Recast youth

Chapter 2252 Gao Xuan’s thoughts

Chapter 2252 Gao Xuan’s thoughts

The streets of Barcelona.

Three women, each more beautiful than the last, were walking on the lively streets of Barcelona with fruit tea in their hands. Gao Xuan, who looked like an independent and strong woman, sipped the fruit tea and strolled beside Ye Yun.

Ye Yun comforted Guo Lijun in various ways, and also told embarrassing things about her brother Ye Feng's childhood to make Guo Lijun happy.

"I'm telling you Lijun, don't be as knowledgeable as him. Sometimes his brain is lacking."

Ye Yun said: "You don't know that once when he was a child, he and a neighbor's child actually played on the edge of the cesspit behind the dry toilet, leaning against the dry toilet to see who could keep balance. How stupid do you think he was? , what fun is there in the toilet?"

As expected, Guo Lijun's curiosity was aroused and she asked curiously: "Did he fall?"

Ye Yun nodded and said in a funny way: "Well, he fell down and stinked so much. No one dared to approach him at that scene. In the end, my mother took a small willow stick and drove him to the river not far away, letting him I came here after cleaning myself."

"Would he still do such a thing?"

In Guo Lijun's mind, she combined Ye Feng's stern face with the scene of falling into a manure pit, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"That's right, after I was cleaned, I was beaten when I came back. I was smelly for three days in a row."

Ye Yun couldn't help laughing when she thought about what happened at that time.

Guo Lijun held the straw in her mouth, took a sip of milk tea, then turned around, with a beautiful figure and a smile on her face under the peaked cap. She looked at Ye Yun and said with a relaxed smile: "Sister, I know you are You comforted me to make me happy, but I’m fine.”

Ye Yun then said, "I'm not comforting you. What I said is true. Don't look at how human-like he is now. He was so naughty when he was a child."

"I know."

Guo Lijun nodded, her smile still relaxed, and said: "But what I said is true. This is how relationships are originally, it has to be consensual. It's okay if he doesn't like me now."

Hearing this, Ye Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Well, yes, relationships have to be consensual, but he is actually not that good. There are many better men in this world than him. Since he has no color, let's change him." A better one!"

"No change."

Guo Lijun turned around again, walked side by side with Ye Yun, and said with a relaxed tone: "Sister, to be honest with you, in fact, when I originally chased him, I didn't really like him, but was more curious about him. , think about it, a billionaire, the richest man in the world, and the most mysterious man, how could I not be curious about him? So I went from Malaysia to Hong Kong to look for him. As for secretly following him to Barcelona, I just wanted to see what his expression would be like when he saw me suddenly appearing at Barcelona Airport."

Gao Xuan followed Ye Yun quietly from beginning to end. Listening to Guo Lijun's words, she secretly shook her head. The beginning of a woman's hopelessness stems from her curiosity about a man.

When you are curious, it means you have to jump into the emotional whirlpool.

She had been like this before.

She couldn't hold it back for a while, so she ran from Shanghai to Dongzhou and met him by chance at his sports club, and then she couldn't help herself.

However, although Gao Xuan knew this, she did not tell Guo Lijun that a woman with a proud family like Guo Lijun has a strong ego. The more you stop her, the less likely she will believe in evil.

Sure enough, Guo Lijun snorted and said, "But now, I really want to chase him."

After saying all this, Guo Lijun changed her expression again and said to Ye Yun with a bright smile: "Okay sister, it's not too early now, let's go back now."


Ye Yun nodded.

She silently glanced at Guo Lijun, and then glanced sideways at Gao Xuan, who had been quietly following her from beginning to end. There was no doubt that both of them were very outstanding women.

But they all like her brother.

Ye Yun was helpless and could only sigh in her heart. Her Ye family would owe another emotional debt.

soon.The three people returned to the hotel.

Gao Xuan bought a house nearby, with four bedrooms and one living room. Normally, Gao Xuan lived in this house with her eldest sister Ye Yun and her father and mother Ye. As for the extra room.

The other one was for Ye Feng to live in.

Now that Guo Lijun is here, the room is not enough.

Ye Feng also saw the rejuvenated Guo Lijun, and without saying anything, he proposed to give the room to Guo Lijun, saying that he was staying in the hotel and there happened to be a vacant high-end suite on the third floor. Ye Feng was quite satisfied.

"That's good too."

When Gao Xuan saw that Ye Feng wanted to stay in a hotel, she agreed and said with a smile: "Except for my parents, all the women at home are women. It's not suitable for you to live at home as a man. Going back to the suite on the third floor, I will have the quilt and sheets I’ll give you a brand new one.”

After finishing speaking, Gao Xuan glanced at Ye Feng strangely, her heartbeat suddenly became a little faster, as if she had done something wrong.


Ye Feng also saw Gao Xuan's eyes and nodded without saying anything.

arrive home.

Ye Yun and Gao Xuan took out brand new quilts and sheets and spread them on Guo Lijun. Since this room was originally reserved for Ye Feng, the layout of the room was also very good.


There is also an extended balcony. Standing on the balcony, you can see the still lively streets of Barcelona.

Ye Yun considered that Guo Lijun had been on a plane for more than 20 hours, and it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. After laying out the quilt, she said to Gao Lijun: "You should be tired after flying for so long. Go to bed early. Tomorrow I will do nothing but visit your tourist spots in Barcelona."

"Okay lady."

Guo Lijun nodded.

"Good night."

Gao Xuan also said good night to Guo Lijun, and then returned to her room. As soon as she returned to the room, Gao Xuan closed the door, and then her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

Gao Xuan herself is a very emotionally stable woman.

Especially after arriving in Barcelona, ​​it was harder for anything to cause Gao Xuan's heart to fluctuate, but it was different now. Ye Feng was here, and somehow, the scene of her last union with Ye Feng suddenly became clear.

This made Gao Xuan's face burn.

As for why she immediately agreed with Ye Feng to stay in the hotel, it was also because she had a small secret in her heart, because her relationship with Ye Feng was kept secret, not to mention others, not even her eldest sister Ye Yun knew about it.

And if Ye Feng lived at home, he would definitely have no chance.

But Ye Feng lives in a hotel, so she can sneak to the hotel and sneak back in the middle of the night. This way she won't be noticed, but she will always feel a lot more excited.

Checked his watch.

It was only 10:20 in the evening.

Sitting on the bed, Gao Xuan suddenly felt a little tormented. For the first time, she felt that time passed so slowly. The eldest sister and Gao Lijun were definitely not asleep now.

(End of this chapter)

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