Recast youth

Chapter 536 The Direction of Development

Chapter 536 The Direction of Development

On July 7, the house that Kong Jingke had been struggling to keep was finally sold and listed with an agency. For her, this house was her and her mother’s home in Dongzhou City.

Now that her mother has passed away, the house no longer feels like home.

Ever since he decided to hold a large-scale concert in Yanjing, Kong Jingke became very busy after returning to Dongzhou. He had to confirm the venue, stage design, and concert venue with Xu Qiming, director of Qifan Planning Company. All aspects of stage effects, as well as publicity.

There is another point that Kong Jingke is most busy with, and that is the issue of songs.

Now Kong Jingke is famous. He appeared in Jay Chou's concert and received so many domestic entertainment headlines. In addition, Kong Jingke has three popular original songs. Therefore, Kong Jingke has a special voice on the Internet and in the music circle. Big.

Only classic songs.

This became synonymous with Kong Jingke.

Originally, it was fine if Kong Jingke didn't hold a concert. With her fame, it would be enough to participate in any variety show. But now that she wants to hold a concert, a problem arises. A concert takes two hours, and her three original songs In addition, Ye Feng's song "Scoundrel" simply couldn't last the length of a concert.

So what to do?
Except for the time to invite guest singers, the remaining time can only be used to cover other people's songs. However, the concert is of a commercial nature, and covering other people's songs requires copyright authorization.

Normally, this kind of situation needs to be coordinated by the sponsoring company, but there is a situation here. Kong Jingke is relatively popular now, and he is very famous. He is recognized every time he eats and asks for autographs, such as "The Climb" and "In the Fireworks". "Dust" and "Half Life" are also very classic songs, but after all, she just debuted not long ago, she doesn't have a management company, and she has very little background in songs.

And holding a concert requires a lot of investment, which means that no organizer dares to take this risk, and then Kong Jingke needs to find someone, the singer or the other party's management company to cover anyone's song. Let’s talk about cover licensing.


Ye Feng is also busy. July 7th is getting closer and closer to the opening of Zhang Lan’s first trial. Ye Feng has to rush to Yanjing on July 14th or July 7th, and the last trip to Yanjing was full of worries. Ye Feng realized the nature of the law of the jungle.

So Ye Feng wants to become stronger as soon as possible.

It is not that easy to become strong. First of all, it is definitely impossible to rely on the Lanshan Club. No matter how many registered members the Lanshan Club has and how well it develops, it will only have some local influence at most.

It is impossible to get out of Dongzhou, enter other people's ears, and make others afraid.

For example, whether it is Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Yanjing or other places, which city does not have a few upscale places than Ye Fenglan Mountain Club?Even if it is said that Ye Feng's Lanshan Club ranks first among indoor sports halls, it is useless.

Because Ye Feng, who has lived in two generations, knows one thing very well, that is, in the current society, the truly influential places are the kind of gold-selling caves where people are obsessed with money and wealth. I have to admit that basically more than 9% of the business in China now takes place at the wine table. It was negotiated with this kind of gold-selling cave place.

Therefore, the Lanshan Club is currently equivalent to the prototype of Ye Feng's idea. The reason why it is a prototype is because Ye Feng's current reputation is far from being able to support the skeleton of the Lanshan Club.

It's very simple. Take the xx club where Kong Zhong belongs to as an example. There are the Queen of Rosewood Chen Lihua, billionaires Guo Bingxiang, Zheng Yutong, bank presidents and other important people in society. Naturally, countless businessmen come here to get through. The head wants to become a member.

But who is Ye Feng?

He is well-known in Dongzhou City. Few people outside Dongzhou City know Ye Feng at all. He is not even as famous as Kong Jingke. At least Kong Jingke has fans all over the country, especially in some developed cities, where office white-collar workers There is fame among the levels.

And what about Ye Feng?

Apart from knowing that he is the owner of Lanshan Club in Dongzhou City, there are not many real big guys who would want to become a member of Lanshan Club because of the name Ye Feng.This is a typical celebrity effect problem. If you are famous enough and your thighs are thick enough, you can attract people who are at the same level as you or lower than you. If you are not famous enough, others will dismiss you. I thought to myself What is it? It's not as good as mine.

Ye Feng also read a book in his previous life. In 2014, when the stock market was experiencing a bull market, there was a book called "Super Retail Investors". This book had more than a thousand followers.

The first condition for becoming a leader is to reward 1000 name coins. Why do people reward 1000 coins?It was because the stock market was at full limit at that time, and everyone wanted to join the author's group and make money by following the author in trading stocks.

In short, the essence is still the same sentence: the world is bustling with people, and everyone is benefiting and going.

Ye Feng has a thorough understanding of the nature and human nature of this society, so he also knows where his direction is, which is to let w5173 and Lanshan Video Portal surface as soon as possible.

Lanshan Video Portal is a layout planned by Ye Feng five years in advance. Perhaps many people now cannot see its prospects and future profit points, but w5173 is now a cash cow that spits out cash every day.

Especially now is the era when online games are booming.

As long as you go to an Internet cafe and take a look, it can be said that more than 5173% of the computers are running games. People are constantly entering and exiting the game. If they want to change accounts or buy and sell game currency, they must go through the w[-] game account trading platform.

This is the confidence of w5173.

This is also Ye Feng's confidence. Originally, Ye Feng's original intention of creating w5173 was to make some money first, and then sell it at a high price in 08 or when it was impacted by websites such as Treasure Pavilion.

But Ye Feng has changed his mind now. He now has funds, a company, and professional technical personnel. Why not use w5173 to click on everything and flourish in many aspects?

HSBC Plaza.

It is also the office building of w5173. Now the number of w5173 staff has gradually increased. In the past, Ye Feng chose to let go of w5173's operating model and let Li Ping, He Chongxin, and Li Dahai develop on their own because of w5173's business model. It has been fixed, Li Ping and He Chongxin can just take charge of steering forward.

The current division of labor between Li Ping and He Chongxin is also very clear.

Li Ping is responsible for the overall administrative work, He Chongxin is responsible for controlling the overall situation, and Li Dahai is the manager of the R&D department and is responsible for the daily maintenance of the website. In fact, Ye Feng has not made much progress in the past two years.

The first reason for establishing the R&D department is that the website needs maintenance and it really needs people. Secondly, Ye Feng just wants to delegate power without giving direction and let them work on their own to see if they can come up with any surprises.

In addition, there is also a product research team. This research team is a very different group of people in w5173. It has a separate office area. These people are different for He Chongxin and different for Li Dahai.

The same goes for Ye Feng.

Because these technicians were all members of Fengxing Studio left by Ge Zhang, Ye Feng accepted them all.

"Hello, sir, who are you looking for?"

Just when Ye Feng walked into the w5173 office door, the receptionist at the door stood up. She was in her early 20s and was wearing a black professional skirt. She was quite beautiful. She stopped Ye Feng and asked politely.

(End of this chapter)

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