Recast youth

Chapter 2178 Hard work may not lead to rewards

Chapter 2178 Hard work may not be rewarded
There were only four people going up the mountain.

Ye Feng, Chen Huang, Feng Zheng, Pan Kun, and Meng Yun did not go up the mountain, but chose to work with Chen Qiushi to take over the construction of Maple Leaf Hope Middle School.

Early in the morning.

On campus, Chen Huang was playing basketball with Pan Kun and Feng Zheng. Although the basketball court was a little leaky, playing basketball under the blue sky and white clouds with beautiful scenery and fresh air like Yucun had a unique flavor.

As for Ye Feng.

He has a lot of things waiting to be dealt with now. First, before going up the mountain, Shen Yu called him. On the one hand, he also heard about the incident in De County, so he called to ask Ye Feng how he was doing now. In addition, since Ye Feng told him about the electrical appliance mall last time, Shen Yu was very concerned and had arrived in Yanjing three days ago to wait for him, but Ye Feng was in a shutdown state at that time.

So Shen Yu couldn't contact Ye Feng.

Until the matter in De County was settled and Ye Feng had the absolute upper hand, Ye Feng restarted his phone. As soon as he turned it on, he received a call from Shen Yu and found out that he had gone to Yanjing.

Second, Ye Feng may go to Hong Kong to meet with the nephew of Asia's sugar king, Guo Kongnian, to discuss the acquisition of North China Morning Post.

If it were before, Ye Feng might not have been so interested in the North China Morning Post, but after witnessing the power of public opinion on Weibo these days, Ye Feng was determined to win the North China Morning Post.

Sometimes public opinion can not only protect oneself, but also become a means of decisive victory for oneself.

Third, after these two things were over, Ye Feng had to fly to New York immediately for the debt restructuring of Hilton Hotel.

Therefore, Ye Feng's schedule during this period is very tight.

Because of this, Ye Feng cherished the short time he spent with Zhang Lan. When Zhang Lan was in class, Ye Feng sat in the classroom and watched Zhang Lan teach the children.

We haven’t seen each other for a few days. Zhang Lan’s hair was cut a little shorter and she looked very simple and refreshing. She stood on the podium with a book and explained the knowledge points of the text to the students in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

But slowly, Zhang Lan became a little uncomfortable.

No matter how grand and eclectic her personality is, she still can't handle the fact that there is a "beast" who is not doing business. He sits in the last row of the classroom and stares at her intently. The classmates also look back and forth at Ye Feng and Teacher Zhang from time to time. The little kid covered his mouth and made a snickering sound.

How can she go to class like this?

Ye Feng actually enjoyed this kind of time, especially when he kept staring at Zhang Lan. The more Zhang Lan couldn't stand his eyes, avoided him, or glared at him fiercely, the more he enjoyed it.

Don't have any feelings in your heart.

There was an indescribable feeling of pride, and then the interest in staring at Zhang Lan became even stronger. I thought to myself that when Zhang Lan's teaching mission ends at the end of June, I must come and pick up Zhang Lan in a good way.

But soon, Ye Fengxia couldn't think about it anymore.

Because at this time, Teacher Xiao Zhang had already come to his side. "In anger", he drove out this beast who had attended her two classes and watched her two classes. There was no room for negotiation.


"Hey, isn't this Mr. Ye? Why was Teacher Xiao Zhang kicked out?"

Chen Huang couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Ye Feng being driven out in disgrace.

Ye Feng was not embarrassed. He shrugged and said, "I can't help it. I'm too charming. As long as I sit in the classroom, Teacher Zhang can't concentrate on class, so he asked me to come out."

"Tsk, some people don't even want to lose face."

Chen Huang couldn't help laughing and scolding.

Ye Feng thought it was funny when he thought about it, but he was still very happy. At least in this mountain, he didn't have to worry about anything. The school was only so big.

Looking up, you can see a clear blue sky.You can also see Teacher Xiao Zhang.

"What's the use of having a face? Can it be used as food?"

Ye Feng was not ashamed, but proud to say this classic saying, and then went to the playground and played two-on-two bullfighting with Chen Huang and others.

It's 05:30 p.m.

Ye Feng finally had time to spend time with Zhang Lan. In fact, elementary school classes should start at three o'clock in the afternoon, but Zhang Lan chose to go to five o'clock.

the reason is simple.

These children on the mountain lost at the starting point, and if they want to catch up with those students who started faster, they have to put in more effort and time than others.

Diligence can make up for weakness, this is never wrong.

Chen Huang was also very interesting. After school, he took Feng Zheng and Pan Kun to the mountains to find game, leaving the time under the sunset to Ye Feng and Zhang Lan.

Ye Feng and Zhang Lan still like the big rocks outside the school. They are flat enough and high enough to see the sunset in the distance and the greenery at the bottom of the mountain.

Ye Feng thought for a moment, looked at Zhang Lan, sighed and said: "In fact, it is wrong to say that hard work can make up for clumsiness. Many times, a person's destiny is already decided when he is born. Hard work cannot make you rich. If you work too hard, you will not only be easily injured. The body is still broken easily.”

This is Ye Feng's biggest emotion.

Is hard work useful?

If hard work was useful, there wouldn't be so many poor people. For example, these children in Yubeng Village Mountain, aren't they hardworking enough?Very hardworking.

At this time, children in the city are watching cartoons and playing in the playground. After returning home, these children in Yubeng Village often have to cut pig grass or feed pigs.

So, they are actually very hardworking.

However, due to birth problems, if Zhang Lan had not come to teach, they would not have been able to go to school, and if they could not go to school, they would have lost the only opportunity in their lives to change their destiny.

That is the college entrance examination.

Then the outcome is to live in poverty at home for a lifetime, or to go out to work, and once again let their children become left-behind children, repeating their own fate.

Ye Feng looked at the village with only a few smokes at the foot of the mountain and said, "To be honest, I feel sorry for them."

"Can't say that either."

Zhang Lan shook his head and disagreed with Ye Feng's point of view. He looked calm and said softly: "Although what you said is right, people always have hope. What if hope comes true? With hope, they will also have hope. The motivation to move forward.”

"But the hope is too slim."

Ye Feng thought of himself in his previous life. He used to work hard for slim hope, but after entering society, he discovered that hope is such a thing. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"how about you?"

Zhang Lan suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Feng, his eyes pure and clear: "Will you work hard for hope? Even if the hope is slim, even if it is sometimes impossible to achieve."


Ye Feng was immediately asked.

(End of this chapter)

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