Recast youth

Chapter 992 There are always difficult choices in life

Chapter 992 There are always difficult choices in life

"Tell me?"

Ye Feng was a little reluctant to talk about his own affairs, and said sarcastically: "I have nothing to say."

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng and said: "A business wizard, just a few years after graduating from college, established a company with a valuation of over 27 billion. At the age of 4, he went abroad to facilitate an investment case of [-] million U.S. dollars. This can be said in any country. It’s a business legend, why isn’t it worth talking about?”

Ye Feng said helplessly: "There's really nothing to say. I'm just lucky. I first made plug-ins, opened a studio with others, and then opened an indoor sports hall. By the way, I also registered a virtual game trading platform, and then I got lucky again. It turned out that The people at the studio wanted to make a shooting game that surpassed Counter-Strike, and then they succeeded, and slowly it became what it is today.”

Wen Yueqi clicked her tongue and said: "You just mentioned a company with a valuation of more than 100 billion in just a few words. How come others are not lucky enough?"

"So I succeeded." Ye Feng answered a little guilty.

Wen Yueqi was indeed choked by Ye Feng's answer. Then she glared at Ye Feng and said, "Since you talk so carelessly about the company's affairs, please talk about your feelings."

Ye Feng said awkwardly: "I don't have anything to say about emotional matters."

"Tell me why Kong Jingke went abroad." Wen Yueqi swayed her legs and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng suddenly looked at the time: "Sister, it's almost 24 o'clock. Aren't you sleepy?"

Wen Yueqi was unmoved: "Don't interrupt."

Ye Feng said helplessly: "Sister, it's too late to be naive. You said it so late. It's not appropriate for you to be alone in my room. If Chen Huang and the others saw it, we wouldn't be able to tell even if we were covered in words. no?"

Wen Yueqi sighed, glanced at Ye Feng, and said seriously: "Hey, who made you so outstanding? My sister has fallen in love with you. If they misunderstand, just let them go..."

Ye Feng was convinced.

Wen Yueqi did this on purpose.

Ye Feng said angrily: "Is it really impossible not to say it?"

Wen Yueqi swung her legs and looked at Ye Feng with a smile: "I have told you what is in my heart, and now you ask three questions, do you think it is okay? How about I let you guess?"

"I don't guess."

Ye Feng's face was full of resentment: "Actually, there's nothing to say. I'm doing okay in business, but my emotional affairs are a mess. It makes me very depressed when I talk about it."

"Yeah, are you depressed? I'd rather hear it."

Wen Yueqi laughed out loud, and then said to Ye Feng with great interest: "Tell me, let's talk about what happened between you and Kong Jingke. Chen Huang said that Kong Zhong is your father-in-law, and then Kong Jingke said after the concert You went abroad, what's going on with you? I'm really curious."

Ye Feng tried several times to say it, but in the end he couldn't. He sighed and said, "Hey, it's hard to explain clearly. It's a bit complicated."

Wen Yueqi guessed what Ye Feng was thinking: "Is there a woman you like next to you, and Kong Jingke also knew about this woman's existence, so she chose to quit and hid abroad?"

"That's pretty much it." Ye Feng nodded.

"Yes, you are so young and so rich, it is normal for you to have many women around you."

Wen Yueqi nodded clearly, then looked up at Ye Feng: "Then what are you thinking? It just so happens that I have nothing to do tonight. Please tell me what's going on, and I can help you analyze it and see what's going on. what to do."

Ye Feng was still a little speechless.

Wen Yueqi said angrily: "You are not a man anymore. You are coy and tell me what's wrong? You won't be able to stay in New York for long anyway. Is it going to go in my left ear and out the other?" "

"Actually, I don't know what I think."

Ye Feng sighed and looked at Wen Yueqi: "I feel like I have entered a dead end. I can't get out of it, and I can't say what is in my heart. I feel that as long as I say it, it will hurt another person, so every time the words come to my mouth When I was there, it was like I suddenly lost my voice, I couldn’t make a sound at all, and I didn’t know how to approach them.”

