Chapter 514 On The Gym

Sometimes man-made disasters, sometimes natural disasters, sometimes floods...

There are so many things, big and small, that it seems that this emperor is not that easy to be!
Lu Hao had finished handling a lot of things, and it was almost noon. After lunch, he met with Mr. Meng, the master of Wenyuan Pavilion, in the afternoon.

The empire wants to reform the entire education system, so it needs to build many schools across the country and offer subjects such as literature, arithmetic, geography, history, science and technology, and physical education.

The teaching materials of these schools are being compiled and divided into different stages. What you learn in the early stage is basic knowledge, and there will be many professional colleges in the future.

The most important thing is that Lu Hao wants to build this kind of school with reinforced concrete and build tens of thousands of universities, middle schools and primary schools across the country.

Such a grand and huge project, as well as the soon-to-be-completed education system, will make a leap in the technological level of the entire empire and the entire continent.

Lu Hao hopes to help the entire continent transform from the steam age to the electric age, and transcend feudal society and enter capitalist society.

In order to achieve the overall progress of society, education is the foundation and the top priority.

Lu Hao is using his own memory to help formulate textbooks for students at all stages. Of course, these textbooks are only a framework and need to be gradually improved in the future.

The great bachelors of Wenyuan Pavilion and Imperial College were so impressed by Lu Hao's profound knowledge that they even worshiped him.

As for various professional institutions of literature, the empire collected outstanding talents from all over the country and established the most top-notch institutions of higher learning.

For example, if you practice art, you can invite the most famous painters from various places and let them formulate courses and improve the teaching content and assessment mechanism.

Lu Hao believes that as long as the framework is established, it can be gradually improved and eventually meet his own requirements.

The empire built schools, equipped them with teachers, and then provided free food and accommodation for students and teachers, so that children from poor families could enjoy the same education.

As for whether they can become talents, it can only depend on the children's own performance.

Lu Hao's idea is wonderful, but its implementation still requires a lot of funds, and the empire's resources are still very limited.

After all, the empire now has three major projects underway, and it also has to maintain several large legions to fight at the same time.

Since today's meeting was too long, Lu Hao ordered the imperial kitchen to prepare meals for these old scholars, and even ate with these old guys.

After a long day of exhaustion, Lu Hao was sitting on a chair, recuperating, when the footsteps of Zhang Zhongwei, the Minister of Punishment, could be heard outside.

"Your Majesty, I am here to accompany you to the Taoist Temple."

Zhang Zhongwei's voice came.

"You are now the Minister of the Ministry of Justice. Who dares to talk nonsense? How can you talk about Taoism?"

Lu Hao glanced at him.

"Your Majesty, I am just your personal bodyguard and will never say anything."

Zhang Zhongwei smiled flatteringly.

At this time, he had indeed changed into ordinary guard clothes, and he did not carry any weapons.

"Your Majesty, let the ministers mobilize the imperial guards to protect you."

Yi Ruyan appeared behind Mr. Zhang.

She obviously got the news and arranged for the imperial guards to protect the emperor.

"Ruyan, why haven't you seen Rushuang in the past few days?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Reporting to the Emperor, Rushuang is training personal guards these days and is preparing to equip them with pistols."

Yi Ruyan responded.

"Should all the Imperial Guards be equipped with pistols now?" Lu Hao slowly straightened up and asked casually.

"Not all of them. They are only equipped with pistols when they are on guard duty in the palace."

Yi Ruyan answered truthfully.

"There are too many people in the Guards. Please discuss with Rushuang and ask her to send half of the soldiers to Hengyang City and hand them over to the national counselor Liu Rufeng so that she can continue to train the new army."

Lu Hao explained casually.

"Subordinates take orders!"

Yi Ruyan responded.

The three of them left the palace and went straight to Xu Zimo's Taoist Temple, but they did not bring any more guards.

After all, if you bring so many people, it will definitely cause unnecessary panic, and you won't be able to really hear the talented people discussing state affairs, studying the methods of governing the country, or offering strategies for governing the country.

The Taoist Hall is located in the imperial city of the imperial capital, and it is very close to Mr. Xu's residence. Maybe it is the property of the Xu family.

It is said that as long as you think you are a talented person, you can come to the Lun Dao Hall to sign up and submit your method of governing the country. If it is approved by Xu Zimo, you can become a guest of the Lun Dao Hall and receive free food and accommodation.

This kind of favorable conditions, coupled with Xu Zimo's stunning appearance, immediately attracted many young talents.

Even if you can't become a talented person, if you get Miss Xu's favor, wouldn't you be able to reach the top in one step?
The young talents who came from all over the empire ranged from uncles in their 40s to 60s to old men in their [-]s and [-]s. They were a mixture of different religions and schools.

Xu Zimo got the news that the emperor was coming and immediately started making preparations.

A few very talented young men were specially selected to deliver a fatal blow to Lu Hao at the Dao Discussion Conference. Even if they could not defeat him completely, they would still be able to render him speechless.

There was no way, this damn emperor dared to imprison her grandfather, this revenge must be avenged, and it must be avenged beautifully.

Therefore, she invited her grandfather to watch from behind, how she helped her grandfather get revenge.

The gymnasium has two floors. The upper floor is for distinguished guests, while the lower floor is the hall and a circular high platform.

If you have a way to govern the country, you can go to the stage to give a speech. At the same time, you should also accept questions and debates from everyone to explore better ways to govern the country.

Logically speaking, the empire would not allow them to do this. After all, discussing state affairs was a serious crime of beheading.

However, since the decline of the Murong royal family, Xu Zimo founded this Taoist temple to find talents who could dominate the world.

After Mr. Xu was arrested, Xu Zimo wanted to meet the new emperor of the Chinese Empire, but the Minister of Punishment did not allow her to disturb Lu Hao.

It wasn't until Mr. Xu was released that she thought of inviting Lu Hao to her Taoist gym, hoping to give Lu Hao a blow and vent his anger on her grandfather's behalf.

At this moment, the hall of the Gymnasium was already overcrowded.

More than twenty tables, large and small, were filled with people of all kinds, and in front of each person were the precious teas and exquisite snacks provided by Lundao Hall.

Everyone was talking to themselves, or chatting, and didn't pay attention to Lu Hao and the other three.

The three of them walked into the Taoist Hall and were led directly to the luxurious private room on the second floor by Mr. Zhang, the Minister of Punishment.

You can overlook the entire hall from here, and you can also see the circular high platform in the middle.

Xu Zimo recognized Zhang Zhongwei at a glance and quickly stood up to greet him.

"Miss Xu, this is Mr. Lu, who is here specifically to listen to your discussion."

Zhang Zhongwei quickly introduced.

(End of this chapter)

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