Recast youth

Chapter 1956 Mr. Pan, have you eaten?

Chapter 1956 Mr. Pan, have you eaten?

Ye Yun and Ye Feng chatted for a while and then went to help in the kitchen. Ye Feng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked out at the sea in the distance from the ventilated window. He held a cigarette between his fingers and his eyes were deep, unable to see through his true intentions.

Pan Kun was standing behind Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't speak, and Pan Kun stood quietly. Although Pan Kun was always reticent, he could see many things clearly. He knew that what he saw in front of him made the boss even more suspicious of the woman who cooperated with the eldest lady to open a hotel and B&B. Her real name is not Li Xuan, but Gao Xuan.

Is it her?
Pan Kun also thinks so, because there are many signs that Li Xuan and Gao Xuan are the same person, but the key is that Gao Xuan, a woman, is inextricably linked to the boss, so he can only pretend to be confused and do nothing. Know.

"Do you think it's her?"

After looking at the beautiful scenery of Barcelona's seaside for a while, Ye Feng turned back and looked at Pan Kun, his calm eyes revealing unfathomable depth.

"I do not know."

Pan Kun replied.

"Don't you know?"

Ye Feng suddenly chuckled, his eyes fell on Pan Kun, and said: "If I ask you a question, just say what is in your heart."

"I really do not know."

Pan Kun raised his head and said in confusion: "Boss, which girl are you talking about? Miss Li Xuan?"

"Who the hell are you imitating? You imitated Feng Sande, that old man who pretended to be dumbfounded in front of me. That old man was really dumbfounded. You have been an armed policeman for ten years, are you dumbfounded?"

Seeing that Pan Kun was still pretending to be stupid, Ye Feng cursed angrily: "Pan Kun, let me tell you, if you continue to pretend to be stupid in front of me, I will kick you."

When Pan Kun heard this, he immediately stopped pretending to be stupid and was stunned. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Boss, I don't want to pretend to be stupid. This is mainly your private matter, boss. I'm a subordinate, so I really can't say much. Too much is not good, and too little is not good either.”

"I'm letting you say it now."

Ye Feng's eyes were unkind, and he was likely to kick him out at the next moment.

Seeing that he couldn't be fooled, Pan Kun had no choice but to say honestly: "I think it might be her."

"The reason?"

"The names are similar. I am a fan of you, boss. She is so kind to the eldest lady and practices yoga. After you, boss, arrived in Barcelona, ​​she suddenly had something to do at home and had to leave here..."

Pan Kun listed the places where Li Xuan and Gao Xuan coincided, and finally looked up at Ye Feng and said: "There are many things in this world that have amazing coincidences, but if there are more than three coincidences, this matter is worth pondering. .”

Ye Feng nodded and asked the only doubt in his heart: "Then how did she appear in Pamplona? I didn't tell anyone about my parents and my sister going to Pamplona to participate in the Running of the Bulls Festival. Say, she doesn’t even know.”

"This could be a real coincidence."

Pan Kun thought for a moment and said, "I don't know if he meant that Gao Xuan's appearance in Pamplona was a coincidence, or that it was a coincidence that Li Xuan and Gao Xuan were not the same person at all."


Ye Feng also said something ambiguous. He was originally a person who did not believe in fate, but since December 2001, 12, many things have forced him to believe that there is sometimes such an illusory thing as fate in this world. of.

Such as his rebirth.

For example, Meng Yun applied for QQ that originally belonged to him.

Another example is the current Li Xuan. Whether this Li Xuan is Gao Xuan who appeared in Pamplona by chance, or it is really a combination of so many coincidences, her real name is Li Xuan, she is really her fan, she is really She is kind-hearted, she really likes yoga, and she really has something to do at home, so she has to go back before she goes to the hotel. It's all a coincidence.

Coincidence, isn't it just an arrangement of fate?After thinking for a while, Ye Feng simply didn't bother to think about it anymore. Since there is such a thing as fate, fate will naturally make corresponding arrangements. He took out his mobile phone and called Feng Sande, an old man.

Domestic time is only 6 hours behind Spain, so it’s only just six or seven o’clock in the evening in China.

The call was quickly connected, and Feng Sande's flattering voice came over the phone: "Hello, how are you, boss."

"Stop trying to get too close to me. When will you come back to us?"

Ye Feng asked angrily with the speakerphone on.

In the past few years, Pan Kun and Feng Sande have been together frequently. When they were in the Shanghai stock market, the two even ran an express delivery station together for a while, so when Ye Feng called, Pan Kun also came over.

"I'll be back as soon as I catch the Gyrfalcon."

"Come back after you catch the gyrfalcon? I know when you can catch the gyrfalcon. If you can't catch the gyrfalcon in two or three years, I will wait for you for two or three years. And after you catch it, you will have to endure it and so on. .”

Ye Feng lit a cigarette again and said: "Come back, there is no need to look for the gyrfalcon. It is useless to find it. It is a second-level protected animal. I can't take it with me. If you are really rare about this thing, I will take you there one day." UAE, you can buy Gyrfalcons there.”

"Boss, those who spend money and those who don't spend money are different, and their viciousness is also different." Feng Sande said nonchalantly. He and Feng Zheng had been traveling all the way to the HLJ border for almost a month. Now let him Come back, how can you agree?

Ye Feng was happy: "You are determined not to give up until you see the Yellow River. Are you going to the alleys in the northeast in the name of helping me catch falcons?"

"How dare you chew the back of my tongue?"

Feng Sande immediately screamed as if his tail had been stepped on: "Is it Pan Kun's nagging talk?"


Pan Kun said into the phone: "Master, I'm standing next to you. Isn't it inappropriate for you to scold me like this in front of me?"


Feng Sandezheng and Feng Zheng were lying in a small room on the second floor of a bathroom. The room was not big, with only two beds and a TV. There was nothing extra. However, since there was a heater in the bathroom, it was not cold at all.

Both of them were wearing the casual shorts and shorts provided by the bathroom. Feng Zheng was lying on the bed inside with his eyes closed and calm, as if he were a dormant tiger lying in the bathroom of the remote town of HLJ.

Feng Sande had already sat up at this time. After cursing on the phone, when he heard Pan Kun's voice, his face was immediately filled with a flattering smile.

"Hey, Master Pan is here. Master Pan, I was wrong. Master Pan, I kowtow to you. I was just talking nonsense. Master Pan, have you eaten?"

Feng Sande apologized flatteringly, while holding his cell phone and knocking it down, almost touching the bed board with his cell phone.


When Pan Kun heard that Feng Sande was so shameless on the phone, he smiled and didn't know what to say.

Ye Feng also smiled. We haven't seen each other for a month, but this old man is still so shameless. Ye Feng deliberately asked on the phone: "Don't give me a bad look. I want to ask you, have you been to the alley often this month?"

"Not really!"

When Feng Sande heard Ye Feng's voice, he categorically rejected it, and then swore and said: "Boss, I am not that person, whoever goes is the dog..."

Ye Feng interrupted Feng Sande: "Okay, don't swear in front of me. Your vows are worthless. I will return to China in about a week. If you haven't found Haidongqing during this time, just bring Feng Zheng back." .”

(End of this chapter)

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