Wen Yueqi became serious: "Is it so serious?"

Ye Feng nodded and said with some discomfort: "One I love very much and the other I can't live up to. How do you want me to choose? Neither one is right to choose. In fact, after saying this, I already feel that it is a kind of harm to them and unfair." .”

Wen Yueqi thought for a while and asked, "Is Kong Jingke someone you can't let down?"

Ye Feng said helplessly: "How should I accept your words? If I accept your words, wouldn't it mean that I don't love her?"

Wen Yueqi heard this and looked at Ye Feng angrily: "Will you die if you tell your true thoughts so quickly? Don't you know that cutting people with a blunt knife like yours, grinding and grinding, is the most hurtful way? "

"I know." Ye Feng nodded. At this moment, he felt like smoking.

Wen Yueqi had no way to deal with Ye Feng, so she thought for a moment and said, "So, what about the other woman? Who is this woman?"

"It's my college classmate."


"Zhang Lan."

"First love?"

"It's not..."

Wen Yueqi was angry. She didn't have a knife. If she had a knife, she would even want to pry Ye Feng's mouth open and let him speak out everything in his heart. She has a keen and decisive sense of smell in the business world, but she is like an idiot when it comes to emotional matters. Same, can't even speak clearly.

Wen Yueqi was competing with Ye Feng. She endured her irritation and said to Ye Feng, "You speak slowly and I listen slowly. Your sister is competing with you today."

Ye Feng sighed and added: "Actually, it can be considered my first love."

Wen Yueqi became even more angry. Talking to Ye Feng could make people angry: "Then why did you just say that it's not your first love?"

"Forget it, think about it."

Ye Feng said depressedly, Li Man broke up after he was reborn, Zhang Lan should be the first, followed by Li Jia... Thinking of this, Ye Feng also found that his ability to deal with feelings is really poor. It can be said that It's a mess. No wonder he was over 30 years old in his previous life and couldn't even find a wife... Wen Yueqi was too lazy to argue with Ye Feng, a contradictory person, and asked: "Then what? Tell me about the specific things so that I can have a general understanding. .”

Ye Feng actually wanted to talk about it. After all, this matter had been hidden in his heart for a long time. He thought about it and said: "Actually, Zhang Lan and I were not in love when we first started. It was a confusing feeling... …”

Ye Feng began to talk about the beginning of his relationship with Zhang Lan.

When talking about Zhang Lan buying a mobile phone for herself, Wen Yueqi interrupted Ye Feng and looked at him: "When Zhang Lan bought you a mobile phone, did you do any plug-ins?"

"I did it." Ye Feng nodded.

"Does that mean you have money?" Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng curiously: "You have money yourself and you still want a girl to buy you a mobile phone? You can afford to be a weakling."


Ye Feng raised his head: "Can we still talk?"

"Can talk, can talk."

Wen Yueqi smiled apologetically and said, "Keep talking."

Ye Feng started talking again, from when Zhang Lan bought him a mobile phone to when she suddenly dropped out of school as if she had disappeared from the world, and then when they met in Yanjing and found out that she dropped out of school and returned to the company she was in charge of because her father was in jail, He also talked about the song "Scoundrel" and that he wanted to give Zhang Lan [-] million to solve the company's financial difficulties...

Wen Yueqi had been listening quietly. When she finally heard that Zhang Lan not only did not ask Ye Feng for [-] million, but even chose to serve ten years in prison and deceived Ye Feng into signing a contract for the transfer of all the property rights of Chang'an Yuan, she couldn't help but know that Ye Feng The reason why I can’t let go of Zhang Lan.

A man's best youth is when he meets a woman who is desperate for him regardless of the reason. It is estimated that he will never be able to forget her in this life.

Wen Yueqi tried to ask, if she were Ye Feng, I'm afraid there would be no way to forget Zhang Lan in this life. The matter of giving the mobile phone was okay, and the problem could be solved with money. Ye Feng went to Yanjing and gave [-] million as a favor. It was enough to repay Zhang Lan for giving her a mobile phone.

