Recast youth

Chapter 1955 Ye Feng’s suspicion

Chapter 1955 Ye Feng’s suspicion

Four Cats Cafe.

A Mediterranean-style cafe with a very bourgeois decoration. There are some medals and photos of celebrities coming to dine on the wall. There is a casual open area on the second floor of the cafe.

A woman with a good figure wearing a floral dress is sitting here with a delicate face. There is a cup of steaming black coffee on the table, but her attention is not on the coffee at this time, but on On the first floor of the hotel opposite.

This hotel is none other than the hotel run by Ye Yun and Gao Xuan.

And this woman is none other than Gao Xuan.

When Ye Yun went to the airport, Zhang Yutong, who came to interview for a customer service job, had already arrived. After learning about Zhang Yutong's resume and asking a few questions, Gao Xuan left alone and came to the cafe opposite the hotel.

She was afraid of seeing Ye Feng.

I also want to see Ye Feng.

This feeling is very complicated. The reason why I am afraid of seeing Ye Feng is because I am afraid that Ye Feng will habitually think that he is approaching his sister with some ulterior purpose. I really want to see Ye Feng because I want to see her too much.

The two feelings are constantly conflicting in my heart.

Finally, Gao Xuan accidentally arrived at the cafe only a few dozen meters away from the hotel. Then she saw Ye Feng, who was wearing a suit and standing upright, getting out of the taxi, and she also saw him and his eldest sister walking into the cafe.

Gao Xuan never thought that she, who had always been more realistic, would be tortured by emotions one day, especially at this time. After looking at the hotel opposite for a while, Gao Xuan smiled at herself, and then moved her eyes to the risk on the table. Hot black coffee. In fact, she knew the reason for coming here. She was still hoping for luck and wanted Ye Feng to meet her accidentally.

What if the eldest sister brings him to the cafe for coffee?
All are possible.

But he didn't consider the consequences. If he really met him, would there be any good results for him?It's simply impossible. She loves that Zhang Lan woman. She is nothing in front of him, and she doesn't have Wen Yueqi's background to help him.

In his mind, the body is also equated with money and filth.

I have to say that people can really be mean when it comes to relationships sometimes.

Even though I knew it couldn't be done, I still took a chance.

Gao Xuan stared at the coffee for a while, and her heart, which had been much happier because of the appearance of her eldest sister, was once again filled with bitterness. She wondered if the black coffee was as bitter as her own.

Should be right?
Gao Xuan looked at the steaming coffee for a while, then picked up the cup and took a big sip. As soon as she put it in her mouth, she felt an unspeakable bitterness and it was also very hot. However, Gao Xuan did not swallow it, but drank it. He held it in his mouth for a while, until his taste buds fully felt the bitterness of the black coffee without any sugar or milk, and then he swallowed it down his throat.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Gao Xuan glanced at the number displayed on her phone. It was a call from her eldest sister Ye Yun. After thinking about it, Gao Xuan answered the phone and said in a "relaxed" tone: "Hey sister, have you returned to the store?"

"Oh, I'm arriving at the airport soon. I just missed you. I didn't want to. I couldn't help it. Suddenly, my family called me and told me that my grandma was not in good health. She asked me to go back and take a look. I have to go back now. I can’t say when I’ll be back.”

"Don't worry, my grandma is fine. I just have to worry about the decoration of the hotel. Is Zhang Yutong still there? Well, that's fine. You can pay me the salary."

"Well, okay sister, call me if you need anything."

hang up the phone.

The smile on Gao Xuan's face disappeared, she smiled self-deprecatingly, lifted the cup, and drank all the remaining bitter coffee along her lips. There was nothing she could do about it, women sometimes just don't mean what they say.



hotel.Ye Yun hung up the phone, with a hint of worry in her eyes. She originally wanted to introduce Xuanxuan to meet her brother, and they all chose a place to sit down and have dinner together in the evening. Unexpectedly, Xuanxuan's grandma was actually sick.

I don’t know how her grandma is doing.

"what happened?"

At this time Ye Feng came over.

"Xuanxuan's grandma was sick and asked her to go back. Now she's going to the airport."

Ye Yun turned around and said helplessly: "I originally wanted to introduce her to you, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen."

"That's quite unfortunate."

Ye Feng's eyes moved slightly. He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. As soon as she arrived in Barcelona, ​​her grandma fell ill and was in a hurry to go back.

But soon Ye Feng no longer thought about this matter. Instead, he and his eldest sister chatted while visiting the hotel that was being renovated. The hotel has three floors in total. Actually, it is better to say two and a half floors, because the rooms are Mainly concentrated on the first and second floors. As for the third floor, there are only three rooms. Ye Feng also likes the leisure area on the roof. It seems that most decorations in Europe are like this.

There are also many flowers that Ye Feng cannot name in the corridor area on the second floor and the rooftop leisure area. Overall, this hotel has a very literary and artistic atmosphere, which is very suitable for some domestic young people and petty bourgeoisie to come and stay.

The hotel rooms are being renovated.

There is also a sauna on the second floor.

A leisure area is reserved on the first floor near the corridor, because there is a patio in the middle of the hotel lobby, which faces the sun, where guests can read a book and bathe in the sun.

Ye Feng also gave his own suggestion. Since he was going to a hotel and B&B, it would be better to keep a few expensive cats in the hotel. He could also hang a few birdcages in the corridor and raise a few parrots.

In this case, the petty bourgeoisie atmosphere of the hotel's life will be stronger, which is very consistent with what those petty bourgeoisie say, that life is not only about the immediate mediocrity, but also poetry and distance.

After hearing this, Ye Yun's eyes lit up and she thought Ye Feng's idea was very good, so she decided to discuss it with Xuan Xuan then to see what kind of cats and parrots would be better to keep in the hotel.

Near noon.

Since Wang Haiqin wanted to make potato and beef stew for her son, Ye Feng and his party did not go to the restaurant, but went back to the apartment they were living in. It was very large, about 170 square meters, with four rooms, a study room, and a special The room used for fitness is not very luxuriously decorated and has very few furniture, but it has a very refreshing feeling.

Standing in the fitness room, you can see the coast of Barcelona in the distance. Looking around, the sea and the sky are connected, and they are blue and blue, which is very beautiful.

There are yoga mats on the floor of the room, and yoga balls, yoga bricks, etc. are placed in the corner.

Ye Feng's Lanshan Club has yoga classes, so he knows the role of yoga balls and yoga bricks. At this time, the eldest sister just came in from the outside. Ye Feng looked at the yoga balls and yoga bricks in the corner and asked casually: "You Does your new sister still practice yoga?"

Ye Feng was really suspicious.

Everything is so coincidental.

Gao Xuan, Li Xuan.

practice yoga.

He is so kind to his sister and parents.

Then he happened to come to Barcelona, ​​and her grandmother became "sick" and needed her to go back. Are there really so many coincidences in this world?
(End of this chapter)

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