Chapter 515 Empire Change
Wearing a fresh and elegant little palace dress, with a bow tied around her waist and a hairpin on her head, her beautiful cheeks were lightly painted with pink and white, which gave her a unique flavor.

Covered with a soft gauze, a pair of snow-white lotus-root arms are hidden, giving people a vague sense of mystery.

Slender figure, proud body, almost no fat, with a sweet smile on his face, he looks fresh, elegant, decent and generous.

"Meet Mr. Lu!"

Xu Zimo bowed slightly and saluted.

"You're welcome, Miss Xu! I am here as an invitation, and I hope Miss Xu will not hesitate to teach me!"

Lu Hao seemed very humble.

"Mr. Lu, since you said so, I will definitely not let you down!"

Xu Zimo's words were soft yet firm.

"Women will not let men down! I will wait and see!"

Facing the aggressiveness of the beautiful woman, Lu Hao did not give up at all.

"Master Lu, please take a seat and serve tea!"

Xu Zimo explained loudly.

She took a deep look at this noble and handsome guy, twisted her waist and turned away.

Now that the emperor is here, what are you waiting for?

"Young talents, welcome to the Taoist Forum. Our Taoist temple only talks about the way of governing the country. We don't care about the political affairs of the court. We only talk about our own opinions. We don't talk about the government. We only comment on history, not the present..."

Xu Zimo once again elaborated on the purpose of the Daoguan, so as not to follow the truth.

After all, discussing government affairs is a capital crime, and it is difficult to escape the death penalty. If you avoid these pitfalls, you can still discuss the way to govern the country.

Amidst the applause of the crowd, Xu Zimo announced the start of the Tao Discussion Conference, kicking off tonight's Tao Discussion.

"Dear heroes and young talents, I would like to raise a topic tonight as a way of stimulating others. If you have different opinions, please feel free to speak out..."

Xu Zimo said loudly.

"Ms. Xu, what are we talking about tonight?"

There is a handsome guy who is already on fire.

"Master Wu, tonight's topic is to discuss the replacement of empires. Is it an inevitable process in history?"

Xu Zimo directly threw a shocking thunder.

Everyone knows that Lu Hao's newly established Chinese Empire has replaced the previous Great Yan Empire. Now that she actually lets everyone talk about this matter, won't it touch the emperor's nerves?

When the emperor was angry, he buried his corpse for thousands of miles!

Her topic immediately silenced everyone.

When Lu Hao heard her words, an imperceptible murderous intent flashed across his face.

"That's so bold! How about..."

Zhang Zhongwei asked in a low voice.

His meaning was very clear, asking Lu Hao if he wanted to arrest someone?Or should we say kill them directly to avoid future troubles?
"No! I want to see who is discussing the replacement of the empire here?"

Lu Hao snorted coldly.

"Since Miss Xu has raised the topic, Xiaosheng will boldly talk about the replacement of the empire..."

Mr. Wu just stood up slowly, walked directly to the round platform in the middle, and started a long speech.

"The process of world historical development and the replacement of imperial dynasties is nothing more than the fact that the previous dynasties can no longer adapt to the changes of the times and are rotten from the roots, or in other words..."

Lu Hao felt that this boy was very cunning and did not mention the Chinese Empire replacing the Great Yan Empire at all.

Seeing someone so tactful, people who came after him would naturally not touch the political affairs of the empire and never mention the matter of Lu Hao ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor.Xu Zimo thought that someone would accidentally touch this bottom line, thus leading to the conclusion that the Chinese Empire should not replace the Great Yan Empire, thus achieving the purpose of humiliating Lu Hao.

It's a pity that these guys can talk about Tao, so how can they not know this, so they are naturally careful not to touch the bottom line of the empire.

This kind of argument continued, making Xu Zimo unable to sit still any longer.

"Master Lu, don't you express your opinion?"

Xu Zimo looked at Lu Hao opposite and asked loudly.

"Since Miss Xu has called her by name, it seems a little unreasonable for me not to say a few words!"

Lu Hao stood up with a smile.

Zhang Zhongwei and Yi Ruyan, who were standing next to him, immediately bowed slightly to show respect.

"Speaking of the replacement of empires, this is a historical process, but it is an appearance. The real historical process is the progress of civilization and the progress of productive forces..."

Lu Hao hasn't finished speaking yet.

Xu Zimo asked loudly: "Master Lu, I don't know what productivity you are talking about? We are very confused."

"Productivity is the ability of human beings to utilize and transform nature. It represents the progress of human society and the relationship between man and nature..."

Lu Hao explained loudly.

To be honest, if he hadn't learned these things before, it would have been harder for him to tell them.

However, Lu Hao's knowledge from two lifetimes was enough to crush these minions and shock the beauty who was causing trouble for him.

Although what he said was easy to understand, these uncivilized races had no idea what he was talking about.

However, they seemed to think that what Lu Hao said was somewhat reasonable, at least it gave them a sense of uncertainty.

"However, all of this comes from human beings' knowledge and understanding of the known world, and the research and exploration of all natural phenomena, rather than discussing some illusory things like you do here!"

Lu Hao's last words rejected them all.

"Mr. Lu, do you think our discussions on how to govern the country are illusory?"

Xu Zimo stood up angrily.

"The way you talk about governing a country, don't you know how to govern a country? If you don't know this way, what kind of way is it?"

Lu Hao looked at the beauty with disdain on his face.

"In the whole world, is it the land of the king? Is it the land of the king? Is it the ministers of the king? The purpose of governing a country is to share the emperor's worries, provide suggestions for the emperor, and find talents for the emperor..."

"The way of governing a country is naturally the principles and policies of governing the country, the direction of the empire's policies, and the future development direction of the empire..."

Xu Zimo said loudly.

"Miss Xu, I wonder which direction you think the empire should develop?"

Lu Hao's question was sharp and hit the mark.

"The direction of the empire's development is the empire's major political policy. A little girl doesn't dare to make any rash comments!"

Xu Zimo avoided the important and took the easy.

"I think there is nothing wrong with the empire's major policies. Emperor Yongtai's talents and strategies, as well as his literary and military skills, are enough to shock the ancient and modern times. Not to mention defeating the Sui Empire, recovering the Eastern Turks, and incorporating the Far East Prairie into the empire's territory... "

"Even any of the three major projects, the expansion of four official roads, the opening of the Grand Canal, and the opening of the dark forest, each of them is a major project that benefits the country and the people. Can you think of it? Can you give your opinion?"

Lu Hao couldn't help but sneer.

This kind of imperial grand strategy, not to mention these young talents, even many ministers and bachelors of the empire cannot understand Lu Hao's magical operations.

After all, the knowledge they possess, compared with Lu Hao, is that the light of fireflies competes with the sun and the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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