Chapter 412 The Battle of Siege
"Sister Queen, look, the prime minister's cannon is over there..."

Nangong Ruoxue pointed forward, extremely happy.

"Prime Minister, I want to see how powerful your cannon is. It is the best in the world!"

Chen Yuhuan is also full of expectations.

"Soldiers are ready, please give the Prime Minister the order to attack the city!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu and Liu Ruxu came on horseback and said loudly.

"The soldiers of the three armies obey the order, beat the drums! Attack the city!"

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

dong dong dong...

Eighteen large drums behind him sounded at the same time, and the sound of the drums was loud, starting the siege of Hangu Pass.

Lu Hao did not stay behind, but rode forward and came to the artillery position.

"Artillery ready, load!"

Lu Hao issued the order.


Lu Hao ordered again.

chi chi chi...

The cannon's powder fuse burned, and all the artillerymen immediately covered their ears.

Although they didn't quite understand what the prime minister said, they still obeyed him obediently.

bang bang bang...

More than 50 artillery shells broke through the barrel, drew a perfect parabola, and shot towards the city wall.

The huge roar was deafening and the sound shook the sky.

Chen Yuhuan looked at the scene in front of him and was completely dumbfounded.

Tantai Xiyao and Nangong Ruoxue were so frightened that they covered their ears, like two frightened little rabbits, their eyes full of fear.

Xuanyuan Lingyu, Liu Ruxu and other soldiers stared at the scene in front of them with their mouths open, completely confused.

The city defenders stood on the city wall and saw countless artillery shells falling from the sky from a first-person perspective. The huge roar mixed with the dense artillery shells really frightened everyone.

Chen Lin stared blankly at the cannonballs flying towards him, his eyes full of horror, his mind buzzing and going blank.

Boom boom boom...

Countless explosions came from the city walls.

Along with the screams, the soldiers guarding the city seemed to explode like flowers, flying out in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

In order to defend, Chen Lin deployed many defenders at the gate of the city. When such a shell fell into the crowd, one can imagine the lethality after the explosion.

What was even more depressing was that the kerosene placed on the city wall was attacked by cannonballs and was immediately ignited. For a moment, the flames shot into the sky and ignited a raging fire.


Lu Hao issued the order again.

bang bang bang...

The second round of shelling began.

Cannonballs landed on the city wall one after another, and explosions occurred one after another, achieving a saturation strike.

At the same time, on more than 30 elevated platforms, soldiers began to harvest the enemies on the city wall.

At such a long distance, the rifle's shooting range is completely sufficient, but such a long distance affects the accuracy of shooting.

Xuanyuan Lingyu and Liu Ruxu also opened fire from left to right, and began to mercilessly kill the soldiers guarding the city wall.

bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots rang out, and many soldiers on the city wall were shot and fell to the ground, and some fell directly from the city wall.

The sounds of gunfire, screams, roars, and calls for help...were intertwined.

Hangu Pass has become a hell on earth!

The soldiers guarding the city were frightened by the roar of gunfire.

After all, none of the soldiers had ever seen such a powerful weapon, but the explosive power of such a powerful weapon was too great.

Once hit by a cannonball, you are dead. Even stray bullets and flying rocks can maim a person.

"Shield defense! Dodge!"

Chen Lin roared loudly.

The defenders raised their shields, huddled in corners, or retreated to avoid further damage.

It was the first time I saw this kind of cannon. I didn't know how to defend or dodge, and I was in a mess.Many of the soldiers who were originally densely packed on the city wall were killed by the bombing, but now they were trampled by their own people, causing immediate death and injury.

Unfortunately, Lu Hao did not give them a chance and ordered the third round of bombardment.

The soldiers who had just raised their shields thought they were safe, but unfortunately, after the shells fell, the shields could not defend them.

What's even more terrifying is that the cannonball exploded in the shield, and countless shields flew out, and the damage increased several times.

"Retreat! Retreat..."

Seeing that the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, Chen Lin quickly ordered a retreat.

Lu Hao's eyesight was so good that he could tell at a glance that countless soldiers were retreating.

"Increase the elevation of the cannon by five degrees and load!"


Lu Hao issued a series of orders.

bang bang bang...

Another round of shells roared away.

The soldiers who were retreating on the city wall originally thought that they would be safe if they were out of the range of the cannons. However, what they did not expect was that these cannons seemed to have legs and ran with them.

Boom boom boom...

Countless artillery shells fell among the group of soldiers and were blown up in all directions. They screamed and screamed, and fled for their lives.

Chen Lin's face was filled with black lines as he watched the soldiers around him being mercilessly killed one by one.

These are the soldiers who have been with him for many years. If he persists like this, I am afraid that all of them will be killed.

"Lu Hao, cease the war! cease the war..."

Chen Lin's voice rang out, shaking the sky.

"Stop shooting!"

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

"Lu Hao, I didn't expect your weapons to be so powerful! But I made a mistake."

Chen Lin's figure appeared on the tower.

"Can you surrender now?"

Lu Hao was extremely angry.

"Although your cannon is powerful, you did not breach the city gate. You did not win our bet!"

Chen Lin is a tough talker.

"In this case, the truth will convince you!"

Lu Hao was filled with evil spirits.

"Father, please stop resisting and surrender to Kaicheng."

Chen Yuhuan shouted loudly.

"This commander will fight for the rest of his life and will never surrender!"

Chen Lin also wanted to defend his honor.

"Father, do you want to see all the soldiers who have followed you for many years die at Hangu Pass?"

Chen Yuhuan's voice was a little angry.


Chen Lin turned his head and looked at the soldiers who suffered heavy casualties, feeling sad for a while.

"Marshal, we are willing to follow the marshal to the death. At worst, we will die in Hangu Pass today!"

Qi Hongyan and other soldiers knelt down on one knee and said loudly.

"But Lu Hao's cannon is so powerful! More than half of the soldiers were killed or injured without even touching the corners of their clothes..."

Chen Lin's face was full of sadness, tears welling up in his eyes.

In previous battles, even if he suffered heavy casualties, the enemy would not fare much better.

However, in today's battle, Lu Jiajun had zero casualties, but he himself had already suffered more than half casualties. How could he continue to fight this battle?

"Father, I hereby promise that as long as you open the city and surrender, all the soldiers will be spared from death and can return to their fields and live out the rest of their lives..."

Chen Yuhuan loudly persuaded him to surrender again.

Logically speaking, Chen Lin's disobedience to the imperial edict was tantamount to rebellion.

He is the father of the Queen. Even if the Queen forgives his crimes, what will happen to those soldiers?
(End of this chapter)

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