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Chapter 1903 Li Qingmei’s 5000 million

Chapter 1903 Li Qingmei’s 5000 million

Dixon took office.

Lanshan's strategic investment department was also established. However, in the first three days of taking office, Dixon did nothing. Instead, he asked the secretary assigned by Wang Xin to collect information on currently listed and unlisted companies in the country. All the report information is ready for him to take a look at.

He is familiar with China's investment environment.

In Dixon's philosophy, investment can be radical, but in an unfamiliar environment, investment must not be blindly radical. Rather than throwing money around, it is better to actually hold the money in your own hands, and then Wait for the right opportunity.

In the past three days, Ye Feng has been busy registering the "Maple Leaf Foundation". With the leadership of Guo Qianhao and the special arrangements of Zhu Tao, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Ye Feng's registration of the "Maple Leaf Foundation" was successful.

Ye Feng serves as chairman.

Meng Yun serves as secretary-general.

Meng Weihong serves as director.

As for directors, there are domestic policy requirements. It is not that mainland citizens cannot serve as directors of non-public charity funds. However, Dixon and Ye Feng can hire him as an investment consultant for the "Maple Leaf Fund".

After the establishment of the "Maple Leaf Foundation", the founding ceremony of the foundation was held.

The founding ceremony was held in Xiulancheng, Dongcheng.

There were more people present. Not only Ye Feng, Dixon, Meng Yun, and Meng Weihong attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the establishment of the foundation, Executive Vice Mayor Guo Qianhao, Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau Zhu Tao, Chen Qiushi, and Wang Xin also cut the ribbon. ceremony.

Since Ye Feng's foundation is a non-public fundraising foundation and does not need to hold an on-site auction to raise donations, not many people were invited to the establishment ceremony.

However, many media from Dongzhou TV Station came to the scene, because the "Maple Leaf Foundation" has a long history. The first one was founded by Ye Feng, the founder of Lanshan. The second one, the initial public welfare funds of the "Maple Leaf Foundation" reached 5000 million in scale, and Lanshan Group will also donate 1 million, which is of great positive social reporting value.

As the leader of the charity fund, Guo Qianhao took turns speaking with the Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and then invited Ye Feng to come forward and deliver a speech at the establishment ceremony of the "Maple Leaf Foundation".

Ye Feng took the stage and briefly talked about the founding purpose of the Maple Leaf Foundation: caring for the elderly, supporting the young, assisting students, and relieving the poor.

After Ye Feng finished speaking, Meng Weihong, one of the directors of the foundation, came to the stage with a check, smiled and said to the people below: "In order to support the establishment and purpose of the "Maple Leaf Foundation", I personally donated 200 Ten thousand."

Ye Feng was a little surprised.

Meng Weihong's donation was something he never expected.

After the people below saw a beautiful woman come up to donate money, they all applauded Meng Weihong. The reporter also photographed Meng Weihong and the check together, but this was just the beginning.

Then Lanshan Group Executive CEO Wang Xin came to the stage and announced a donation of 1 million yuan on behalf of Lanshan Group.

Although Lanshan Group’s donation is not a secret, when it was announced, it was still very shocking to use [-] million for charity.

After Wang Xin finished her donation, Li Qingmei, a tall figure wearing an intellectual slim suit, suddenly appeared on the edge of the podium, walked up, said to Ye Feng with a smile: "I'm not late, am I?"

As the female director of Dongcheng Group, Li Qingmei is also very famous in Dongzhou City. Guo Qianhao and the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau also know this heroine and greet Li Qingmei one after another.

Li Qingmei returned the greetings one by one.

Ye Feng did not invite Li Qingmei at all. He did not expect that she would actually come. Then he saw Li Qingmei walking to the camera, taking out a check and facing the crowd below. The reporter smiled and said: "Good morning, everyone. I am Li Qingmei, chairman of Dongcheng Group. As a corporate person with a sense of social responsibility, it is our unshirkable responsibility to care for and help the disadvantaged groups. As I said, my personal ability is limited, but everyone's love is unlimited. Drops of water merge into a small river, a small river. The rivers merge into the great rivers, and the great rivers merge into the sea. This small amount of love can change those families in need of help to the same sunny smiles as everyone else. I am here to donate 5000 million yuan to the Maple Leaf Foundation on behalf of Dongcheng Group..."

Ye Feng looked at Li Qingmei who was chatting on the stage with some surprise. Li Qingmei did tell him a few days ago that she would donate 5000 million, but he didn't expect that she would actually donate.As the CEO of Lanshan Group, Wang Xin stood next to Ye Feng, watching the thunderous applause for Li Qingmei from the audience, and smiled at Ye Feng in a low voice: "Look at how someone became the leader of an enterprise, how good are you? It's better to say that the old people, the young, the students, and the poor are all gone."

Ye Feng was unhappy: "Is it more important to talk nicely or to do practical things?"

"It's all important."

Wang Xin chuckled.

Meng Yun originally came here to participate in the establishment ceremony of the "Maple Leaf One Foundation", but when she saw that Meng Weihong and Li Qingmei had made donations, she felt particularly uncomfortable.

So he found Ye Feng who was talking to Wang Xin and whispered: "I don't have that much money, so I won't go up to speak. I will go to the bank to withdraw 6000 yuan later to support you."

Where did Ye Feng and Meng Yun donate money?Then he said: "Don't cause trouble, you don't need to donate money."


Meng Yun was a little angry: "Then I will donate 6300 yuan."


Ye Feng was speechless.

Meng Yun said anxiously: "That's all I have."

"Okay, you can take it out for me later and donate 6000."

Ye Feng looked at Meng Yun for a while and agreed. Then Meng Yun stood back to the side with satisfaction, looking at the audience, feeling an indescribable pride in her heart because she also supported charity.

Wang Xin looked at Meng Yun who was leaving, then at Meng Weihong and Li Qingmei who donated money. Each one was very beautiful and had their own merits. She deliberately sighed to Ye Feng and said: "Oh, this peach blossom debt, a 200 Ten thousand, one 5000 million, and the other took out all her money, boss, how can you pay it back?"


Ye Feng didn't want to talk to Wang Xin.

After Li Qingmei spoke, he came to Ye Feng's side. Ye Feng was unhappy because of Wang Xin's words. When he saw Li Qingmei coming over, he said angrily: "You have a lot of money. Isn't the bank suing you for paying back the money?" Has the money been paid back?”

"Not yet."

Li Qingmei said calmly: "I misappropriated the sales funds of Ningshi Sun City."

"I think you are crazy."

Ye Feng couldn't help but glance at Li Qingmei. The pre-sale funds for commercial housing must be entered into the supervision account. What Li Qingmei did was a serious violation of the "Management Measures for the Pre-sale of Urban Commercial Housing".

Li Qingmei whispered: "My personality is like this. I don't want to compromise. If you move trees to death, people will live. Instead of dying slowly like this, it's better to take a gamble."

Ye Feng was so happy that he couldn't help but glance at Li Qingmei, who looked calm and calm: "Then you are willing to compromise when you are here with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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