Recast youth

Chapter 1904 News Pusher

Chapter 1904 News Pusher
"You are not me, how do you know that I am asking for perfection?"

Li Qingmei turned to look at Ye Feng.

Her figure is very tall and three-dimensional. Wearing high heels, she doesn't need to lift much to look at Ye Feng's level. There is no impulse in her eyes, but only dignity, elegance and tranquility.

Ye Feng suddenly didn't know what to say.

Then Li Qingmei said: "Don't think too complicated about me. In fact, I'm quite simple. I don't donate money to please you. I'm not that irrational. I just want to take advantage of this opportunity." In order to send a signal to the outside world, I, Dongcheng Group, have not reached the point where we cannot expose the pot. Secondly, we also want to use your momentum to restore investors and the outside world's confidence in Dongcheng Group. Therefore, this 5000 million seems to be a lot, but it is not much. , I have to pay more than 5000 million in bank interest every year, and as long as I can circulate my funds, I will soon be able to close this hole."


Since Li Qingmei said this, Ye Feng stopped saying anything. He asked, "What will be the consequences if you are found to have misappropriated pre-sale funds?"

Li Qingmei said: "The consequences are not big. The most is to urge me to transfer the transaction amount to the supervision account as soon as possible."

Ye Feng continued to ask: "What if it doesn't change?"

Li Qingmei was silent for a while and said: "We may suspend the pre-sale license for the Ning City Sun City project, suspend the online signing registration and suspend the allocation of pre-sale funds, and let our company make rectifications."

"You can be considered a desperate attempt."

Ye Feng suddenly laughed and said, "I won't accept your company's donation. You'd better take the money back."

"Do you want Dongcheng Group to have a reputation of regretting and committing fraudulent donations?"

Li Qingmei looked at Ye Feng with a faint look.

Ye Feng said: "It's not a fraudulent donation. I don't agree to receive this amount. In addition, the Maple Leaf Foundation's accounts do not need to be disclosed to the outside world, so if I say you donated, you just donated."

"5000 million."

Li Qingmei looked at Ye Feng and said.

Ye Feng glanced at Li Qingmei and said, "I know it's 5000 million. Do I look like the person who sent you this little money?"

Li Qingmei looked at Ye Feng for a while, and suddenly laughed out loud. The smile had an indescribable feminine charm. Then he stretched out his hand, looked at Ye Feng formally and said with a smile: "It seems that we need to get to know each other again." , Hello Mr. Ye, I am Li Qingmei, Muzi Li, Qingmei from Shanyuan Qingmei."


Guo Qianhao, Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau Zhu Tao, Wang Xin and Meng Weihong are all here. It is impossible for him to shake hands with Li Qingmei in front of so many people, curse in angrily, and then stop talking to Li Qingmei. , turned around and started chatting with Guo Qianhao and Zhu Tao. After all, they represented the government today. As the chairman of the foundation, he must be responsible for entertaining.

However, Guo Qianhao and Zhu Taoyi didn't stay long. They declined the offer to have lunch together, chatted with Ye Feng for a while about the foundation's follow-up charity plans, and then left.

The rest of the group ate together.

Meng Yun is the secretary-general of the Maple Leaf Foundation and is also responsible for the finances. Big income must go through her. Ye Feng went to her specifically and told her not to accept donations from the Dongcheng Group.

Meng Yun was surprised and asked why he didn't accept it.

Ye Feng originally wanted to explain that the money donated by Dongcheng Group was to misappropriate the pre-sale funds of other real estate projects, but after thinking about it, he swallowed his words and asked Meng Yun to give him the check donated by Dongcheng Group. He was responsible for receiving the money. The money will be transferred to the public account of the Maple Leaf Foundation in the afternoon.

In fact, Ye Feng plans to donate another 5000 million yuan himself.It's not that Ye Feng helped Li Qingmei pay it, but Ye Feng felt that Li Qingmei's 5000 million itself was going to be used for charity anyway. Since it was all used for charity, there was no need to worry about who provided the money. Yes.

It’s just who named it.

Now Ye Feng really has the confidence not to take the 5000 million in his heart. At noon, after the celebration banquet, Ye Feng asked Pan Kun to take him to the bank to transfer 5000 million to the Maple Leaf Fund's account.

After transferring the money, Ye called Meng Yun and asked her to check the account to see if the 5000 million from Dongcheng Group had arrived in the fund account. Soon, Meng Yun called back after checking the company account and said that the 5000 million had arrived. It’s in the account.

"Well, just get there. You are busy with the foundation first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Sister Hong. I have something to do when I go back, so I won't go there today."

Saying that, Ye Feng hung up the phone.

He had to go back first to send back the passports of his parents and eldest sister, and apply for a Spanish Schengen visa. According to the Schengen Agreement, a visa issued by any Schengen member country is also considered valid in other member countries, without the need to apply for a separate visa.

Therefore, even if the eldest sister and the others are finished traveling in Spain, they can still travel to Schengen member states such as Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg with the Spanish Schengen visa.

After arriving home, Ye Feng gave the passports of his eldest sister and parents to them, and then explained to them which countries they could visit with Spanish Schengen visas.


at the same time.

The news that Ye Feng established the non-public charity fund "Maple Leaf Foundation" under the leadership of Dongzhou City Executive Vice Mayor Guo Qianhao and Civil Affairs Bureau Director Zhu Tao has also made headlines in major newspapers.

The main reason is that the scale of the foundation is very eye-catching.

Foundation founder Ye Feng personally invested 5000 million, Lanshan Group invested 5000 million, and Dongcheng Group invested 200 million. Ignoring the [-] million donated by Meng Weihong, the scale of funds here is already [-] million.

Two hundred million.

This figure is unimaginable to ordinary people, so it was a sensation when the news came out. Local forums in Dongzhou City spontaneously promoted this matter everywhere. As for the Maple Leaf Foundation's donation of 2 million, it also appeared on the Internet.

Because the Internet is now developed, traditional journalism has gradually lost its influence, so they have also transformed into news portals and reported the news online as soon as possible.

As for the official propaganda outlet of Dongzhou City, they also vigorously publicized the event of Ye Feng establishing the Maple Leaf Foundation, because it was a very positive, encouraging, and positive news.

But events related to the foundation are not the only ones in the news.

In addition, there is another thing that has dominated the news, that is, Dongcheng Group, which was asked to freeze funds by the bank last week, donated as much as 5000 million in this incident.

When banks applied to freeze the capital accounts of Dongcheng Group's subsidiaries, news emerged one after another about Dongcheng Group's lack of money and problems in its capital chain, and the stock price fell by 23.2% in a week.

This time Dongcheng Group donated 5000 million, which is undoubtedly a proof to the outside world and also slapped the face of the bank that applied to freeze Dongcheng Group's funds.

When the news came out, Li Qingmei was standing in the rooftop office of Dongcheng Xiulancheng, looking down at Dongzhou City with her breasts crossed. Her figure was stunning. The reason why the news of Dongcheng Group donating 5000 million spread so quickly is Because she has engaged the media behind the scenes to promote public relations, she cannot show weakness now. Once she does, the tall buildings will collapse instantly like dominoes.

(End of this chapter)

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