Recast youth

Chapter 874 The Power of Life and Death

Chapter 874 The Power of Life and Death
"Congratulations, you may have won the bet."

After Wang Xin waited for Ye Feng to finish speaking, she looked at him and said, "In August, Google acquired the Android company and united 8 mobile phone manufacturers, software developers, telecom operators and chip manufacturers to develop an application. Based on the Android operating system for mobile phones, if this system can be developed, the situation you envision may occur."

Ye Feng thought to himself, of course I knew it would appear.

Not only do I know that the Android system will appear, I also know that in the future, an Apple company will develop a unique IOS system. This system will make it one of the companies with the largest cash flow in the world.

Of course, Ye Feng couldn't talk to Wang Xin about this. He could only talk to Wang Xin from a hypothetical position and give her a vague direction. Fortunately, Wang Xin was originally in a top company like Yahoo, so She also knows a wider range of information than the average person, and her ability to accept it is also stronger. If it were anyone else, she might not be able to understand Ye Feng's current "hypothetical" situation, and naturally it would be difficult to move the company's business forward together. Advance.

At this moment, Ye Feng's cell phone rang.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Ye Feng hung up the phone and finally said to Wang Xin: "Don't rush the Lanshan Video Portal matter for now. It's better to take a long-term approach and catch big fish. I'll go to Li Ping's place first."

"Well, you go ahead. I'm just checking with the planning department about the movie's promotion work."

Wang Xin also stood up.

Now that Lanshan Company has joined Wang Xin and Chen Xiao, it has begun to operate in an orderly manner like a precision gear.

Arrive at Li Ping's office.

Ye Feng walked in, and Wang Xinyue stood up. Ye Feng asked Wang Xinyue to sit down, and then asked: "Is there anything you need my cooperation to do?"

"You tell Mr. Ye."

Li Ping said to Wang Xinyue.

Wang Xinyue said to Ye Feng: "That's it, I need Mr. Ye to authorize the Finance Department to move the company's account's precipitated settlement funds in the bank."

"How much needs to be mobilized?" Ye Feng knew Wang Xinyue's purpose.

Wang Xinyue's eyes flashed: "The more, the better."

"OK, no problem."

Ye Feng laughed, and his smile was a little bright. In the company, except for the initial Lanshan Video, which burned a lot of money when acquiring the copyright, he really didn't spend much money in normal times.

It can be said that there is quite a lot of funds accumulated in the company's account.

If it hadn't been for the acquisition of a piece of land with Meng Weihong in July, the funds would have been even greater.



Wang Xinyue wanted to use 3 million yuan in funds, and did not completely withdraw cash, because this method was not advisable, and there were many restrictions on withdrawing cash from corporate accounts. Under normal circumstances, first of all, general branches are not so large. In addition, such a large amount of cash reserves will attract the attention of relevant departments. There is no reasonable reason and it may even be judged as disturbing the economic order. Moreover, the withdrawal of 3 million in cash is suspected of money laundering. Not only will the public security agencies investigate and seize it, but the bank will also This is prohibited.

Therefore, most of what Wang Xinyue did was public-to-private transfers, and the rest was cash withdrawals.Lanshan Company is Ye Feng's sole proprietorship, and it also regularly deducts expenses and pays various taxes such as business income tax, so there is no problem in transferring the remaining funds to Ye Feng's personal account.

What is the concept of 3 million yuan?
No one knows better than Wang Xinyue, who has worked in a bank for many years. The amount of funds of 3 million is far more than the entire savings deposit balance of a branch (excluding corporate ones). If the marketing account of a retail account manager is With your 3 million deposit, you can still get your salary even if you don't go to work.

Therefore, this deposit fund is indeed very important to a bank branch, and may even affect the career of the account manager. Maybe because of withdrawing a deposit of [-] million, the account manager will be demoted or even fired due to substandard performance. , and the branch president may also be demoted due to substandard performance.

Inside the office.

Li Ping called the financial manager Xie Qiulian over and discussed the steps with Wang Xinyue, while Ye Feng listened beside her. It had to be said that Wang Xinyue was really ruthless in dealing with his own people.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a drain on the fire.

Ye Feng, who has lived in two generations, has a habit of saving money by using several more cards. He does not put all his eggs in one basket. If one bank card is lost, he can also use another bank card to pay the bill.

The company account happened to be opened at ICBC.

This is because Ye Feng's salary card at work in his previous life was from ICBC, so he subconsciously registered a company account with ICBC. Wang Xinyue obviously remembered that Li Ping was neglected by a section chief at ICBC.

So she wanted to take this opportunity to vent her anger on Li Ping, and at the same time force the bank leaders to sit down and talk to them about the Lanshan Payment cooperation.


in the afternoon.

Li Ping and others arrived outside ICBC. Wang Xinyue, Xie Qiulian, Xu Bin and others were sitting in the car. Li Ping turned to Wang Xinyue and asked: "Are you sure you will alert the president of the bank?"

"Well, I'm sure, Mr. Li, you have to know that banks are financial institutions that use money to make money. Money is their weapon, the magic weapon to make money. Earning the interest difference between deposits and loans is the bank's main profit model. 3 million If you hand over RMB deposits to the bank and deduct the reserves first, the remaining funds can be used for loans. Conservatively speaking, you can get an interest difference of one or two percentage points a year and easily earn RMB 5000 to [-] million. Taking into account the money multiplier The effect is that while the money is being loaned, someone is repaying the loan. The money returned can be loaned again, thereby earning more interest income. And banks are competitors, let alone banks. Yes, even the branches are all competitors."

Wang Xinyue smiled and said to Li Ping: "You said that we should go to the bank and tell the person in charge of the bank to withdraw 3 million funds and transfer them to other banks. He no longer has the funds to use money to make money. The bank president Are you in a hurry? The president is not in a hurry. The heads of the provincial branches above will call the people below to ask what's going on and why such a big customer was not retained. If you say again that you came here to discuss business, a section chief will look down on you. , what kind of appointment procedure are you asked to go through? The bank can immediately fire him in exchange for you not to touch the funds. The worst result is that he will be transferred to another branch and will no longer be reused."

Li Ping's outlook was somewhat refreshed when she heard this, and she exclaimed: "It turns out that banks are also so short of money."

"Theoretically speaking, the bigger the assets, the less liquidity they will have, especially for financial leverage institutions like banks that make money from money."

Wang Xinyue replied that in fact, today's entry experience gave Wang Xinyue a completely different feeling than before. When she was the lobby manager of a branch, she felt like she was waiting to die.

Go to work and get off work every day, two o'clock and one line.

What she saw was that other big customers were depositing and withdrawing money, and then her colleagues carefully tried to please the customers with interest rates and free handling fees. But now, she has the authority to transfer 3 million funds.

Wang Xinyue really couldn't describe this feeling.

Although this money had nothing to do with her, Wang Xinyue felt heroic and confident that she had the power of life and death in her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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