But the girl didn't ask for the money, and she was willing to go to jail and transfer Chang'an Courtyard to Ye Feng's name. This matter was a bit unforgettable.

When Wen Yueqi heard this, she almost wanted to make friends with Zhang Lan. The most important thing was that this girl was generous and had courage and peace of mind that ordinary girls did not have.

Yanjing dialect talks about situation.

Wen Yueqi feels that Zhang Lan, who grew up in Yanjing, has the kind of bureaucracy that Yanjing people say.

Wen Yueqi sighed, and then asked: "What about Kong Jingke? How did you and Kong Jingke meet?"

"That started when I created a virtual game trading platform to rent a house off campus."

Ye Feng suddenly started talking now. He recalled: "The house I rented at that time was Kong Jingke's house. At first, I thought she was quite cold and cold, and she also carried a knife. You don't know , one time I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and saw a knife behind her. What do you think? I was so scared that I didn’t dare to talk to her, for fear that she would misunderstand and do something extreme. matter."

Wen Yueqi asked incomprehensively: "Bringing a knife to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Is she afraid of what you will do to her?"

"Not at all."

Ye Feng shook his head: "This is a bit complicated to say. In short, she cut off the father-daughter relationship with Kong Zhong and cut off contact with all her friends. She took her mother to Dongzhou alone. At that time, her mother had a cerebral hemorrhage and she She had to take care of her mother and go to work at the same time. In fact, I also thought about why she didn’t sell the house so that she could be more relaxed. Later I found out that she wanted to keep a home for her mother.”

Ye Feng talked about her past with Kong Jingke bit by bit.

She also talked about Kong Jingke's situation at that time and her pride. During her mother's funeral, she should have hated Kong Zhong to death, but because she wanted to get Zhang Lan out, she called that man for the first time.

Because I bowed my head to that man.

Ye Feng could even imagine how painful it was for Kong Jingke, who was extremely proud and could bear everything in her heart. But for herself, she endured it all.

Later, I didn't want to embarrass myself, so I took the initiative to quit.

"Really, she was a very proud person."

When Ye Feng finished speaking, he looked at Wen Yueqi and said a little lonely: "You don't know, if it weren't for me wanting to get Zhang Lan out, she would never have been able to forgive that man in her life, and even called him. After several years of grinding her teeth, , collapsed, the self-esteem and pride that she held on to so hard, she gave up because of me, so I felt very sad."

Wen Yueqi was speechless at the end, and said to Ye Feng in a complicated tone: "It seems that you really can't owe anything to these two people."

Ye Feng said self-deprecatingly: "When I said this, I was already in debt, so I walked into a dead end. The less I don't want to owe someone, the more I owe."

Wen Yueqi thought for a while: "Actually, I think you should be with Kong Jingke. Although Zhang Lan is a girl that no man can let go of, she still cares about her parents, but Kong Jingke has no relatives except you. The mother I care about most has passed away, and the only one left is the cold and heartless person. She only has you."

Ye Feng didn't speak.

Wen Yueqi also knew Ye Feng's discomfort, looked at him and said: "Actually, I am doing it for your own good. Kong Zhong has a strong influence in Yanjing. It is not a good thing for you to leave too fast. With Kong Jingke's relationship, what will happen to you?" Kong Zhong can at least protect you."


Ye Feng nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable, then raised his head, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he smiled, with an extremely unintelligible smile: "It's okay, I know what to do."

Wen Yueqi was stunned for a moment, looking at Ye Feng's smile, her heart felt inexplicably sour.

"It's best to know."

Wen Yueqi felt a little heavy, and then said comfortingly: "Sometimes God is like this. He will put a dilemma in front of you and let you choose. Since you have no choice, just accept the reality."


Ye Feng nodded slightly.

Looking at Ye Feng's silent look, Wen Yueqi suddenly regretted asking him this.

PS: This chapter is two in one. Here is a paragraph I want to tell you. Many people are reading pirated copies. In fact, I don’t care about this, but as an author, subscription is how he can support his family. All of them, if you can, please come to NetEase Cloud to read and support the original version, and bow and thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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