Chapter 411 Array Waiting
Action was what he said. Lu Hao arranged the military affairs, and the two of them drove the carriage towards the mountains north of Hangu Pass.

Situ Tianyin drove the car himself, but Lu Hao knew how to enjoy it and hid in the carriage to rest.

When it was almost dark, the two of them arrived in the mountains to the north. Lu Hao took the cannon out of the car and aimed it at the cliff in the distance.

There is a supported wheeled base under the cannon, which can adjust the angle of the barrel. The bracket below can be lowered to support the ground and offset the recoil of the cannonball.

There are four wheels installed under this base, which can rotate the muzzle in a small range and pull the cannon over a short distance.

There is no way, this kind of cannon is too heavy, and most people can't move it without wheels.

Fortunately, the gunners trained by Lu Hao also have a certain foundation in martial arts, and their strength is not beyond the reach of ordinary people, but they can easily control this kind of cannon.

After adjusting the cannon, Lu Hao picked up the cannonball and put it into the barrel, passed the ignition door, and lit the fuse.

chi chi chi...

The sound of the fuse burning made Lu Hao feel nervous.

Although this oldest cannon has no technical content at all to him, it is definitely a qualitative leap in the era of cold weapons.

With a huge roar, a cannonball flew out of the barrel and roared towards the cliff in the distance.

There was another loud noise, and the cliff on the opposite side exploded like a goddess scattering flowers.

On the cliff in the distance, a series of collapses actually began, and large chunks of rock fell from the cliff.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Situ Tianyin was stunned and broke into a cold sweat.

Based on her strength as a ninth-grade master, it is estimated that if she is hit by a cannon, she will not die but will live half a life.

"What a great power!"

Situ Tianyin praised sincerely.

"The barrel length of this kind of cannon is 2 to 3 meters, the caliber is mostly 100 millimeters, and the weight is only about [-] kilograms. It is a light cannon, and its power can only be regarded as average."

Lu Hao responded with a smile.

"Such a powerful cannon is still a light cannon. What if it is a heavy cannon?"

Situ Tianyin was shocked.

"Light cannons are limited by the length of their barrels, and their attack distance is about more than 500 meters. If the barrels of heavy cannons are doubled, the power, range and rate of fire of the artillery will also be doubled, which is enough to break mountains and rocks, and attack cities and villages... "

Lu Hao explained with a smile.

"Master Xiang, you are truly a genius. You actually invented such a horrifying weapon. Tianyin admires you greatly."

Situ Tianyin was sincerely convinced and admired him.

"This is not a big killer. There are many more powerful weapons, which are limited by the current level of technology... Forget it, I can't tell you for a while."

Lu Hao was filled with emotions, but he was helpless.

If you want to single-handedly promote the scientific and technological progress of the entire continent, it is still a bit difficult and you must do it step by step.

Fortunately, the mainland's smelting technology has been greatly improved under his influence, and there were no explosions today.

If the smelting technology is not strong enough and the barrel's endurance is insufficient, and the barrel explodes, it will kill one of our own people.

Just now Lu Hao carefully checked the barrel of the cannon, and there was no problem at all. This made him feel very relieved and fortunate.

"Mr. Prime Minister, what kind of technological level are you talking about?"

Situ Tianyin asked.

"This... what about the level of science and technology? It is a technological innovation that has risen to the level of research..."

Lu Hao couldn't explain it clearly, so he could only tell the beauty based on his understanding.

Situ Tianyin seemed to understand it, but he didn't know why. However, it felt very novel and fresh, and he listened with gusto. "Master Xiang, do you want to try again?"

Situ Tianyin asked.

"No more trying. Save what you can. Save the artillery shells for siege warfare. Pack up your things and let's go back to camp."

Lu Hao shook his head and prepared to go home.

When the two returned to the camp, another batch of artillery shells and explosive packs were delivered, and subsequent supplies also continued to arrive.

It was not until dusk of the next day that the last batch of supplies was delivered, and Lu Hao also made preliminary preparations for the attack.

The city wall of Hangu Pass is very high, with the highest point being over a hundred meters. The lethality of the rifle is greatly affected. Fortunately, the city gate is only about 30 meters away.

Therefore, Lu Hao had more than 30 wooden platforms built. On each platform, about twenty soldiers could be placed to attack the enemy from a long distance.

As for approaching the city gate, you still need a shield as a defensive measure before you can approach the city gate and place explosives.

Fortunately, the shield soldiers of the two princes left a lot of shields behind, which were just right for use.

On the city wall of Hangu Pass, Chen Lin was checking the defenses at the city gate, as well as the powerful crossbow arrows and kerosene to assist in the defense.

In his opinion, once the Lu family's army storms the city gate, the stone and kerosene pouring down will turn the city gate into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

Could Lu Jiajun still be able to grow wings and fly up?

The first pass in the world is Hangu Pass.

No one has ever been able to attack Hangu Pass head-on, either by sneak attack or by cooperating inside and outside.

However, Lu Hao wants to be the number one to conquer Hangu Pass.

After breakfast, Lu Hao led the Lu Family Army to the outside of Hangu Pass, lined up and began to prepare for the siege.

The first to come up were the two main legions of Xuanyuan Lingyu and Liu Ruxu. They were spread out in a long snake formation, only 400 meters away.

The archer's shooting range is about two hundred to three hundred steps, which is a distance that completely avoids the archer's attack.

Behind them were fifty cannons, which were siege artillery, just able to hit the city wall.

The direction facing these fifty cannons, which is the position at the city gate, is enough to fully cover the platoons and bed crossbows on the entire city wall.

Of course, once the cannon is fired, all the war preparation materials inside the city wall will be reduced to smoke and ashes.

Behind them are more than 30 elevated platforms. The soldiers on such elevated platforms are mainly responsible for suppressing the enemies on the opposite city wall and protecting the demolitions who are about to attack below.

Protected by shields, these blasters will approach the city gate, place explosives at the city gate, and blow up the big iron gate.

Of course, according to Lu Hao's idea, there is no need to blow it up, just blow up the hinge of the door.

On the city wall, Chen Lin led the Yulin Army, already in formation, waiting to face the Lu Family Army's siege.

Chen Yuhuan appeared next to Lu Hao with two girls, obviously coming to watch the battle.

"My minister pays homage to the Empress Empress!"

Lu Hao bowed slightly.

"Prime Minister, what kind of formation are you doing? I can't understand it at all!"

Chen Yuhuan looked at such a strange formation and asked with a smile.

"Mother, the weapon used by the new army is called a rifle. This weapon has a very long attack range. Therefore, you must keep a certain distance from the enemies on the city wall and stay away from the range of the archers..."

Lu Hao explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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