Recast youth

Chapter 1965

Chapter 1965
Gao Xuan looked carefully at the man sitting in front of her.

Ever since Ye Feng came to Barcelona, ​​Gao Xuan had been living in fear, fearful that Ye Feng would deduce from the name "Li Xuan" and the traces at home that the so-called Li Xuan was herself.

When she saw Pan Kun at the door of the hotel, her heart sank to the bottom, and she was completely frightened and at a loss. She didn't even know how she came to be in front of Ye Feng.

But what I never expected was that the situation was a little different from what I had imagined.

He actually didn't come to settle accounts with him.

This made Gao Xuan surprised and happy, but she also felt worried about gains and losses. She was afraid that Ye Feng's current peace was just teasing her, so she never dared to put it down.

Be cautious.

"Do you really want me to settle a score with you?"

Ye Feng frowned again when he saw Gao Xuan still looking cautious. He thought that although he was not a good person, he was definitely not a bad person. Was he that bad to Gao Xuan before?

Ye Feng thought for a moment and felt not.

But Ye Feng still looked at Gao Xuan and asked, "Did I treat you badly before?"


Gao Xuan said it subconsciously, and then after hearing Ye Feng hum, she quickly waved to Ye Feng in fear: "No, no, you are very good to me."

"You better shut up."

Ye Feng suddenly felt a little bored. Gao Xuan's words meant that there were no 300 taels of silver here.

Gao Xuan suddenly closed her mouth again, standing there a little at a loss. She felt that she had said the wrong thing and made this unpredictable tyrant angry again. She wanted to make amends, but she didn't dare to open her mouth to make amends.

The courage to complain to Ye Feng before disappeared completely at this moment.

Seeing that Ye Feng still didn't speak, Gao Xuan, who felt really tormented, couldn't help but peek at Ye Feng and said tentatively: "Mr. Ye, actually I really met the eldest sister by chance..."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

Ye Feng frowned and looked at Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan bit her lip, and tears couldn't help but well up in her eyes. She didn't understand what she said wrong again, and why he was angry again, even though he was smiling just now.

Sure enough, everything is an illusion.

Gao Xuan stood in front of Ye Feng aggrievedly.

Ye Feng remained silent. He took a sip of the coffee and spit it out again. It tasted so damn bad. In fact, he was not angry at Gao Xuan for explaining it, nor was he angry. He was still angry at Gao Xuan for explaining it to him.

Because Ye Feng didn't like Gao Xuan being so afraid of him. She was such a proud and confident woman in the past, and even Li Zhedong, who was very capable, fell into her hands.

Now, what does she look like?
How can a humble woman still look like the once arrogant elite woman?
Thinking of how Gao Xuan was crying and shaking when she came up, Ye Feng still wanted to ask Gao Xuan seriously, did he really look that scary?

But in the end, Ye Feng gave up the idea. He didn't like to use pressure to make others give answers that they didn't want. Even if he had pressured Gao Xuan, it was to pressure her to stay away from him, not to pressure her to compromise.

Ye Feng stood up.

Gao Xuan was startled when she saw Ye Feng standing up suddenly, and couldn't help but take a step back.

Little did he know that the more she acted like this, the more irritated Ye Feng was. His original intention of sitting down and having a quiet chat with Gao Xuan was completely gone. Without saying anything else, he turned around and walked downstairs.

Gao Xuan didn't know why Ye Feng was so angry. She was already so humble, and what was the point of Ye Feng leaving now?All kinds of possible speculations are coming.

"No, you are not allowed to go."

Gao Xuan quickly caught up with Ye Feng, grabbed his arm, and refused to let him go.


Ye Feng frowned and glanced at Gao Xuan's hand grabbing him.

"No! I'm not loose!"

Gao Xuan said something first, then looked up at Ye Feng, pleading and pleading: "Can you please not go? Really, I beg you." "Why don't you go?"

Ye Feng asked back: "In your heart, don't you already have a label for me that treats you badly and is very inhumane?"

"No, no, I really didn't think so."

Gao Xuan still held Ye Feng's hand and spoke quickly and hurriedly explained: "I just want to tell you that I didn't approach the eldest sister on purpose. It's not right. I approached the eldest sister because of you, which is also wrong..."

Gao Xuan was about to cry again, and finally said anxiously: "Anyway, I really have no ill intentions towards my eldest sister. I really regard her as my own sister. I can give her anything. Mr. Ye, can you trust me? I really beg you, can I find an opportunity to transfer Lanshan’s shares to my eldest sister later?”


Ye Feng suddenly broke free from Gao Xuan's hand, and then stopped walking. He stared at Gao Xuan step by step and asked, "Transfer the shares of Lanshan to the eldest sister? Are you rich now?"

"No, no money..."

Gao Xuan stepped back step by step, not knowing what to say. She had no money at all now. All her money had been invested in the hotel, and her eldest sister's money was also used to renovate and renovate the hotel.

It can be said that all she can give is the shares of Lanshan. Apart from the shares of Lanshan, she really doesn't know what to use to prove that she really regards her eldest sister as her biological sister.

Ye Feng looked at Gao Xuan's humble look and didn't know what to say. A woman who was usually so smart was as stupid as a pig at the critical moment. Did he care about the millions of shares in her hand?
"Forget it, you can keep the shares in your hand. My sister is short of money. I will give it myself. No one else needs to give it, and there is no need for you to give it."

Ye Feng didn't want to talk anymore.

Hearing this, Gao Xuan quickly grabbed Ye Feng's arm, looked at him, shook her head, and said urgently: "No, it won't work!"

Ye Feng's brows furrowed a bit, and his eyes were beating with anger that was gradually becoming uncontrollable: "Why not? I'll say it again, my sister is short of money and I'm here for you. It has nothing to do with you, you know?"

"Let me go now."

Ye Feng felt that he couldn't help but get angry, so he didn't want to tangle with Gao Xuan anymore.

"Not loose!"

Gao Xuan was still afraid of Ye Feng, but she refused to let go.

Ye Feng stared at Gao Xuan's hands expressionlessly and began to count.

"I count to three."


Gao Xuan was determined not to let go.


Gao Xuan's heart trembled.


As soon as the three words came out, Gao Xuan finally let go. She looked at Ye Feng and didn't want to let him go, but when she saw Ye Feng's expressionless face, she didn't dare to step forward, feeling helpless and aggrieved.

Ye Feng started walking towards the stairs.


Gao Xuan's cry came from behind, and she cried a little desperately: "I really treat my eldest sister as my own sister."

Ye Feng paused and continued walking forward, but just when Ye Feng reached the stairs and was about to go downstairs, he suddenly heard footsteps chasing him from behind.

Still not giving up?

Ye Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to turn around and tell Gao Xuan clearly, but as soon as he turned around, he saw Gao Xuan's tear-filled face right in front of him, and then Ye Feng's lips were blocked.

Gao Xuan stood on her toes.

Ye Feng froze suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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