Chapter 424
After General Sun left, Tantai Xiyao and Xuanyuan Lingyu came hand in hand, talking quietly as they walked, and they seemed to be getting closer and closer.

"To inform the Prime Minister, the battlefield has been cleared and all the enemy corpses along the way have been buried. There are about 7 Turkic soldiers. It is a pity that Juli Khan escaped."

Xuanyuan Lingyu bowed slightly and reported loudly.

"Since Juli Khan has escaped, let him live a few more days and send someone to send him a message asking him to surrender to the truth. Otherwise, the truth will lead his army to flatten the Far Eastern Prairie and destroy the entire Turkic dynasty."

Lu Hao said coldly.

"The Prime Minister is preparing to send troops to the Far East Prairie?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Since I have traveled thousands of miles, how can I return empty-handed? As for Juli Khan, if he does not submit to me, I will definitely destroy him."

Lu Hao was full of evil spirits and was definitely not a joke.

"The final general is willing to clear the way for the prime minister!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu quickly asked for a fight.

"Don't worry, let the soldiers rest, send out scouts, and pay close attention to the movements of Liaoyang City."

Lu Hao explained.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister. The general has already sent out scouts and arranged manpower to find out the situation in Liaoyang City in preparation for our next step in capturing Liaoyang City."

Xuanyuan Lingyu replied loudly.

"Well, it went well. Let me introduce to you. This is General Sun's wife, his daughter Sun Shiya, and his youngest son Sun Guoqiang."

"This is Xuanyuan Lingyu, the great general of the Great Yan Empire, and the other is Tantai Xiyao, the true military commander. He is mainly responsible for the transmission of intelligence information..."

Lu Hao nodded slightly and introduced quickly.

"Meet Mrs. Sun! Miss Sun, and the young master."

Xuanyuan Lingyu and Tantai Xiyao hurriedly paid tribute to Mrs. Sun.

"Two beautiful generals, women are not inferior to men, they are really a blessing to the empire!"

Mrs. Sun praised with a smile.

"Sister, are you really the general of Zhenguo?"

Sun Shiya stepped forward and looked at Xuanyuan Lingyu, who was dressed in armor and uniform, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

"It's true! My sister is so beautiful!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu took her hand and praised with a smile.

"Sister, can my sister join you on the battlefield?"

Sun Shiya asked seriously.

"It's okay to follow me on the battlefield, but most of the army is made up of men. It's not very convenient to be a daughter. Otherwise, if you follow sister Xiyao, there will be no problem with her."

Xuanyuan Lingyu pushed Tantai Xiyao out.

"Sister Shiya, don't join the army. Following our prime minister and traveling thousands of miles in one night is something most people can't bear."

Tantai Xiyao said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of being tired or suffering!"

Sun Shiya looked at Lu Hao with a firm attitude.

"We will discuss this matter later. Xiyao, please contact Situ Tianyin and see where she is."

Lu Hao handed over important tasks.


Tantai Xiyao responded and took out the soul crystal ball.

I saw her hand pressing on the soul crystal ball, and the power of the soul seeped into it. The soul crystal ball shone with dazzling light. At the same time, messages were transmitted through the crystal ball.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, Sister Tianyin has arrived at Crescent Port, and she is preparing to send supplies along the coastline."

Reported by Tantai Xiyaohui.

"Very good, then we will wait for her in Gissen City." Lu Hao said solemnly.

"Sister Tianyin said that there are more than a dozen cannons and more than 500 rounds of artillery shells coming with the ship this time."

Tantai Xiyao added.

"Oh! Did she even bring the cannon? How nice!"

Lu Hao said in surprise.

It turned out that he planned to use the trebuchet and bed crossbow left by Juli Khan to attack Liaoyang City.

Now that there are cannons, these things can only be used as a auxiliary means.

As for the future invasion of the Far East Prairie, there is no need for any large siege equipment at all, because it is a prairie and is more suitable for cavalry operations.

It can be said that once the first main force army with new weapons arrives on the grassland, it will undoubtedly be more powerful than the tiger and the wolf among the sheep.

"Contact the National Preceptor Liu Rufeng and ask her if the compensation from the Sui Empire has been paid?"

Lu Hao issued the order again.

After a while, Tantai Xiyao reported back: "The National Adviser replied that the compensation has been paid, and General Dong Xiaojun is returning to the imperial capital with 12 cavalry."

"Let Dong Xiaojun lead 12 cavalry to Hengyang City, select [-] elite troops for General Liu Ruxu, and equip them with new rifles..."

"Let General Liu Ruxuliu send people to conduct shooting training and equestrian training on these new troops to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible..."

"Inform the Imperial Guard to strengthen the defense of Hengyang City. Don't be careless..."

Lu Hao issued three more orders in succession.

Tantai Xiyao used the soul crystal ball to immediately pass his order to the national master Liu Rufeng.

"Contact Tantai Mingyue, the auxiliary minister of the Military Aircraft Department, and ask the Minister of Industry to build a few official roads. After the expansion, they will be hardened with cement..."

"As for the Grand Canal plan, start excavation operations as soon as possible. Let the national divisions blow up those mountains..."

"In addition, tell Mr. Dong, the Minister of Industry, that the truth is to open up the Death Swamp and connect the Qianzhong Great Plains and the Qandong Great Plains, named the Star-Moon Corridor Project. The drawings will be sent back to the Imperial Capital later..."

"Tell the Minister of Household Affairs how much money the Ministry of Industry needs, and allocate it directly. Don't save money for Ben Xiang..."

"Order the Secretary of the Ministry of War to repatriate most of the soldiers in the Yanshan Camp, leaving 10 people enough for the Queen's eldest brother Chen Xiang to lead the Yanshan Camp..."

"The Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs will make use of the elites from the last scientific examination and arrange them into various departments in the empire. The ten best people will be directly recommended to the prime minister..."

"Ask Yi Ruyan, the commander of the Royal Palace Guards, to inform Concubine Dong Gui and Concubine Xiao Shu. After the Empress returns to the palace, everything will be arranged by the Empress and she will be in charge of all affairs in the harem..."

"Let the Ministry of Internal Affairs increase the food and clothing expenses for the concubines in the palace, and allocate another 500 million cars of silver for the repair and maintenance of the palace..."


Lu Hao issued a series of orders.

Tantai Xiyao passed all the orders back to the imperial capital according to his wishes.

Soon, a reply came from the empire, and Tantai Xiyao reported everything.

"Master Dong, the Minister of Industry, reported that several official roads are being expanded, and the National Master has sent people to carry out the cement hardening..."

"The Grand Canal project has begun. Excavating from both sides to the middle. The National Division will send people to blow up those mountains..."

"The Xingyue Corridor project can only be surveyed and designed after the prime minister's drawings are received. If the two plains are to be connected, the Meiyue tribe's residence in the middle may have to be completely relocated..."

"The remaining ministers will strictly follow the Prime Minister's orders and will never make any mistakes..."

After Tantai Xiyao finished her report, her face turned pale. It was obvious that her soul power was consumed a lot.

"Xiyao, how are you?"

Lu Hao said with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that the soul power is consumed a lot, just take a rest and it'll be fine."

Tantai Xiyao tried her best to smile.

(End of this chapter)

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