Recast youth

Chapter 2067 Disappointment

Chapter 2067 Disappointment
Lanshan Group.

Ye Feng is a founder who rarely participates in the company's specific management. Usually, Wang Xin presides over all the company's work meetings, large and small.

To a certain extent, in Lanshan Group, Ye Feng is similar to the Supreme Emperor, while Wang Xin is Wu Zetian who sits on the dragon throne and holds all the power.

At this time, her hair was tied up and she was wearing a black workplace suit, looking particularly capable. At the conference table, middle and high-level managers were sitting there, waiting for the meeting to start.

In the conference room, except for the secretary who was turning on the projector, there was silence. Everyone was looking at the PPT, waiting for the content of the meeting. Soon, the content appeared on the PPT.

Very surprised.

What is displayed on the PPT is actually a comparison of the ratings of "I Am a Singer" and other TV programs, as well as the hot search list on Weibo. On the hot search list, "I am a Singer", Kong Jingke, and Huang Guanzhong are prominently listed.

The meeting begins.

Wang Xin clicked the mouse a few times, zoomed in on the ratings of "I Am a Singer" and the hot search list on Weibo, and then looked at all the managers present: "Give everyone 5 minutes to think about what you saw on the PPT. ."

within 5 minute.

The management sitting in the conference room began to talk quietly. Wang Xin was not in a hurry and waited for the time to pass little by little. After 5 minutes, Wang Xin looked at his watch, curled his fingers, tapped the table a few times, and called The discussion in the conference room stopped.

Wang Xin first looked at a middle-aged man not far from his right hand. This man was Liu Ping, the general manager of the Strategy Department, who also held an important position in Lanshan Group: "Liu Ping, tell me about your work in PPT What did I see?"

"I saw the potential of the entertainment industry."

Liu Ping thought for a while and said: "Mr. Ye has a business vision that is unmatched by ordinary people in the business field. I think our investment department can appropriately focus on entertainment and develop in many aspects and blossom in many aspects."

Wang Xin nodded and did not express his position, but looked at He Chongxin again: "He Chongxin, please tell me."

"I think what Liu Ping said makes sense."

Since Dixon left Citigroup and came to Lanshan, the strategic investment department of Lanshan Group has been established. In the past two months, it has also inspected various industries at home and abroad, and determined several investment directions and projects. In the process of negotiation.

He Chongxin is different from people like Liu Ping and Dixon. He comes from a technical background and his management is not as good as them, nor as good as that of Li Zhedong and others, but he is also learning.

After Liu Ping started, He Chongxin continued: "I think what Liu Ping said makes sense. Everyone can see Mr. Ye's vision. Making movies and social networking sites have all been successful without exception. Even We have become the leader in the industry, and now Mr. Ye is doing variety shows, which means that variety shows also have great potential for development. We can invest in several entertainment companies to further deepen our influence in the entertainment industry."

After He Chongxin finished speaking, the managers present nodded.

Several of them were silent.

For example, Dixon, such as Li Zhedong.

Dixon had been studying Chinese systematically before coming to China. Over the past few months, his Chinese has improved by leaps and bounds. With a translator, he can also understand the content of the meeting. Judging from their performance, "I am The program "Singer" should be excellent, but in Dixon's view, variety entertainment is just a sheep farm after all.

And what is Lanshan Group?
Lanshan Group is currently the leader in the domestic Internet industry. He believes that investment is okay, but the investment field should not be tilted in the direction of variety shows and entertainment, but should be tilted in the three aspects of technology, technology, and traffic.

As for Li Zhedong, he was simply in the city and felt that it would not be that simple for Wang Xin to suddenly convene this meeting urgently, so he remained calm and did not speak. However, even though he was so smart, he could not have imagined what Wang Xin was thinking right now.

In the conference room, there was a lot of whispering.Wang Xin also understood the general idea and simply called them by name one by one to speak. After the round of results, most people were thinking in the direction given by Ye Feng. Some people were amazed by Ye Feng's talent. This made Wang Xin pinch her eyebrows. ,A bit disappointed.

Finally, Wang Xin knocked on the table, interrupting everyone's discussion.

"Honestly, with the exception of Dixon, everyone here, I'm disappointed in you."

Wang Xin raised her head and spoke this sentence. The moment she spoke, the whole conference room suddenly became silent. It was like when Wu Zetian sat on the dragon chair, and the civil and military officials in the court did not dare to speak. style.

If possible, Wang Xin would certainly not want to speak to them in such a direct tone.

But there is no need to use such a direct tone. Wang Xin is afraid that it will not attract their attention. The Thousand Miles Dike was destroyed by the ant nest. Lanshan Group currently has a certain status in the country and even overseas.

But how does it compare to Yahoo, which was at its peak?
There is still quite a long way to go.

Wang Xin didn't think about herself, nor did she want Ye Feng to have her hard work over the past few years ruined or become mediocre. She looked at everyone and said in a disappointed tone: "You guys here have spoken a lot about your thoughts and opinions, and I have listened to a lot."


“Really disappointed!”

"The entertainment industry is very developed."

"Mr. Ye's business vision is very advanced, and he will achieve whatever he does."

"Why did Mr. Ye invite you here?"

Wang Xin raised her head and said rudely: "Am I recruiting you here to flatter me? Or am I recruiting you here to enjoy the benefits?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed and they were a little embarrassed. However, Wang Xin still did not give them face and said directly: "First of all, Lanshan Group is positioned as an Internet company. What is the Internet? It refers to computers. Enterprises that are based on network technology and use network platforms to provide services and obtain income as a result.”


"Mr. Ye has been involved in the film industry and the entertainment industry, and has done quite well, but is this the purpose of letting you watch the PPT?"

At this point, Wang Xin finally revealed the real purpose of the meeting: "My purpose is to let you learn to reflect. Some of you graduated from Tsinghua, Peking University, Stanford or even Harvard, or you have management experience in large enterprises. , I hope you will have independent judgment and self-thinking ability. No matter how good Mr. Ye's movies and variety shows are, what does it have to do with you? Is this the entrepreneurial idea you came up with?"


"Let me tell you, if a company needs its boss to take the lead in everything, then the company will lose the ability to develop itself. I hope today's meeting can make you alert, instead of blindly seeking flattery! "


Having said this, Wang Xin left behind all the management present who had woken up from a dream, and left with an independent and powerful figure.

(End of this chapter)

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