Recast youth

Chapter 991 Experience makes people mature

Chapter 991 Experience makes people mature

Ye Feng looked up at Wen Yueqi and asked curiously.

"You may have heard it, and he said it publicly more than once. He said that what he regretted most was his family's business."

Wen Yueqi took a deep breath, then pursed her lips and said, "Originally I was very disdainful of this sentence. Am I wrong in doing business? I want to make more money. Can I prove that I can be wrong?"

"Having more people and more money isn't a bad thing, right?"

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng and frowned, then relaxed, and said self-deprecatingly: "It's indeed not a bad thing, but in my dad's eyes, it turned out to be a bad thing."

Ye Feng thought for a while and said, "Uncle may feel that you are so far away in the United States and can't see you often, so he feels a little uncomfortable. After all, as people get older, they want their children to be with them."


Wen Yueqi nodded and said softly: "I also went back last year and saw that my dad suddenly had a lot of white hair on his head. I realized it at once. It turned out that he was already old without knowing it. At this time, my competitiveness was gone. Working hard on Wall Street in the United States has become something that hurt him, so sometimes I wonder if I have done something wrong, and if I should put down everything in my hands and go back to be with him."

Wen Yueqi's words reminded Ye Feng of his previous life. He was the same way at that time. After breaking up with Li Man, he fell into despair and was expelled from school. He did not dare to face his eldest sister or his parents when he returned home.

I feel like I've let down my family.

There has always been a heavy feeling in my heart. I knew that as long as I lowered my head, my parents would still accept me. It turned out to be my own, but I was stubborn and refused to bow my head.

While he refuses to forgive himself, he is also hurting his family.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng raised his head and looked at Wen Yueqi, smiled, and said: "That's what I said, but you still can't turn back. Some things are just like this. Once you embark on this road, it will be difficult to look back. Well, you have been in the United States for so many years and have worked hard on Wall Street for so many years. Can you leave everything here and go back to accompany your uncle?"

"Can't let go."

Wen Yueqi sat down again and looked at Ye Feng with a smile: "So it will be a little sad, but there is no one to talk to. The United States is different from China. The fittest here survive. We don't believe in the weak, and we don't believe in tears, so it's a little bitter and tiring." At one point, I can only carry it myself. To Chinese people, I cannot say these words. People will say that my back hurts when I stand and talk. I have a father who is a leader and have so many conveniences, but now I say these cheap words that hurt my teeth. But you gave me a feeling that I can describe, even the feeling of someone of the same age, which is very strange, because you are obviously five or six years younger than me."

Ye Feng shook his head and said with a sigh: "I can't help it. That's how it is between people. There will never be empathy. When I look at you, I am a person in the water, and you are a person on the boat. When you look at me, I am People on the boat, you are a person in the water, so there are many people with distorted values ​​on the Internet now, just because they can’t listen to what you say, and they won’t listen to your explanation. They have their own set of thinking patterns.”

"Yes, this society has no empathy."

Wen Yueqi also sighed, and then looked at Ye Feng with interest: "Your thinking is quite mature. If I didn't know that you are really only 27 years old, I would have thought that you were the same age as me."

"A person's maturity is not determined by age. If a person has lived a carefree life for 30 years without any setbacks, experiences, or exposure to society, then his mental age may only be around 20 years old. Because of many things He hasn't experienced it, how can he mature? Obviously, he can't mature."

At this point, Ye Feng paused and continued: "The other person started working out at the age of 16. He suffered and was tired. He laughed in front of others and cried behind others. After crying, he looked in the mirror, rubbed his face, and continued to laugh when he went out. , then his psychology must be more mature than the former. The setbacks and experiences in life have become the catalyst for his maturity, and he is helplessly mature." Ye Feng looked at Wen Yueqi and said sharply: "So it depends on whether a person is mature. , It’s not about his age, but about his experience. The richer a person’s experience, the sooner he will mature. This is also the saying that poor children become masters early.”

Wen Yueqi was silent for a while, then looked up at Ye Feng: "Your university teacher taught you this?"

"Don't teach."

Ye Feng said with a smile: "What is taught in the university is academics, how can we teach this?"

Wen Yueqi admired Ye Feng. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "The main reason is that I really can't imagine why you have such a mature mentality at such a young age. I was not as good as you when you were so old, and I was still fighting against my father." , I vowed in my heart that I must make some achievements to show him."

Ye Feng recalled every bit of his previous life, pursed his lips, and said, "Actually, excessive maturity is not a good thing. It means that this person has encountered many things, and often these things are very likely for the person involved. It was a hurdle he couldn't overcome at the time, and he was on the verge of mental collapse."

"What should I do if I like you a little now?" At this time, Wen Yueqi crossed her legs, stared at Ye Feng and suddenly said with a smile.

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment. He never expected that Wen Yueqi would suddenly say this to him. He didn't dare to look at Wen Yueqi's eyes and said with a wry smile: "Sister Qi, stop joking with me."

"No, I mean it."

Wen Yueqi found Ye Feng's embarrassed look particularly interesting, and said with a smile: "I didn't understand before, why such a cold and proud woman like Kong Jingke would like you, but now I understand, really, you are so outstanding and mature, It is very destructive to our women and can easily get into our women’s hearts.”

Ye Feng was speechless.

Suddenly I felt that it was a very wrong thing for me to say these heart-wrenching words to Wen Yueqi. I was simply making myself angry.

Ye Feng has nowhere to go.

"Oh, are you still embarrassed?"

Wen Yueqi suddenly laughed: "Don't worry, I'm just kidding you. Liking doesn't necessarily mean love, it can also mean appreciation or goodwill. I really appreciate you for listening to me talk so much."

Ye Feng glanced at Wen Yueqi suspiciously, not sure whether what she said was true or false. His heartbeat was fast and he said, "Thank you, Sister Qi, for your appreciation."

"Well, you're welcome."

Wen Yueqi smiled nonchalantly, then looked at Ye Feng, who was obviously still embarrassed, with interest, and said, "I've finished what I want to say. It's your turn. Tell me about yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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