Recast youth

Chapter 2060 1 Billion

Chapter 2060 One hundred million
Wong Lao Kat and Toka Bao are actually the products of the same company. Wong Lao Kat provides the brand and Dou Jiabao provides the formula. Since 03, Wong Lo Kat landed on CCTV, making "If you are afraid of getting angry, drink Wong Lao Kat" a well-known advertising slogan, Wong Lao Kat has become the most popular beverage in China. established a firm foothold in the market.

But what really made Wanglaoji popular across the country was the "Love Dedication - 5 Earthquake Relief Fundraising Gala" hosted by CCTV on the evening of May 18 next year. The canned beverage Wanglaoji sold the highest domestic single transaction price of 2008 million yuan. Donate and set a new donation record, which is what makes Wong Lo Kat really popular.

It's a pity that it's easier to share adversity than it is to share wealth and honor.

It was also because of the popularity of Wong Lao Kat that there was a long follow-up to the brand dispute between Wong Lao Kat and Toka Bao. In the end, Toka Bao lost the time-honored herbal tea brand of Wong Lao Kat and changed its name to "Toga Bao" herbal tea.

Then in 2012, 2013, and 2014, Duojiabao packaged the title of "The Voice of China" with 6 million, 2 million, and 2.5 million respectively, and this ushered in the era of variety shows with high naming fees.

It can be said that the program "I Am a Singer" is also a variety show based on the successful model of "The Voice of China" that Mango Channel is jealous of.

I just didn't expect that it was only 2007, and Wong Lo Kat was already aiming to sponsor a variety show.

However, when Ye Feng thought that Wong Lo Kat had been advertising on CCTV in 03, it was not surprising that Wong Lao Kat would appear in this advertising bidding meeting.

It's a pity that whether it's Libai, Wong Lo Kat, or other companies, they are destined to lose the naming rights for the first season of "I Am a Singer".

the reason is simple.

First, it is 07, and the era of sky-high naming fees for variety shows has not yet come. It is unrealistic for them to pay too much money. Second, the naming rights of "I Am a Singer" have been decided by Ye Feng long before it started. , the naming rights of "I Am a Singer" will be auctioned off by "Maple Leaf Payment" at a sky-high price of 1 million.

Since the donation figure of [-] million is the highest single donation in China.

Likewise, [-] million will be the highest naming fee in the country.

Regarding this, Ye Feng, who has been in the industry, knows best. Sometimes sky-high prices are also a very good way of marketing. One of his purposes for doing this is to pave the way for the second season of "I Am a Singer", and the other is to " "Maple Leaf Payment" was thoroughly promoted and took the leading position in the domestic third-party payment market.


The bidding price for the naming rights of "I Am a Singer" is getting higher and higher.

It even reached the figure of 2000 million.

After the Wong Lao Ji company representative reported the price of 2000 million, the venue became silent. The naming rights of a variety show reached the figure of 2000 million. This is definitely a sky-high price.

Not only were other companies silent, but even the person in charge of Wanglaoji, who came to participate in the "I Am a Singer" advertising bidding meeting, had sweaty palms. He told him that the naming fee for a variety show would reach 2000. Wan Ye has already made a big gamble. If someone offers a higher price, he will have to give up the bidding.

After the auctioneer hammered down, he saw that no one showed signs of raising their placards. He finally relaxed a lot and then turned to look at a corner at the back of the venue.

To be precise, he looked at a calm young man.


Very young.

And at such a young age, he has already created myths and classic business cases in various businesses at an astonishing speed, from e-commerce to online games, to third-party payment, to movies and now. There are many variety shows in the industry, and they all succeed in everything without exception. How can more than just three words "talented" be used to describe him?Even though the person in charge of Wong Lo Kat is now at the level of general manager of the group and is more than ten years older than Ye Feng, the eyes he looks at Ye Feng are still full of wonder and admiration.

Business Wizards!

He could only think so in his heart.

His participation in the "I Am a Singer" advertising auction on behalf of Wong Lao Kat was previously discussed at the group's internal meeting. First, Ye Feng can do whatever he does even if it is a crossover. Second, as long as it is related to Ye Feng Projects will be very popular. From the end of last year to now, Ye Feng has frequently been on hot searches, which proves this.

Therefore, after discussion at the group's internal meeting, it was unanimously agreed that Ye Feng could bet on Ye Feng's new crossover this time, which is why he just raised a placard on behalf of the Wong Lo Kat Group with a sky-high price of 2000 million.

The person in charge of Wong Lo Kat kept looking at Ye Feng for another reason. He wanted to see if Ye Feng would look askance at him if he paid a whopping 2000 million for the naming fee of "I Am a Singer".

If Ye Feng is looking at himself or the company because of this sky-high naming fee, then the 2000 million is considered money well spent, which is equivalent to buying one and getting one free.

But it was a pity that he stared at Ye Feng's face for a few seconds. Ye Feng always sat there very calmly, as if he threw the 2000 million into the sea, and there were no splashes. Just like a drop of water.

Not only the person in charge of Wong Lo Kat felt a little strange, but also everyone present felt a strange feeling. In their opinion, 2000 million plus the advertising fee during the show that was just auctioned, the "I Am a Singer" commercial The auction would bring in at least 4000 million yuan, but Ye Feng didn't even react at all.

But soon they understood why Ye Feng didn't respond.

When the auctioneer shouted "2000 million for the second time", Ye Feng, who seemed aloof, finally made a move and turned to look at Li Zhedong, who was sitting next to Li Ping not far away.

And Li Zhedong has been waiting for instructions from his boss.

Before the auctioneer was about to hammer down the title fee for "I Am a Singer", Li Zhedong raised the sign, smiled and said the number that made the whole audience look at him.

"One hundred million."

Many people even suspected that there was something wrong with their ears, which caused them to hear the number [-] million. The person in charge of Wong Lo Kat looked at Li Zhedong who shouted [-] million.

Then he couldn't help but look at Ye Feng, who had a calm face.

One billion?

Are they kidding?
Even if the show "I Am a Singer" is your own, you can't joke like this!Our company only raised 2000 million, but you actually jumped directly to [-] million?

The auctioneer on the stage was a little confused when he heard [-] million. He couldn't help but confirm with Li Zhidong: "Sir, are you quoting [-] million?"

At this time, everyone in the venue was focused on Li Zhedong's face.

However, after all, Li Zhedong is the former vice president of the Communications Headquarters. This scene will not make him lose his composure. He smiled and said to the auctioneer: "Yes, [-] million. Maple Leaf Payment will use [-] million to sponsor "I Am a Singer" "."

(End of this chapter)

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