Recast youth

Chapter 2358 Unrecognized Gratitude

Chapter 2358 Unrecognized Gratitude

The office is huge.

The office outside is where the sales office staff sign contracts with customers. There is also a sales manager's office inside. After Ye Feng finished what she was doing, she came to Li Man and her parents.

Past and Present.

The two timelines combined mean that we haven’t seen each other for almost 20 years. 20 years is a long time, long enough to change many things and many people.

Different from Li Man and others.

Ye Feng has completely gone through the timeline of the two points in time, so he has to be more open-minded. In such a long time, there is nothing that cannot be overcome and nothing that cannot be let go.


Li Man's name is indeed very special in his heart, but this does not mean that Ye Feng can't let go of Li Man, but that the Li Man in his memory is very special in Ye Feng's heart. Many people care so much about their first love.

It's not actually this person they care about.

It's the beautiful memory of the love that year, which contains the sweat and youth he spent back then.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Ye Feng looked at Li Man and her parents, slowly guided him to the manager's office, and asked, "Can we go to the office to chat?"

"it is good."

Li Man did not hesitate this time. She looked at Ye Feng and nodded in agreement. Seeing Li Man nodding, Wang Yanhong and Li Haixuan had no choice but to agree. The three of them followed Ye Feng to the office inside.

The office is not big.

There was a desk, a few chairs, and a water dispenser in the corner. Ye Feng was not very familiar with this office, so he went to the water dispenser and took a few disposable cups and gave them to Li Man and her father respectively. Mom poured a glass.

"Drink of water."

After Ye Feng politely placed the steaming water cup in front of Li Man and the others, he sat down and raised his head. At this time, Ye Feng was no longer the same Ye Feng who was still in college six years ago.

What does it take for a man to stand out in the eyes of others?
One depends on appearance.

The second is talent.

Third, rely on wealth.

As for appearance, it is different from six years ago. There was a lot of greenness between Ye Feng's brows. Now six years later, Ye Feng has stepped into the threshold of [-] years old. His brows are a little less green and a little more green. The calmness and perseverance of a mature man, and the hand-cut high-end suit he wears make him look more three-dimensional.

The appearance is there.

Not to mention talent and wealth.

To say which advantage of Ye Feng is more convincing, talent and wealth are more convincing than his appearance. Who doesn't know that Ye Feng has invested in many industries across industries and all of them have been successful?

The script of a hit comedy movie "Crazy Stone" shocked the entire screenwriting world with Ye Feng's talent.

As for wealth, who doesn’t know that Ye Feng is the richest man in the country?
And Ye Feng like this was sitting in front of Li Man and her parents. After six years, it was the first time that Li Man and Ye Feng sat so close to each other calmly. When they saw Ye Feng again, Ye Feng had become a distant figure.


has connotation.But not true.

Thinking of Queen Kong Jingke sitting outside, Li Man had mixed feelings. She was being crushed from inside to outside and from all angles. Li Man herself could not imagine what kind of woman could maintain her position in front of such a stunning woman as Queen Kong. Not overshadowed.

Even though Li Man was like this, Wang Yanhong and Li Haixuan felt even more awkward and uncomfortable. As the saying goes, ten years to the east of Hedong, ten years to the west of Hexi. However, before the ten years came, Ye Feng slapped them in the face with an attitude that was irrefutable. In fact, a slap in the face was harmful to them. It doesn't matter, but Ye Feng could have become their son-in-law, not necessarily because he was greedy for Ye Feng's money, but at least his daughter could live a happy life with him, right?

A sentence could have been had.

How many people suddenly thought that they would not be silent?
After Ye Feng sat down, he did not speak to Li Man first, but looked at Li Man's parents first. He spoke very calmly, without being arrogant or intending to humiliate.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

Ye Feng looked at the two of them and said with some emotion: "It's been so long. In fact, I've been looking for opportunities to chat with you, but I haven't had time. How can I say it? I'm actually very grateful to you."

As soon as Ye Feng's words came out, Li Man's parents didn't feel thanked. Instead, they looked a little ugly, but they couldn't find anything to refute Ye Feng, because they were the ones who forced Li Man to break up with Ye Feng.

Li Haixuan first glanced at Li Man and observed his daughter's expression. Seeing that her daughter was silent, he raised his head and looked at Ye Feng, feeling that as a father, he had to do something for his daughter.

For example, shelter from wind and rain.

Although the method may not be right, he will try his best.

"Mr. Ye."

Li Haixuan looked at Ye Feng and said: "Here, as the elder, I have to apologize to you first. We were the ones who forced Li Man to break up with you. It was us. How should I put it? Are you willing to look down on others like a dog?" We also recognize these words to describe..."


At this time, Li Man, who had been silent, suddenly turned to look at Li Haixuan, feeling uncomfortable and unwilling for his father to use such unpleasant words to describe him.

"You don't talk yet."

Li Haixuan raised his hand to stop Li Man, then continued to look at Ye Feng and said: "After all, we did do it, so it's understandable for you to feel that way. You can't allow us to do it, and then not allow you to say it? I think this is unfair .”

"But! There is a but!"

Li Haixuan looked at Ye Feng and continued: "First of all, we are all men. We have done something wrong and we recognize the consequences. But you are different. You are a public figure and the richest person in the country. I personally think your status is very high. , so high that you can let the bodyguards break other people's hands and feet, and you can be safe, so high that you can even ask the sales manager to bring us to you when you come to this sales office, but I don't think that your high status can be justified No mercy.”

Li Haixuan looked at Ye Feng. The more he spoke, the more excited his tone became. He couldn't bear to see his daughter being humiliated: "Mr. Ye, I respectfully call you Mr. Ye. Even if I made a mistake and forced my daughter to break up with you, you can love freely." Do you know? You don’t owe us anything, and my daughter doesn’t owe you anything either. We didn’t come in just to watch you show off how rich you are in front of my daughter, and how stupid we were in the beginning. Do you understand? ? When two people are together, money is very important, but it is not the most important. From this point of view, no matter how rich you are, it is not a pity, but you are just a villain."

"Come on, let's go home."

With that said, Li Haixuan pulled Li Man to leave.

Wang Yanhong was also very angry and said excitedly to Ye Feng: "It's great to have two rich people. Why are you pretending? My surname is Ye. Remember, no matter how rich you are, you will still be dumped by my daughter. Bah, what?" Toy!"

When we first met.

Li Man had a very good impression of Ye Feng.

But at this moment, the impression suddenly went bad. It seemed that Ye Feng was completely out of tune with the him in his memory, so he stood up and planned to leave with his parents, but the dissatisfaction in his heart could not be eliminated no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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