Recast youth

Chapter 861 Project Progress

Chapter 861 Project Progress
Ye Feng simply liked what Chen Xiao said so much.

It's not because of Chen Xiao's salary from the legal department, but because Ye Feng is a lazy person at heart. In the past two months, his ability to cooperate with Wang Xin and Chen Xiao in busy matters in the company has been to the limit. .

Even talking about the Lanshan Club, he hasn't spent some days, and he hasn't played Fantasy Westward Journey at all. The limited time he has is to go home and chat with Kong Jingke and Zhang Lan for a while, so what Chen Xiao said, you are the boss, Do what your boss should do, and leave the following things to the professionals below, which is very popular with Ye Feng.

In fact, after all, Ye Feng still wants to live a more relaxed life in this life and not be too busy. In his previous life, he watched a video of Stephen Chow being interviewed by CCTV, and he was particularly touched. When Stephen Chow was asked by the host when Do you have any plans to get married? Do you aspire to be a husband and father?He thought for a while and asked, do you think there is still a chance? If he could have his life over again, he would not keep himself so busy.

Ye Feng also admitted that he was lazy.

But what’s wrong with being lazy?After all, people want to live happily and smoothly. If they deliberately make themselves unhappy just to be diligent, then what is the meaning of life?
Of course, this is also based on the premise that Ye Feng has achieved financial freedom, and he is unwilling to call his behavior lazy, euphemistically calling it laziness...

Several people discussed the company's affairs and development, from initial legal affairs, infringement prosecution, to department division and positioning of responsibilities.

Finally, the discussion came to Lanshan payment.

Lanshan Payment is currently in charge of Li Ping and his technical team.

Different from the previous life, Lanshan Pay is slightly different from Alipay. Alipay has Taobao's huge customer base, so it has to change. Otherwise, with the increase in daily transaction volume, both employees and bank staff will have to manually review bills. It's exhausting and the efficiency will be very slow.

Now, although Lanshan Payment has w5173 customers as its transaction basis, Ye Feng has bigger ideas. He wants Lanshan Payment to participate in payments as a third-party payment platform for the entire network.

If this set of ideas is really realized by Ye Feng, then the future of Lanshan Payment will really be immeasurable.

The most important thing is that Ye Feng, who has always been unwilling to block Hu, has the idea of ​​​​blocking Hu's social software for the first time. After all, Tenda Company relied on the small change of this software to issue red envelopes.

If you don't talk, you can't do anything.

This is Ye Feng's way of doing things in this life, so along the way, even if he has money, he has not completed everything. He still lets others take the road he should take, and he has not invested heavily in real estate or in the stock market. Gold mining, if he really has this idea, relying on the information in his mind, all the big funds, fast in and fast out, and short-term operations, then the wealth he can accumulate is absolutely amazing, and it can also be legendary in the stock market.

But Ye Feng didn't do that. As I said before, don't do it all, and don't overly demonize yourself. Everything should be done step by step, but social software is different.

This is related to the crucial layout in the future, and will also be a hidden danger for Lanshan Payment.

Ye Feng looked at Li Ping: "Li Ping, how is the progress of Lanshan's payment now?"

"not ideal."

Li Ping shook her head: "The national conditions at home and abroad are still different. Unlike PayPal, which can cooperate with VISA, MasterCard and other card organizations, it can connect all banks at once. I went to the UnionPay headquarters in Shanghai to ask, and UnionPay's current setup is still offline. The Internet is still the result of the joint efforts of multiple ministries and commissions, and they have not opened up the offline network themselves.”

Ye Feng asked in surprise: "When did you go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange?" "Last week, Mr. Ye, you asked me to be responsible for the Lanshan Payment project. I have to do something on my own, but unfortunately I didn't get it done."

This is also the reason why Li Ping remained silent when several people in the company were discussing it. Now there are many senior executives in the company, including CEO Wang Xin, senior executives who have returned from Silicon Valley in the United States.

Chen Xiao, doctor of law, deputy director of Shanghai Internet Copyright Industry Research Base... This series of titles made Li Ping feel a lot of pressure. Some of the legal employees who came later were basically Ph.D.s or above.

So Li Ping felt a little stressed. After encountering problems with Lanshan payment, she immediately took a confidant to UnionPay in Shanghai. As a result, she was not taken seriously at all, and it was because she was the manager of Lanshan Company. , a department head with relatively low authority came down to talk to her. Thinking of this, Li Ping suddenly said: "By the way, Mr. Ye, the department head who contacted me told me that someone had talked to UnionPay before us. If this happens, the result will be the same.”

As soon as Li Ping mentioned Ye Feng, Ye Feng guessed who it was and asked, "People from Alibaba Company?"


Li Ping thought for a while: "It seems to be someone named Ma Yun."

That's right.

Ye Feng felt a little excited. Now that Alipay has been established and Lanshan Pay has been established, the two are on the same starting line. Now it's up to him to see who can run faster. However, he didn't expect that Li Ping would actually think of running to the UnionPay headquarters in Shanghai. I went to negotiate with others.

This is a better message.

Regardless of Wang Xin or Chen Xiao, these two people are relatively capable and have strong personal qualities. This is true, but after all, they are not direct descendants trained by Ye Feng, and they themselves know each other.

If there was no relationship like the teacher, Dean Wang, Ye Feng would really not worry about these two people. One understands various operations of senior leaders and contracts, and the other understands laws and loopholes in gray rules. It can be said that they are a perfect match.

But Li Ping is different. Li Ping was cultivated by himself from the beginning to the end. Regardless of Li Ping's personal abilities, Ye Feng is willing to regard her as a detached leader of the company.

Of course, Li Ping also has an advantage that no one else can match, that is, she is very popular in the company. More than half of the senior leaders were promoted by her. With these people, Li Ping's status is not comparable. How bad would it be?

For a large company, there cannot be only one voice in the company. If there is only one voice, it means that the driving direction is the same. What if the direction is wrong?Does the course also have to deviate?
Therefore, we need to have different voices and opinions, and constantly self-correct and make corrections. This is the long-term way for a large company to go.


Ye Feng comforted Li Ping, raised his head and smiled at her and said: "I know that UnionPay is not going to work, so I didn't plan to go through them from the beginning. What's the point of establishing Lanshan Payment? It's to bypass UnionPay. We need to create a firewall, and then contact the bank directly. Our target group is the bank. What we need is to get through them and let them allow us to use it. As long as we can break through this pass and knock on the door, user consumption behavior can be precipitated. , it is possible for us to step into the new world of big data risk control, credit reporting, and financial management that has never been set foot in by outsiders.”

This is the first time Ye Feng has revealed so much in front of the senior officials.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, whether it was Wang Xin or Chen Xiao, Ye Feng's words were a bit shocking and demonizing, and Chen Xiao finally understood why Wang Xin said this when she met him on the first day , our boss may put himself in jail, forget about balance inquiries, and automatic repayments. These are all within control, but he actually dares to think about big data, credit reporting, and financial management. Now, is this a field that ordinary people can set foot in?
(End of this chapter)

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