Recast youth

Chapter 2066 Actions of all parties

Chapter 2066 Actions of all parties
For a variety show, the most important thing is the ratings.

After the ratings statistics came out the next day, "I Am a Singer" won the first place in the ratings during the same time period, directly breaking 1.3.

And what does a rating of 1.3 mean?
This means that during the broadcast period of "I Am a Singer", on average, 100 people out of 13 people in the country watched the "I Am a Singer" program in its entirety, and the Internet was full of discussions about the "I Am a Singer" program.

The topic is not just about Kong Jingke.


Huang Guanzhong.

Lin Zhixuan.


The singers who have appeared on the "I Am a Singer" program are all being discussed. There is no doubt that because of the popularity of "I Am a Singer", the popularity of all singers has also increased greatly.

This is undoubtedly a very good thing for singers.

After receiving the ratings report, Ye Feng immediately summoned all senior executives and production teams, including Lin Rui, Hong Tao, and Liang Qiaobai, and said on the spot that everyone involved in the production of the program would have their salary doubled this month.

Management bonuses doubled.

As soon as this announcement came out, cheers of "Long live Mr. Ye" instantly resounded in the Maple Leaf Media Company building. Like celebrities, no celebrity does not want to become famous.

No one wants their wages not to be doubled.

After the people below cheered, Ye Feng pressed his hands: "Don't rush to be happy, the current success is only temporary, and 1.3 ratings is not our goal. Our goal is 1.4,1.5, [-], or even very high, and the program is also It’s just the beginning, and you will need to spend more time and energy to produce the next episode.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, from today on, I will live in the company."

After Ye Feng finished his speech, a little girl in charge of post-editing couldn't help shouting in admiration for Ye Feng, which made the surrounding staff couldn't help but smile.

And what the little girl said is true.

After the first episode of I Am a Singer came out, the post-editing team worked almost non-stop to catch up on the progress, and then edited the program before it was broadcast.

Ye Feng has always been relatively easy-going. When he saw the little girl saying that he would live in the company from now on, he couldn't help but look at her with a smile: "You live in the company, what should I do if your boyfriend comes to trouble me?"

"I just graduated and I don't have a boyfriend yet."

The little girl had a good figure and was very young. She had a ponytail and wore dark blue jeans. She looked very good. She hid in the crowd, her face was slightly red, and she whispered, but she couldn't help but look up and sneak away. Looking at Ye Feng, there is no doubt that Ye Feng is extremely consistent with her idea of ​​Prince Charming.



And he's very handsome.

Of course, Ye Feng, who was very experienced, would not pick up the little girl's words and cause her any misunderstanding. After he expressed praise and encouragement to everyone, he left the meeting. After he left, the little girl who had just boldly hinted at him... Then he sighed in frustration.

At this time, a female colleague who got along well with her touched her shoulder and said with a smile: "Xiaolan, don't be such a nymphomaniac. How can Mr. Ye like us?" Xiaolan argued after hearing this. : "That's not necessarily the case. Mr. Ye is not the kind of person who looks at people with color."

"But he has a girlfriend."


Xiaolan's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Sister Hui in front of her and couldn't help but said, "Why haven't you heard about it?"

"You are the only one who doesn't know about the whole company."

Sister Hui shook her head, then looked around, and whispered to Xiaolan: "I'm telling you, don't tell others, Mr. Ye's girlfriend is Queen Kong!"

Kong Tianhou?
Kong Jingke!
Xiaolan was surprised when she realized who it was, but she soon believed it because during show rehearsals and productions, she often encountered Mr. Ye watching backstage.

She didn't think about it carefully at first, just thinking that Mr. Ye was here to inspect the work.

Now after thinking about it carefully, I discovered that every time Mr. Ye would quietly leave after Kong Tianhou finished singing. As for other celebrities, Mr. Ye would rarely watch them complete the song.

Moreover, there were internal rumors from the beginning that Kong Tianhou's signing fee was higher than that of all other singers and stars combined, a full 5000 million. This is groundless, but it is true if you think about it.

"Have you given up now?"

Seeing Xiaolan's depressed expression, Sister Hui said comfortingly: "Forget it, Mr. Ye is not from the same world as us at all. He and Kong Tianhou should have known each other a long time ago. When Kong Tianhou held a concert two years ago, , Mr. Ye appeared as a guest singer."

"Okay, but to be honest, only Kong Tianhou and Mr. Ye are together. I don't envy them anymore."

Xiaolan accepted the fact and soon became happy again. She admired Ye Feng, but she also admired Kong Jingke. She considered herself to be Kong Jingke's number one fan. After knowing that Kong Jingke was coming to participate in the show, she was almost happy. She didn't sleep all day, and she wanted Kong Jingke's autograph backstage, but Kong Jingke had always been aloof and liked to be alone, so she didn't dare to go there.

There was only one time backstage when Kong Jingke and her manager were in the dressing room. She couldn't hold it in any longer, so she took Kong Jingke's album and asked for it to be signed. Originally, she thought she might be rejected, but unexpectedly, it seemed that The aloof Queen Kong was unexpectedly approachable, signed her autograph, and even had a conversation with her. At this point, she believed that no one could be worthy of her idol.

Unexpectedly, there was Mr. Ye.

Similarly, no one is worthy of Mr. Ye, and no one is worthy of Kong Tianhou, so the two of them together are a perfect match.

Xiaolan was in a good mood and couldn't help but said to Sister Hui: "The two of them are so good together. If I want to see them, they should be together. No one else is good enough for them."

"I think so too."

Sister Hui quite agrees with this point of view.

At this moment, a voice came behind the two of them and said in a serious tone: "You two are very free and don't need to work. Are you discussing other people's scandals here?"

The two turned around and saw that it was director Hong Tao. They were startled and quickly lowered their heads and turned away.

Of course, Hong Tao could tell that there must be a close relationship between Mr. Ye and Kong Tianhou. Many people could tell, but no one dared to say it, and he would not let others say it. In the industry, the most taboo thing is to discuss leadership. private life.


(End of this chapter)

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