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Chapter 873 The Prospects of Lanshan Video

Chapter 873 The Prospects of Lanshan Video

Ye Feng is discussing with Wang Xin the promotion of "Crazy Stone" and the later layout of Lanshan Video Portal.

"I took a look at the structure and information of the Lanshan Video Portal."

Wang Xin raised her head and looked at Ye Feng: "You asked He Chongxin to buy a lot of new media copyrights for film and television and some Japanese animations the year before last. You burned a lot of money. You shouldn't spend so much money without intention, but now Lan Shan Video only has advertising revenue, which is far less than the initial investment. What do you think about the prospects of Lanshan Video? Can you tell me the details?"

Ye Feng was a little proud after hearing this. Finally, someone discovered his layout of the Lanshan Video Portal. Before, no one saw the potential of the Lanshan Video Portal.

He Chongxin couldn't tell either.

When he was first put in charge of the Lanshan video portal, he was still a little unhappy. But now, Ye Feng finally understood why Wang Xin could become the vice president of Yahoo. His vision was different.

Ye Feng poured himself a glass of boiling water, and then sat in front of Wang Xin: "I'm asking you here, do you think w5173 is more valuable now, or the Lanshan Video Portal is more valuable."

"w5173 is worth a little more now."

Wang Xin affirmed without hesitation: "Now w5173 is a cash cow and is still on the rise. Whether it is kept in the hand or sold in two years, the value will not be low. But the video portal is different. After all, the Lanshan video portal now only relies on the number of users, but users are free and there are many ways to seize these resources. No website can stay popular all the time. You need to know one thing, w5173 is now in the virtual game trading category It is a dominant player on the platform and has developed the basic habits of customers’ transactions. Now it is irreplaceable, but your Lanshan video portal can be replaced.”

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed by Wang Xin's grab, so he said helplessly: "This is why I let He Chongxin spend money to acquire copyrights. As long as the copyrights of Lanshan Video Portal reach a certain amount, no other website of the same type can replace it." , it’s very simple. The movies, TV shows and animations I have are not available to others, so users can only go to the Lanshan Video Portal to watch them. If anyone dares to have pirated links, I will ask the Legal Department to kill them and send them a lawyer’s letter.”

"What about the later stage? How do you operate in the later stage?" Wang Xin asked curiously.

Ye Feng revealed some plans to Wang Xin: "Whether it is the video portal I am building now, whether it is Lanshan Payment, or Jingke Film and Television Company, it is all for layout. You have already seen the dividends in front of you. Wait for "Crazy" After "The Stone" is released in theaters, it can be played on the Lanshan video website. At the same time, the purchase effect of one yuan can be used to promote Lanshan Pay, thus occupying the market. Did you find that there are currently several projects under the company? A closed ecosystem has been formed, and finally vertical integration will be carried out. After a certain period of time, a blowout will occur. "

Wang Xin also knew what Ye Feng said.

What Yahoo is currently doing is the model Ye Feng is talking about now, but the effect is not very satisfactory. There is a saying in the industry that what industries are acquired, what industries are acquired.

This is one of the main reasons why Wang Xin wants to find another way. Another reason is that the unclear equity ownership is consumed by infighting among the top management. Among shareholders, if you want to protect this person, another shareholder will want to kick him out.

The environment is very harsh.

Born to open up wasteland, died in peace and contentment.This is the situation that yahoo is currently facing.

But Lanshan Video is a little different. Ye Feng did not complete the ecological business layout through acquisitions. He supported it by himself through one project after another. The layout was also very early, such as many film and television projects on the Lanshan Video portal. , the animation copyright was acquired two and a half years ago. How long did it take Ye Feng to realize this?
The vision is really long-term.

When Wang Xin first came to Lanshan Company, she felt that Ye Feng was not suitable to be a company founder. The integration of departments was very messy. The entry agreement and the separation agreement were not signed with the employees. There were even cases where employees were poached and left during their tenure. phenomenon, but as time went by longer and longer, Wang Xin found that the young man in front of him, who looked a little green and explained vividly, was like spring water at the bottom of a well. On the surface, it seemed that the space was as big as the mouth of the well, but in fact, underneath There is underground water extending in all directions.


Can't see through it at all.

At least Wang Xin still can't figure out the layout of Lanshan Video Portal, and Ye Feng's layout is also very early. She has read the information. Two and a half years ago, the most profitable department of Lanshan Company was w5173, so Ye Feng is We are working on many things together, why is he so confident?
Wang Xin raised her head and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was still in a lively mood. Guan Xinyue's joining made him a little happy. Lanshan Payment could finally move forward. He looked at Wang Xin and asked: "What do you think the outcome of Lanshan Video Portal will be in the future? You Take a guess."

"I'm afraid I guessed wrong, so just tell me." Although Wang Xin had some guesses, she was unwilling to play a child's guessing game with Ye Feng.

"Let me tell you, the future outcome of Lanshan Video Portal is a dead end."

Ye Feng's words were shocking, and then he added: "But it's not a dead end in the true sense, but with the development of technology and the Internet, portal websites will decline. Not many people will watch movies and TV series on the website, such as a It started well. 123 Navigation web pages are very important, right? In order to go public, Baidu acquired it at a price of 5000 million plus part of the equity. But now? Now the importance of navigation web pages has gradually weakened. This shows that the Internet is progressing very quickly. There is no What website is eternal? Let’s talk about mobile phones here. Mobile phones have also changed a lot, right? From the original BB phones, PHS, and Big Brother, to the semi-smart phones that host many JAVA games now, you think in a few years, Will there be a fully intelligent mobile phone, and then the video portal will become an icon software, and when you click it, everything in the video portal will be there? In that case, the video portal on the computer will still be important. Is it? It is destined to slowly move to mobile phones, so the ending of the video portal is destined to be a dead end."

Ye Feng repeated the statement that there was a dead end, and then he looked at Wang Xin and emphasized: "But this kind of death is also a new life, the new life of mobile video software, and that is the ultimate future of Lanshan Video."

Wang Xin asked back: "Are you so confident?"

"It's not that I'm confident, but these are the Internet, and they are inevitable prospects for the development of mobile phones."

Although Ye Feng had witnessed the birth of these, he could not explain it clearly. Instead, he raised his head and asked Wang Xin: "Since Microsoft can use the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition system for Tablet PC, why can't a similar system be used for Tablet PC in the next few years?" On the mobile phone, make the function of the mobile phone similar to TabletPC?"

(End of this chapter)

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