Chapter 530 The First Fleet
Perhaps because of spreading rumors, Nangong Wuhen's death quickly spread throughout the Yunmeng Mountains, and naturally spread back to the Sui Empire.

Emperor Sui Yang was also drunk when he learned that his son had killed the leader of the Moyi clan and was killed in revenge by the Moyi clan.

How could this idiot son kill people on other people's territory?How could it intensify the conflict with the Moyi people?

The death of Nangong Wuhen undoubtedly tells that the layout of the Sui Empire in the Yunmeng Mountains was all in vain, all in vain.

Emperor Sui Yang was not very sad. The most sad thing was that the empress Zhongli Yaxuan vowed to avenge her son.

But if you kill someone else’s clan leader, and they kill you again, how can you take revenge?
In short, this matter seems to have ended.

As for the situation in the Yunmeng Mountains, since the death of Nangong Wuhen, the other tribes have basically prepared to surrender to the Chinese Empire under the persuasion of the Moyi tribe.

Only the Zhuang people, who have suffered heavy casualties, are still determined not to let go. However, they are also grasshoppers after the autumn, and they will not be able to jump around for a few days.


After a night of running around, Lu Hao finally arrived at Qiongzhou Port at dawn the next day.

The current Qiongzhou Port is when the summer monsoon climate is strongest. Judging from the direction of the sea currents, it should be the northwest wind blowing from the sea to the land.

This wind direction will definitely help the fleet cross the Great Bay Strait, and it can increase the speed of the fleet by at least two-thirds.

Ding Rumo from Qiongzhou Port is the general of the South China Sea Fleet. After these few days of sea training, the new army from Hengyang City has gradually adapted to the wind and waves at sea.

At least one thing is that I won't get seasick, won't be unsteady on my feet, and can shoot on the windy deck.

Of course, it will probably take a lot of time to improve their shooting accuracy.

"General Ding, order the South China Sea Fleet to assemble!"

Lu Hao's voice spread throughout Qiongzhou Port.

Upon hearing this, General Ding Rumo and his men hurried towards the dock.

"Meet the emperor!"

General Ding and his men quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Free of courtesy! Flat body!"

Lu Hao responded calmly.

After General Ding stood up, he immediately reported: "Your Majesty, the entire South China Sea Fleet has undergone sea training, and the current situation is quite good..."

"Assemble the troops, I want to give you a lecture!"

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

Soon, the assembly bell rang, and all members of the South China Sea Fleet gathered on the dock.

Lu Hao rose into the air and floated in mid-air, looking down at the group of naval officers dispatched from Hengyang City and the original Qiongzhou Port garrison.

"Commanders of the Empire, starting from today, you will be renamed the First Fleet of the Imperial Chinese Navy!"

"From today on, I appoint Ding Rumo as General Jinghai of the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy..."

Lu Hao's voice echoed through the sky.

"First Fleet! First Fleet..." the soldiers roared in unison.

"As the first fleet of the Imperial Navy, you must fight for the Chinese Empire, fight for the imperial subjects, and fight for me, expand the territory, and dominate the sea..."

Lu Hao delivered a passionate speech.

Starting today, the First Fleet of the Chinese Imperial Navy finally stepped onto the stage of history and made great contributions in the empire's war to dominate the continent.

"Soldiers, I believe you have heard that the first main force of the Empire's Central Army is quelling the rebellion in the southwest, and the planners of this rebellion are the Zheng and Yue states of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu..."

"They feel that we can't hit them because they are far away from our empire, so they are doing tricks behind their backs. However, they forget that we have a powerful naval fleet that can drive to their doorstep..."

"Because, I order you to set sail immediately, cross the Great Bay Strait, and land at Pulu Port, the border city of Zheng and Yue, to severely attack their arrogance..."

Lu Hao's voice echoed throughout Qiongzhou Port.

Amidst the majestic imperial military music, the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy set sail.

As the flagship of the Imperial Navy, the largest five-story ship hung the new flag of the Imperial Navy and headed west against the violent sea wind.

To the west of the South China Sea is the Dawan Strait, which is a broad strait running from north to south. This strait is at least a thousand kilometers from north to south and more than 300 kilometers across. There are shoals and reefs everywhere.

Under normal circumstances, the imperial fleet would go up along the coastline, make a large circle, and then go south along the coastline, eventually reaching the Zheng and Yue states of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu.

However, with Lu Hao, he can rely on his powerful soul power to sense the situation on the seabed and directly cross the Great Bay Strait. It originally required a voyage of more than 2000 kilometers, but now it is only more than 300 kilometers.

Therefore, what originally took about 20 days now only takes about three days.

Of course, there is a huge risk when crossing the Great Bay Strait, and that is how to avoid the typhoons and violent weather that may form over the strait at any time.

Strong winds and heavy rain are the biggest dangers of sea navigation. Once caught in them, ordinary small ships will be torn apart in an instant, and large ships will be destroyed and people will be killed.

Of course, if there were ironclads, these typhoons would probably not be that harmful.

Such a huge risk was also the reason why the empire did not dare to attack the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu from the sea before.

Lu Hao's southern expedition to the Zheng and Yue states of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu was also purposeful. He wanted to find a safe route.

Secondly, I want to see how much damage the typhoon in the Great Bay Strait can cause?How to avoid this typhoon?Or to avoid this typhoon?

In fact, the formation of typhoons is not unforeseeable, as long as we can grasp the trend of rising warm air, which is commonly known as tropical cyclones.

Tropical cyclones are pressure vortices that occur on the tropical ocean surface. The necessary conditions for their formation are: first, the sea surface water temperature is above 26 degrees, and second, the ambient wind cuts in in the vertical direction.

Of course, typhoons generally occur near the equator, but from a dimensional perspective, the Dawan Strait is still far away from the equator. Even if there is a typhoon, it should sweep in from the direction of the equator.

The question now is, where did this disturbance that formed the typhoon begin?How to cut corners?Will it move from south to north?
Lu Hao embarked on the journey with many questions, and he must lead the Imperial Navy's First Fleet to a good start.

After setting off from Qiongzhou Port, the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy marched westward for two days and finally arrived at the Dawan Strait.

The nautical charts in this area are very complete, so we encountered almost no special situations in the past two days.
However, after arriving at the Dawan Strait, the situation became very difficult because General Ding did not have a chart here, so Lu Hao needed to maintain a high degree of vigilance.

Lu Hao was sitting on the bow of the flagship. There was a table in front of him, and on the table lay a chart that he was drawing.

(End of this chapter)

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