Recast youth

Chapter 2359 Flowers have a day to bloom again, and people have to be young again

Chapter 2359 Flowers have a day to bloom again, and people have to be young again


This is a word for thanking others. Why did Li Man's parents suddenly change their expressions when Ye Feng used the word "thank you"? Not only did they say thank you to Ye Feng, but they also turned around and left?
the reason is simple.

It's because they are weak now.

If Li Man had not broken up with Ye Feng back then and had been with Ye Feng peacefully until now, and Ye Feng had thanked Li Man's parents again, not only would they not have been angry, but they would have felt proud, feeling that they had given birth to a child. An excellent daughter has also found an excellent boyfriend. As a parent, you hope your son will succeed and your daughter will succeed. How can you not be proud?
But unfortunately, these are two different results, so the same word thank you also brings different feelings to people.

Ye Feng did not expect that there would be a sudden change. Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Li Man's father, and then he said something to him, which was like a villain's success or something.

Has the villain succeeded?

of course not.

Ye Feng himself hated the villain's successful appearance, so how could he be the person he hated the most?Seeing that Li Man was about to leave with her parents, he stood up and called Li Man: "Li Man, let me ask you something."

Li Man didn't want to look back, but by some strange coincidence, he stopped and looked back at Ye Feng, thinking unhappily to see if Ye Feng had anything else to say.

Ye Feng looked at Li Man and asked: "In your heart, do you think I am the kind of person who succeeds when he is a villain?"


Li Man could clearly see Ye Feng's eyes. The black and white eyes were clear and peaceful, without any trace of the twisted pleasure of a villain after his success. This made Li Man suspicious. Could it be that he had misunderstood Ye Feng?
But since it was a misunderstanding, why did he say such mocking words of thanking her parents?
"Trust your intuition, your intuition is right."

Ye Feng smiled in the spring breeze, then looked at the angry Li Haixuan again, and said: "Uncle, you didn't give me a chance to finish my sentence just now. You also said that we are all men and adults, even if you say I If the villain succeeds, you have to give me a chance to finish my sentence, right?"

"Okay, you say."

Li Haixuan was from the system after all. Seeing Ye Feng say this, he turned around and sat down again.

Ye Feng also sat down, and then his eyes moved to Li Man. Long-lasting memories came out like a tide, but there were few sweet things. More of them were that after Li Man broke up with him in his previous life, he deliberately tortured himself, and then It can be said that he still remembers those memory fragments of the days when he went to the Internet cafe, which are very profound.

Then he was dropped out of school.

My father came over to pack my luggage and take it home.

In the end, he was so depressed that he even refused to return home.

All of this was too profound. Ye Feng didn't know if Xiang Yu felt like this when he faced Jiangdong's elders with no face, and Wu Jiang committed suicide. Anyway, that was how he felt when he faced his parents without saying anything.

So, how could Ye Feng not be deeply impressed by Li Man?Is it just a first love relationship?No, this is a complex relationship that is difficult to describe using just the word "first love", although most of it is Ye Feng's own one-man show.

"When I say thank you to your parents, I mean it sincerely. I don't mean to be a villain."

Ye Feng looked at Li Man and said gently: "Although we basically didn't have much contact after you broke up with me, I tell you, you are actually quite important to me."

Ye Feng just finished speaking.

Li Man raised her head suddenly, feeling hard to calm down. She didn't expect Ye Feng to say such things to her.

Not only Li Man, but also Li Man's parents looked at Ye Feng in disbelief, but they also had a lot of confusion. Since Xiao Man was so important to him, why didn't he come to see Xiao Man, and why were he with Kong Tianhou again? ?

Ye Feng did not stop, and slowly spoke about the mood that had appeared in another timeline: "When I first broke up with you, I felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. I thought a lot, and even thought about going to the Internet cafe every day to stay up all night, so that I could abuse myself. Let you see that I broke up with you because of you, and then I couldn’t recover. I want you to feel sorry for me, come back to me, or come to persuade me.”


Li Man looked at Ye Feng, hesitated and asked, "So you started selling cheats at this time?"

Ye Feng shook his head: "No, something happened after I started the cheat. Anyway, I am telling you this because you really occupied a very important position in my heart. I also want you to know how I felt at that time, otherwise I keep it in my heart and never say it out loud, as if it is really a knot with no way to open it and no way to touch it."

Li Man also didn't expect that breaking up with Ye Feng would hurt Ye Feng so much, so she whispered: "I'm sorry..." "No need to be sorry, just like uncle said, it's all your own choice. You can't blame others. There will be consequences." I will recognize it too."

The more Ye Feng said, the less dust he felt in his heart. Then he stared at Li Man and suddenly asked: "If I am really as depraved as I said, I don't go to school, I stay in the Internet cafe every day, and I abuse myself, what will you do?" Do you want to come to me to get back together? Or to persuade me, maybe as long as you persuade me and give me a step down, I can go back to school, study hard, and get over my relationship failure."

Hearing this, Li Man imagined the outcome, then hesitated and said, "I probably won't..."


Ye Feng looked at Li Man. What he couldn't understand the most in his previous life was this. He had behaved like this and was even expelled from the school. Didn't Li Man really feel anything? She obviously knew that he only started to behave after breaking up with her. Depraved.


Li Man pursed her lips and refused to answer.

Ye Feng frowned: "It's hard to answer?"

"Can you not say it?"

Li Man looked up at Ye Feng and asked in embarrassment.

Ye Feng felt a little blocked in his heart, because he really couldn't figure it out at the time. In the end, it even became an obsession. In the dead of night, he always asked himself, why did Li Man not care about him in the end? Could it be that back then? Is love fake?

Ye Feng didn't think it was fake either.

He could tell that Li Man loved him back then and took the initiative to pursue him. She spent the best time with him from freshman to junior year, and introduced him to her family very early, saying that he was her boyfriend. A friend is a man who will stay with you for the rest of your life.

"I would like to know."

Ye Feng calmed down and looked at Li Man and said.


Li Man couldn't face Ye Feng's eyes and could only remain silent again.

At this time, Li Man's mother Wang Yanhong stood up and said: "Because she was afraid that she would not be able to forget you and that she would be reluctant to leave you if she said a few more words to you, so she has been restraining herself and keeping all her feelings for you. I keep it all in my heart.”

At this point, Wang Yanhong looked at Ye Feng and said, "Besides, you haven't fallen into depravity. You skipped school and made a website, and then opened a company. Why are you talking so much here?"

Ye Feng heard this.

It was like waking up from a dream.

His consciousness gradually returned, returning to reality from his previous life. Yes, he had never fallen from the beginning to the end. What had fallen was his previous life. In this life, his goals were very clear, to make plug-ins, open a studio, and finally register a website and start a company. until now.

Everything is on the way to making money.

Since there was no corruption or expulsion from school in this life, what's the point of asking Li Man again?She didn't know these things at all in this life, even though she really never looked for herself in her previous life.

But despite this, Ye Feng still got the answer he wanted from Li Man's mother.

From this moment on, Ye Feng's relationship with his previous life became less and less. Slowly, the traces of past vicissitudes and low self-esteem were gradually dissipating. At this time, he was like a decayed middle-aged man running forward hard in the sun.

Then time passed.

Across the years.

In the end, flowers will bloom again, and people will be young again.

(End of this chapter)

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