Recast youth

Chapter 2179: Joy when you come, sorrow when you leave

Chapter 2179: Joy when you come, sorrow when you leave

Ye Feng was speechless.

The reason why he feels that hard work is useless is that in comparison, it is too easy for some people to make money. For example, he can earn hundreds of millions even if he lies at home and does nothing.

And every day.

But what about the diligence and efforts of ordinary people?
About 100 yuan a day.

To put it bluntly, they have worked hard for a year and it is not even enough to increase the housing price. However, Zhang Lan asked him, even if the hope is slim, will you work hard for hope?
Say no?

Ye Feng couldn't tell because he knew that he was unwilling to give in. Why was he in pain in his previous life and why was he brooding about being kicked out of school?It's because of my own unwillingness.

Not willing to admit defeat.

Unwilling to compromise with reality.

So if we really want to talk about the answer, Ye Feng will probably work hard for the slim hope, so Ye Feng sighed and said: "It will still happen."

Zhang Lan laughed, looked sideways at him, and showed a sly smile: "Didn't you say that hard work is useless? Why do you still do it?"

"Because I'm not reconciled."

Ye Feng said with a smile: "But that's how people are. While working hard, they are unwilling to admit defeat, and then they can only go to the dark side."

"It doesn't matter. It's still very fulfilling to fulfill your dream."

Zhang Lan stretched out her hands, facing the red sunset in the distance, and made a gesture of taking pictures, as if she wanted to take pictures of this beautiful scenery forever. Then, she turned back and looked at Ye Feng again: "Are you Are you worried?"

Ye Feng didn't answer but asked: "How can you tell?"


Zhang Lan looked at Ye Feng and said.

It has to be said that Zhang Lan's intuition is very accurate. Ye Feng does have something on his mind. Yes, he is very rich now and will not be short of money in the future. But the richer he is, the more he laments many things in the past.

Ye Feng didn't answer. Like Zhang Lan just now, he made a gesture of taking pictures towards Caixia in the distance. He knew that Zhang Lan could see what was on his mind.

I also saw the incongruity in him.

This incongruity comes from encounters in two different time and space, which leads to a deviation in Ye Feng's state of mind. He is obviously very rich, but he is also very down-to-earth and knows that the lives of many ordinary people are not easy.

So Ye Feng felt emotional.

But Ye Feng has no way to change these things. Even though he is now the richest man, even though he is very rich, there are some things that he is powerless to do.

He can't be someone who changes his fate against fate.

Nor can he be the famous Zhang Jiao in history.

Therefore, he could only lament the difficulties of ordinary people and feel that their efforts were not worth it, but Ye Feng had no way to tell Zhang Lan about this.

Zhang Lan seemed to be aware of Ye Feng's dilemma, so she stood up and turned her back to the sunset. The sunset shone on her body, as if covering her with a layer of golden gauze.

"No matter what, I will support you."

Zhang Lan showed a bright smile and said firmly to Ye Feng, which was like sunshine shining into Ye Feng's heart, making his whole body warm.

Ye Feng couldn't help but stood up, stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Lan's hand, and said, "Thank you."

"no need thank me?"

Zhang Lan blinked, then said with a smile: "You came to the mountain to accompany me, and I didn't even say thank you to you. Instead, you said thank you to me. Are you being polite to me?"

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Okay, I won't say anything anymore, let's go for a walk down the mountain too?"

"I'm not going." Zhang Lan glanced down the mountain, shook his head, and then said, "Let's go back. It's getting late, and they should be back soon."

"it is good."

With that said, the two held hands and went back to school together under the sunset.

The accommodation in the school is very small and cannot accommodate so many people. In addition, there are many things waiting for Ye Feng to deal with down the mountain, so Ye Feng plans to go down the mountain after eating.

The first thing to do now is to cook.

Zhang Lan originally wanted to help Ye Feng cook, but Ye Feng refused. He took Zhang Lan to a wooden deck chair and asked her to lie down peacefully while he prepared the meal.

Ye Feng brought the rocking chair.

The mountains in Yucun are high, and you can see the mountains in the distance from the school. Ye Feng thought it would be quite artistic to lie on a rocking chair on the mountain and watch the sunrise and sunset, so he and Chen Huang brought a deck chair up.

Zhang Lan had been in class all day and was a little tired. Seeing Ye Feng's insistence, he followed Ye Feng's wishes and lay on the recliner and watched Ye Feng busy cooking under the sunset.

Zhang Lan looked at Ye Feng's figure in a daze for a moment.

She could feel that Ye Feng was a little tired at this time. This fatigue did not come from the body, but from the mind. She wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

"How about you stay here tonight and leave early tomorrow morning."

Zhang Lan suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said impulsively.

Ye Feng saw the dodge in Zhang Lan's eyes. He thought of something for a moment and almost blurted out the urge to stay. But after thinking about it for a moment, Ye Feng looked up and down Zhang Lan with a smirk and said deliberately: "What? I can't bear to leave." Shall I leave?"

"Tch, no, you go back quickly tonight!"

Zhang Lan's pretty face turned red for a moment, and she wanted to beat Ye Feng to death.

The party involved, Ye Feng, who was not familiar with romantic affairs, was filled with regret at this time. He wished he could slap himself in the face a few times. Why should he be so strong when he has nothing to do?

It’s so upright and upright...


Chen Huang and others came back near dusk, and brought back a huge gray hare, which Feng Zheng killed with a stone about the size of a fist.

But now that the rice is ready, and the hare is difficult to cook and requires at least two hours of stewing before it becomes tender, several people gave up on cooking the hare.

After dinner.

Ye Feng asked Feng Zheng to skin the hare, clean it and put it in the refrigerator. Then, under the starry night sky, several people walked down the mountain with flashlights.

Rejoice when you come.

When I leave, I will leave my sorrow.

When leaving, Ye Feng didn't even dare to look back at Zhang Lan who was seeing them off the mountain at the school gate. He was afraid that once he looked back, he would be reluctant to leave again.

"pretty good."

When the school was out of sight, Chen Huang suddenly said something to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng came back to his senses: "What's pretty good?"

"Zhang Lan."

Chen Huang looked back at the school that had disappeared into the mist on the mountain, and said sincerely: "To be honest, there are not many girls like Zhang Lan who are simple, not materialistic, and not charming. You are very lucky."

As he spoke, Chen Huang was a little angry, looked at Ye Feng and said, "What kind of bad luck have you had? All the girls you met were good girls. Let alone Wen Yueqi. Kong Jingke and Zhang Lan were both met by you." …”

(End of this chapter)

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