Recast youth

Chapter 858 Don’t step on the line and don’t cross it

Chapter 858 Don’t step on the line and don’t cross it
"how to say."

Chen Xiao thought for a moment, and then answered Ye Feng: "Relatively speaking, legal affairs are more like the front desk, while lawyers are more like the middle and back offices. There is a big difference between the two. When I was a lawyer, I was always curious about how the company was doing. operation, whether the legal opinions I gave have been adopted by the company, and whether the company's legal decisions have been affected by my legal opinions. For lawyers, since they are not directly in contact with the company's operations, they often cannot encounter first-hand experience. Legal issues, and because the legal department has direct contact with the company’s business team, many of the legal issues it comes into contact with are very cutting-edge.”

"The second lawyer is connected to the legal affairs, and the legal affairs group is connected to the business team, so the background is very diversified. It requires good business thinking to understand the legal issues that arise in practice, and it also requires a lot of communication skills to pass on one's ideas, and the lawyers Communication with legal affairs is relatively simple, because both parties have legal backgrounds and have their own discourse systems, so a lot of communication costs can be saved.”

Chen Xiao explained to Ye Feng: “When a company hires a lawyer to litigate a lawsuit, sometimes a painful part is that the external lawyer you are looking for has no understanding of your industry at all. Many times the legal opinions issued are inconsistent with the legal opinions. Modified contracts cannot meet the needs of the industry, so both legal counsel and lawyers must have a deep understanding of the industry you serve."


With Chen Xiao's explanation, Ye Feng gained a better understanding of the legal affairs a company needs. Generally speaking, due to the particularity of Internet companies' products, external lawyers have far less understanding of the products than internal lawyers of the company, whether it is offense or defense. , it is untenable to discuss opinions and legal relationships apart from the product itself.

In other words, Internet companies and game companies are now in a stage of rapid development. It is impossible for the law to cover your new products. If you, a lawyer, do not understand the Internet or game copyright, how can you litigate with others?Even if you know that the other party has violated the company's interests and needs to defend their rights, you may not be able to tell.

Back in the days of Shanda Legend, there were so many people using cheats and setting up private servers. It was a very simple and illegal act that violated copyright.

Although Ye Feng did it at the beginning, but before it was a knife cutting someone else's body, now it is definitely not possible for someone else's knife to cut his own body. People are like this, and they can't feel it unless the knife cuts their own body. painful.

The strong development of a company is absolutely inseparable from the absolute support of legal affairs.

Not only does it mean that others can avoid it, but it also means that the company can eliminate hidden dangers and move forward at full speed. With the communication between the legal affairs and the R&D team, what can be done, what cannot be done, and what is the gray area, if you do it, even if you lose the lawsuit, The advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and these things are very important.

For example, if I pirate your game, I can earn one billion, but if I lose the lawsuit, I will lose up to 1000 million. Should I do it or not?The results are certainly worth the effort.

Ye Feng recovered his thoughts and said to Chen Xiao with a smile: "Wang Xin is now the CEO of my company, you know that, right?"

"I know, I heard the teacher talk about it yesterday."

Chen Xiao smiled: "Some time ago, the teacher complained to me that Wang Xin was ambitious abroad and didn't know how to return to China for development. I didn't expect that you invited me back."

Ye Feng said with a smile: "I drew a big cake for her, and she came back."

“We don’t talk about the process here, only the results.”

Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Ye Feng understood what Chen Xiao meant, and this sentence spoke to his heart. Don't talk about the process, only the results. No matter how tortuous or complicated the process is, it is not as important as the result.

"When can you start working here?" Ye Feng asked.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow, I'll go back in the afternoon to prepare, and then come here to join the job tomorrow."

"Okay, if you need anything during the process, just let me know."

Ye Feng nodded, then called Wang Xin's office and asked her to come over. Within 2 minutes, there was a knock on the office door, and Wang Xin walked in.

When she saw Chen Xiao, she asked with a smile: "Have you reached an agreement?"

"It's over."

Chen Xiao stood up.

Wang Xin was 1.7 meters tall and wore high heels. When she walked up to Chen Xiao, she was not much shorter than Chen Xiao. Instead, her aura seemed more powerful. She stretched out her hand and showed a weird smile: "Welcome to join, you will be very busy in the future." , before you came, I was really afraid that the boss of the company would put me in jail after a while." "What's going on?"

Chen Xiao shook hands with Wang Xin, then turned to look at Ye Feng in confusion.

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed: "Don't listen to her nonsense."

"Let's go eat first and talk while we eat."

Wang Xin smiled and said to Chen Xiao: "It's rare to invite a great person like you here. I'll treat you to dinner, and then I'll tell you about Mr. Ye's ambitions."


Arrived at the hotel.

The three of them asked for a small private room. Wang Xin told Chen Xiao about Ye Fenglanshan's payment idea at the table and asked: "You are more professional in the legal field. Do you think the third-party payment platform he wants to build can be used?" Do it? Isn’t the risk particularly high?”

"Now it's not a question of whether it's risky or not, but the bank won't agree."

Chen Xiao said: "According to what Mr. Ye said, functions such as paying bills, checking balances, automatic repayments, etc. are already within the scope of banks. If we want to succeed first, we have to open up the channels of the bank. The bank is not right for us. Open channels, how do we realize this idea? This is no longer a technical problem that can be solved, but our upstream will not give us this opening."

Ye Feng asked back: "What if we talk to the bank and the bank opens a channel for us?"

Chen Xiao was speechless.

"Mr. Ye, you are basing this on assumptions." Chen Xiao shook his head. It was impossible.

Although Ye Feng had never done it in his previous life, one thing he was sure of was that this road was feasible. However, Ye Feng was not sure where this road was and how to pass it safely.

He said to Chen Xiao: "Yes, I am based on assumptions, but when making products, which product is not based on assumptions, give yourself a goal, and then do it? If I make it, I will not Would it be illegal?"

"will not."

Chen Xiao said with certainty.

"Why?" Ye Feng asked.

Chen Xiao said: "Because if your third-party payment platform can be successful, it means that the bank has opened a channel for you and allows you to use it, so it is not illegal."

Ye Feng asked again: "What about the later stage? Is it illegal? Do you have any suggestions in this regard?"

"In the later stage, it depends on how big your span is."

Chen Xiao thought for a while: "Actually, there is a way. Suppose the bank gives us the relevant documents and cooperates with us. We can cross the river by feeling the stones and push it step by step without stepping on the line or crossing the line. As long as the bank allows Go forward within the range so that there is no danger.”

"Okay, with you joining me, I won't be crossing the river by feeling the stones."

Ye Feng smiled, poured a cup of tea, and said to Chen Xiao and Wang Xin: "I don't drink, so I'll replace the wine with tea here. Let's work hard together."

(End of this chapter)

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