Recast youth

Chapter 857 The Role of Legal Affairs

Chapter 857 The Role of Legal Affairs

"Mr. Wang, are you looking for me?"

Li Ping, who was dressed simply and smartly, walked in under the leadership of her assistant.


When Wang Xin saw Li Ping walking in, she put down her work, looked up at Li Ping, and said with a smile: "Manager Li, there is something I want to communicate with you in advance to see what your opinion is."

"Well, Mr. Wang, tell me."

Li Ping sat down and waited for Wang Xin's conversation. She had also seen the changes in the company these days. The changes were indeed great, and the work efficiency had more than doubled. She knew that the foreign deputy in front of her was The president is indeed very capable.

Wang Xin looked at Li Ping and said calmly: "That's it. I communicated with Mr. Ye yesterday and planned to split the w5173 department into a third-party payment platform called Lanshan Payment Wallet, but there was no suitable one. Choose the best person to take the lead."

"Mr. Wang means that I should be responsible for Lanshan's payment?" Li Ping understood what Wang Xin meant.

Wang Xin nodded: "That's what I mean, but I have to make it clear to you in advance. There are advantages and disadvantages to being responsible for Lanshan Payment. The advantage is that Lanshan Payment has great potential in the later period, but the disadvantage is that it will temporarily face a lot of resistance and difficulties."

"What about?" Li Ping looked at Wang Xin.

"Bank resistance and policy difficulties."

Wang Xin paused for a moment, looked at Li Ping and continued: "The specific choice depends on you, but my suggestion is that you be responsible for Lanshan Payment, a third-party payment platform, because w5173 seems to be developing now. It's good, but it has great limitations. In three to five years at most, it will go downhill, but Lanshan Payment is different. If it can get up, it will be a different world."

"Okay, I'll be responsible for Lanshan's payment." Li Ping nodded.

Wang Xin was a little surprised. She didn't expect the conversation to be so easy. She leaned back and looked at Li Ping: "Why don't you think about it?"

Li Ping said with a smile: "There is nothing to consider. Maybe you don't know. In the early days, I was working in real estate sales. It was Mr. Ye who approached me, and I got where I am today. I am very satisfied. For the company, I I would rather be a brick and move it wherever it is needed, as long as it doesn’t hinder Mr. Ye.”

"Okay, that's it!"

Wang Xin stood up with her hands on the table, having a deeper understanding of Li Ping, and also understood why she had such good people in the company.

Generally speaking, most people are reluctant to transfer jobs like this, because it means starting from scratch, and they don't know whether it will be successful, but Li Ping agreed without thinking about it, which is rare and valuable.

"Work together for the future of the company."

Wang Xin smiled and extended her hand to Li Ping.

Li Ping was stunned for a moment, then stretched out her hand to shake Wang Xin's hand, and smiled sincerely: "Let's work together."


Ye Feng rarely played Fantasy Westward Journey in the office today. He was looking at Wang Xin's report on the company's department adjustments during this period. Now there are more departments and the work is more detailed.

Ye Feng had considered this before, but because he had no experience in this area in his previous life, it had been stagnant. With the arrival of Wang Xin, her professionalism just filled the gap in this area.

And Lanshan Company has finally become one of the top ten domestic Internet companies.

ten o'clock in the morning.

The phone on Ye Feng's desk rang. It was a call from the front desk, saying that a man named Chen Xiao wanted to see him.

Ye Feng originally wanted to go out to pick up Chen Xiao, but after thinking about it, he didn't move and asked the front desk to bring him in. Not long after, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

Wang Xin's female assistant brought the person in, and Ye Feng saw Chen Xiao, a very elegant man, about 35 years old, upright, wearing a suit, with sharp eyebrows, bright eyes, and the demeanor of a successful man.

In fact, they are indeed very successful.Doctor of Laws, a visiting scholar at Stanford University in the United States, and has worked in famous foreign law firms. He is currently the deputy director of the Internet Copyright Industry Research Base of the Shanghai National Copyright Administration and the president of the Shanghai Copyright Association.

If such a person is not called successful, what kind of person is called successful?
Ye Feng stood up, smiled and walked over to shake hands with Chen Xiao: "Brother, why didn't you call me when you came?"

"We're already at the door, so there's no need to worry about that."

Chen Xiao smiled and shook hands with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng asked Chen Xiao to sit down, and the female assistant had already boiled the tea, and made a cup of tea for each of them and brought it to them. Ye Feng sat opposite Chen Xiao, smiled and pulled him close: "I have always heard about senior brother. Daimyo, I want to ask my senior brother to come over and help me, but I happened to hear that you are the teacher’s student. No, last night I specially bought two roast ducks and braised pork and ran to the teacher’s house, begging the teacher to help me make this call.”

Chen Xiao smiled heartily and said: "Mr. Ye, you are serious. If anything happens, just call me directly. You are so solemn, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

"The main reason is that I really need your help, senior brother."

After exchanging pleasantries, Ye Feng said straight to the point: "It's like this. Our company is on the rise, and the Internet is an emerging industry. There are many areas that are legally blank, so I want you to come and help me set up the company's legal team. .”

"You asked the teacher to call me personally. Can I disagree?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "I hope I can provide some help to the company."

The two started talking.

From entry to salary.

Regarding salary, Ye Feng is not stingy. First of all, legal affairs are very important for a large company. Second, Ye Feng does not care about money very much, so he can give Chen Xiao the highest salary in the industry.

Coupled with the senior brother relationship of Dean Wang, Chen Xiao agreed. Many times, under the influence of money, human relationships will become deeper.

After confirming Chen Xiao’s employment.

Ye Feng was not polite and asked: "Brother, what do you think of the company's legal affairs? What are the main functions?"

Fame is one thing.

Now that Chen Xiao has decided to join the job, Ye Feng must also want to see Chen Xiao's opinion. Whether he has real materials and whether he is worth the annual salary. There are some things that are far better to be told in advance than to be disappointed afterwards. .

Chen Xiao also understood this truth and told Ye Feng his own opinion: "I think the value of legal affairs lies in its ability to comprehensively support the company's business development, actively defend the company's rights and interests, efficiently support M&A business, proactively lay out legal research, and timely track cutting-edge legal issues. , strengthen company compliance management and influence company decision-making.”

Ye Feng nodded when he heard this. He was indeed an elite in the industry and very professional.

Chen Xiao added: "This is the preliminary role of legal affairs."

Ye Feng became interested: "What about the later stage?"

Chen Xiao spoke eloquently: "In the later period, the company's legal affairs should strengthen its own development in three aspects and change its role, from supporting the company's business development to more proactive layout, from only internal support to expanding external exchanges and cooperation; and looking forward strategic layout, actively respond to international needs; take the initiative to assume social responsibilities..."

What Chen Xiao said was a bit profound.

Of course, a large company has to face the public and the media, so this set of rhetoric is also very important.

a question.

one answer.

The conversation lasted for more than an hour. Ye Feng also wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about legal affairs. Through the conversation, he understood that his legs had not been in vain in the past two days, and his invitations had not been in vain.

Seeing that it was still early for dinner, Ye Feng looked at Chen Xiao curiously and asked, "By the way, I'm curious about one thing. Is there any difference between a lawyer and a legal practitioner?"

(End of this chapter)

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