Hao had already drawn half of the sea chart, and also marked the surrounding islands as references.

The most important thing is that Lu Hao marked all the reefs and shoals within the sensing range.

Of course, as long as these things are done, the first fleet of the Imperial Navy will be able to gallop in this sea area.

"Your Majesty, what if a typhoon comes?"

General Ding asked casually.

"A typhoon is a tropical cyclone, and it basically comes from near the equator. It is at least thousands of kilometers away from here. As long as it is discovered early, it can be avoided..."

"Since it is a cyclone, it must be the tangential angle formed by the convection of hot air flow, which will produce a cyclone. This kind of cyclone starts out very small, and as the rotating air flow increases, more and more things are involved..."

"In the end, a typhoon was formed, but typhoons are predictable, such as the size of the waves on the sea, the sudden turn of the current, and the change of the wind direction..."

Lu Hao began to explain in detail.With thousands of years of civilization and knowledge, he knows that typhoons are not that terrible and are completely foreseeable.

Therefore, if you foresee a typhoon when sailing on the sea, you are very unlucky.

After all, such large-scale typhoons only occur a few times a year, and they always occur in summer or early autumn. They basically do not occur in winter and spring.

Lu Hao personally gave lessons to General Ding and others, explaining the principles of typhoon formation and how to avoid typhoons. It would be safer for the First Fleet to go to sea in the future.

According to this sailing speed, Lu Hao had already sensed the continental shelf early on the third day. To put it bluntly, he had arrived at Zheng State in the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu.

However, according to the map, there is another place where Zheng and Yue meet, and that is Pulu Port.

Lu Hao's original target of attack was Pulu Port, but now that he has seen Qingwan Port, Zheng's first seaport, there is no reason not to occupy it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Zheng Kingdom's naval fleet is currently stationed in Qingwan Port. Although the ships are not as many as the Empire's, they are not as big as the Empire's.

However, there is also a five-story ship, dozens of small Mengchong battleships, and hundreds of ships of various sizes.

"Inform the soldiers that the front is Zheng Guo's Qingwan Port. Our goal is to defeat Zheng Guo's naval fleet and occupy Qingwan Port!"

Lu Hao issued the combat order.

"Follow the will of the Holy One!"

General Ding responded loudly.

Soon, preparations for the landing operation were completed, and more than 100 Mengchong battleships rushed towards Qingwan Port with an overwhelming momentum.

These Mengchong fighting ships are fast and well concealed, and each ship can carry 200 to [-] people.

As a large ship, the five-story ship cannot keep up with the speed of the Mengchong battleship. However, this large-scale ship has stronger combat effectiveness and stronger defense.

The Zhengguo army at Qingwan Port saw so many Mengchong battleships suddenly appearing on the sea, and they quickly realized something was wrong.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack..."

Qingwan Port sounded the alarm.

It's a pity that many of the warships in Qingwan Port are empty of people. Even if there are a few sailors and soldiers, they can't organize an effective defense now.

What's not to mention is that the navy of the Chinese Empire is equipped with the latest rifles. This kind of powerful weapon has never been seen by Zheng's soldiers.

bang bang bang...

Messy and sparse gunshots rang out, a few Zheng soldiers fell in a pool of blood, and many soldiers fled.

It was so sudden!
The most important thing is that the Chinese Empire has just been established, and they don't even recognize the military flag of the Chinese Empire, and they don't even know who attacked them.

The only thing that can be done now is to escape quickly.

Zheng's navy's main fleet lacked training, and had never seen so many warships attacking. Therefore, they had no fighting spirit at all, let alone any resistance.

Lu Hao stood on the bow of the flagship, looking at the soldiers who had fled, with a cold arc on his lips.

Zheng Guo and Yue Guo thought they were far away from the Chinese Empire, so they unscrupulously supported the ethnic minorities in the southwest to fight against the empire. This time, he wanted to let these guys know that the consequences of angering the Chinese Empire would be very serious.


Lu Hao gave an order and flew into the air towards the port of Qingwan Port.

(End of this chapter)

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