Recast youth

Chapter 2251

Chapter 2251

First of all.

Everyone at the dinner table knew why Guo Lijun came to Barcelona. It was because of Ye Feng. But Ye Feng now said in front of so many people that he and Guo Lijun were just ordinary friends. How much of a slap in the face was this?
It's just that I don't give any face to this girl.

The first is Father Ye and Mother Ye.

After hearing what Ye Feng said, the old couple were so angry that they wanted to drag Ye Feng out and beat him up. But with so many people here, it was hard for them to say it out. Plus they were elders, so they could only pretend not to understand. .

Then came Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan was a little surprised when she heard this, and glanced at the faces of both Ye Feng and Guo Lijun. Ye Feng's expression was as usual, while Guo Lijun's expression changed. After all, she was also an extremely proud woman.

It was obvious that she was chasing Ye Feng, and then she was rejected by Ye Feng in public. She must have been embarrassed.

As for Ye Yun, she is much more direct. As Ye Feng's eldest sister, she will not say anything has changed because of Ye Feng's current status. She is still her biological sister.

"What nonsense?"

Seeing that Ye Feng was such a straight man, Ye Yun angrily stepped on his foot, then quickly squeezed out a smile and comforted Guo Lijun: "It's okay, Lijun, he is just a straight man, please ignore him."

"Sister I know."

Hearing this, Guo Lijun said with a gentle smile, as if she didn't take it to heart at all, but her eyes subconsciously glanced at Ye Feng, who had not wavered from beginning to end.

I felt very embarrassed.

Am I that bad?As for you disowning your relationship with me in front of so many people?
It's just that as a daughter of a noble family, Guo Lijun still has the calmness and magnanimity that she should have. If she were like any other girl, she might have run out in anger right now.

However, although Guo Lijun did not show any displeasure, the atmosphere at the dinner table was still a lot duller.

Ye Feng doesn't regret it either.

Originally, matters between men and women should be cut off quickly and cut off immediately. Since you have no intention of developing a relationship with others, why should you drag others down, give them hope, and waste their time?

This is the real hooliganism.

after eating.

Ye Yun was afraid that Guo Lijun would be unhappy, so she took her out to the night market with Gao Xuan. Generally speaking, there was very little nightlife abroad, and there was basically no nightlife at night.

But Barcelona is different.

Barcelona is a famous tourist city. Even at night, the streets of the city are brightly lit. The shops on both sides of the street are brightly lit. There is an endless stream of tourists on the road, which is very lively.

Ye Feng hasn't seen his parents for a long time.

In addition, Ye Yun was angry that her younger brother could not speak, so she did not take him with her. Ye Feng stayed with his parents. Without outsiders, Ye's mother began to teach Ye Feng a lesson.

"How could you say that to a girl at the dinner table? Aren't you hurting her heart? Oh, she flew all the way from Hong Kong to follow you just to hear you talk about being a normal friend of hers?"

"Otherwise he can't speak."

Father Ye was also smoking a cigarette and said with a stern face: "I don't know how he studied in college. He can't even speak."


Seeing how angry his parents were, Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh. He looked at the old couple and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm not in a hurry. Why are you making such a big deal? You can't delay feelings. You can't explain it clearly." Better, besides, don’t you have a daughter-in-law-to-be?”

Ye Feng is talking about Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan was unanimously recognized by his family at the beginning, especially after knowing that Zhang Lan's grandfather was a senior official in the former city, Zhang Lan was praised to the sky.

At this point, Ye Feng smiled and said to the old couple: "You can't see that someone else's family is rich, so you like the new and dislike the old."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ma Ye spat lightly and said, "Who likes the new and hates the old? I mean you can tell the girl clearly in private, why do you have to say it at the dinner table? The little girl is thin-skinned now. , you have to take other people's self-esteem into consideration."

"Yeah, yeah, it was my fault. I spoke without thinking. I'll be more careful next time."

Faced with his mother's education, Ye Feng decisively admitted his mistake.

"It's almost there!"

When Ye Ma saw Ye Feng admitting his mistake, she let him go. After looking at each other, Ye Ma approached Ye Feng and said in a gossipy tone: "By the way, that Zhang Lan, how long does it take for her to finish teaching?" , it seems to be July, right?”


While Ye Feng nodded, he already knew the purpose of my mother's question.

Sure enough, Ma Ye went on to say: "Then you wait until her teaching service is over, and you take the time to organize the wedding with her. You are now quite old, and you are already 30. While your father and I are still young, you can have a baby as soon as possible." Your father and I will take care of your grandson."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Okay."


Seeing that Ye Feng agreed so readily, Ye Ma couldn't help but hesitate a little, feeling that he agreed too readily.

"Of course it is."

Ye Feng nodded with a sincere look on his face. Now Ye Feng has long passed the time when he had to argue with his parents about right and wrong in everything he encountered. Anyway, no matter what, he would just nod as long as his parents brought it up.

As for whether she and Zhang Lan will get married by then, we will decide at that time.

Of course, Ye Feng can't help but look forward to the end of Zhang Lan's teaching. Generally, primary schools have summer vacation around July 7st. There are still less than 1 months left, and he will be ready to go there by late June at the latest. Pick up Zhang Lan.

The scene must be grand.

Ye Feng thought about it in his heart.

At the same time, this was also the main reason why Ye Feng wanted to make it clear to Guo Lijun. There were less than 6 months left, and he didn't want any accidents to happen between him and Zhang Lan.

Because he already has Zhang Lan and Kong Jingke.

As early as when he was in Yanjing, Kong Jingke had told him in private that she could accept being the woman behind him without making it public. This was equivalent to acquiescing that his relationship with Zhang Lan could be disclosed to the public.

As for Wen Yueqi.

She has an independent and mature personality, and her base is in New York and she rarely returns to China, so Ye Feng is not very worried.

It is already quite difficult to deal with the relationship between three women. How could Ye Feng be willing to let another woman appear in his world?Especially someone with such a good family background like Guo Lijun?

The New Year is celebrated earlier this year.

February 2th is the first day of the Lunar New Year.

There is exactly one month left to celebrate the New Year.

Ye Feng didn't want to talk too much to his parents about emotional matters, so he turned to look at Ye's father and Ye's mother, and asked: "Where will you and eldest sister celebrate the New Year this year? Should you celebrate the New Year here or go back?"

"Go back to celebrate the New Year."

Ye Ma said: "Your sister is still in the country. If we don't go back, what will happen to your sister?"

"Okay, let's go back together to celebrate the New Year."

Ye Feng nodded and thought of his cheap sister who was still in college in Dongzhou. Although she was in Dongzhou like him, Ye Feng rarely went back to Dongzhou and wanted to take the opportunity of the Chinese New Year to compensate Ye Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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