Chapter 423 Shiya’s wish

Sun Shiya looked up and found that the Prime Minister was young and so handsome. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Are you the Prime Minister of the Empire?"

Sun Shiya asked doubtfully.

"What? Doesn't it look like it?"

Lu Hao laughed dumbly.

"It's not like that, it's not like that. Shouldn't the Prime Minister of the Empire be an old guy? How come you are so young?"

Sun Shiya shook her head and spoke frankly.

"Shiya, this is the Prime Minister of the Empire, don't be so unruly."

General Sun quickly interrupted and scolded.

He turned to look at Lu Hao, bowed slightly and said, "Master Xiang, my daughter lacks discipline, please forgive me, don't blame me!"

"Miss Shiya is a person of temperament, how can she be blamed for her true nature?"

Lu Hao smiled calmly.

"Fortunately, the prime minister arrived in time this time, otherwise the city of Gissen would have been captured by the Turks, and you might also become the dead souls of the sword!"

General Sun sighed with emotion from the side.

"General Sun, you didn't send your family away, but you made me look a little impressed."

Lu Hao couldn't help but praise.

"To be honest, Prime Minister, many of the soldiers' families and relatives are in the city, so we will fight to the death against the Turks. If the general sends his family members away, wouldn't he be ashamed of all the soldiers?"

General Sun said bluntly.

"General Sun and the generals fought hard against the Turkic Khan, served the country and the people, bravely killed the enemy, and defended Gissen City. I deeply admire you. The fact that the families of the generals and soldiers were able to stay in Gissen City gave great spiritual support to the warriors at the front. Their courage is commendable. , I will definitely reward you well."

Lu Hao smiled and praised.

"Family members also receive awards? Do we get awards?"

Sun Shiya interrupted and asked.

"Of course, you are also General Sun's family, so you will naturally be rewarded."

Lu Hao smiled and nodded.

"Then what does the prime minister want to reward us with?"

Sun Shiya asked.

"You are General Sun's family. I can help you realize a wish."

Lu Hao thought for a while and responded with a smile.

"My wish is to defeat the Turks and drive them away. From now on, there will be peace and prosperity here and there will be no more wars."

Sun Shiya's young face was full of desire.

"Hahaha... Like father, like daughter. Miss Sun is actually able to care about the country and the people, which makes me admire you so much. I will definitely help you achieve your wish."

Lu Haole laughed and praised.

"Master Xiang, this is what you said, don't go back on it."

Sun Shiya looked at him seriously.

"Of course, I'll stick to my word and I'll never go back on my word, let alone cheat."

Lu Hao smiled.

"Prime Minister, my daughter has grown up in the military camp with the general. She has no rules. I hope Prime Minister will not be like her."

General Sun said quickly.

"It doesn't matter, the truth comes this time. Not only will he defeat the Turks, but he will also attack the Turks' far eastern prairie, destroy the Eastern Turk tribal alliance, and incorporate their land into the empire's territory. The Turks will also become the empire. subjects."

Lu Hao was so arrogant and domineering.

"Prime Minister, the Turkic people are fierce, hard to tame, and difficult to manage. Besides, the Far Eastern Prairie is suitable for nomadic people, not for farming people like us to rule. Even if we conquer them, we can't protect them." Will not rebel."

General Sun said thoughtfully.

"General Sun, that was the previous concept. The truth is that we will be able to manage the Turks well when the time comes. Don't worry about this."

Lu Hao is full of confidence. "Master Prime Minister, you have such a grand ambition and such a poetic and elegant little wish, it's a joke to you."

Sun Shiya said with a grimace.

"How could it be? When I complete my grand plan, I also fulfill Miss Sun's wish. There doesn't seem to be any conflict at all, what do you think?"

Lu Hao looked at the little girl in front of him and smiled lightly.

"Anyway, when the prime minister said this, I feel so small."

Sun Shiya looked bitter.


Lu Hao and General Sun looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Dad, are you laughing at me too? I'm ignoring you!"

Sun Shiya pouted and stamped her feet angrily.

"Daughter! How can you compare with the Prime Minister? The Prime Minister is a talent that is rare to see in a thousand years in this world. How can you guess what he is thinking?"

Mrs. Sun held her daughter's hand and comforted her with a smile.

"Madam, you are so flattering! Those are all rumors, so don't believe them all."

Lu Hao is very humble.

"The prime minister is a versatile man in both civil and military affairs. His poetry is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. His reputation as a poetic prime minister has spread throughout the continent. The Lu family army he built defeated Liu Mu, the king of Beiyuan, and went south to defeat the Sui Empire. They forced them to pay compensation and send the princess away, and then shelled them. Hangu Pass, forcing the Imperial Army Marshal Chen Lin to surrender in Kaicheng, everything is a legend written by the Prime Minister!"

Mrs. Sun smiled and counted every miracle created by Lu Hao.

"Yes, Prime Minister, how could you use seven days to rush from Hangu Pass to rescue Gissen City? This fact makes the general puzzled."

General Sun finally asked the question buried in his heart.

"To be honest with General Sun and his wife, the truth is that he passed directly through the Death Swamp of the Dark Forest."

Lu Hao admitted frankly and did not hide anything.

"What? The Death Swamp? No one has ever been able to cross that?"

General Sun was shocked.

Even Mrs. Sun and Sun Shiya looked confused and stunned at this time.

"The Death Swamp is not scary, but it has been demonized by the world. The truth is that I plan to send people to break through the dark forest. From here to Hangu Pass, it will only be a five or six day journey."

Lu Hao expressed his greater ambitions and goals.

Opening up the swamp of death has been something no one has dared to think about, let alone do. However, with thousands of years of knowledge and culture, Lu Hao is not very afraid of this swamp.

In fact, as long as the water flow in the swamp is dredged and no blockage is caused, there will naturally be no silt and there will be no swamp.

Even if these things were told to General Sun and his family, they would only have a partial understanding of them.

However, Lu Hao's words completely shocked General Sun and his family.

"Master Prime Minister, you want to break through the Death Swamp? Are you kidding me?"

General Sun felt incredible.

"Of course not. You have to believe the truth and you can create another miracle."

Lu Hao smiled happily.

Sun Shiya looked at the unpredictable and handsome man in front of her, her eyes were shining brightly, and her heart could not help but beat.

"The Prime Minister is truly worthy of being an unparalleled talent that has not been produced for thousands of years. I will follow the Prime Minister to the end."

General Sun knelt down on one knee excitedly and quickly expressed his loyalty.

"General Sun, there is no need to be polite! Tonight in the square of the City Lord's Mansion, the prime minister is going to host a banquet to honor all the soldiers and their families. You go and prepare it."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"The last will obey!"

General Sun took the order and left.

Ever since General Xue Yue attacked Liaoyang City, Lu Hao had sent people to send food and supplies to Gissen City and Heisen City.

Therefore, the two cities are rich in war preparation materials and daily necessities, and it is not difficult to hold a banquet to comfort the soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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