Recast youth

Chapter 1820 As long as the means are practical

Chapter 1820 As long as the means are practical
There are several vans at the entrance of a factory with an area of ​​almost 1000 square meters. There are about 200 people in the factory who process clothes and pack clothes.

Everything is in order.

This is no one else's factory, but Huang He's. His factory is in Xieqiao, only three or four kilometers away from Ye Yun's factory. After Ye Feng got the address, he took Feng Zheng and Pan Kun with him. We drove here together.

At first glance, this factory is really quite big.

Ye Feng refused to believe that the owner of this factory could not afford 20 yuan. After the car stopped at the door, Ye Feng got out of the car and walked into the factory, with Feng Zheng and Pan Kun following behind him.

"Who are you looking for?"

As soon as he entered the factory, Huang Mao, who was packing clothes, raised his head and asked.

Ye Feng glanced at him: "Where is your boss?"

"The boss is away."

Huang Mao said something.

Ye Feng glanced at the workers at work in the factory, and then said to Feng Zheng beside him: "Turn off the switch."

Without saying a word, Feng Zheng found the electric switch and turned it off. The moment the electric switch was turned off, the originally noisy workshop suddenly became quiet. Some people were surprised about the power outage.

Soon, they discovered that someone had turned off the electric switch, and then they discovered Ye Feng standing at the door smoking, and the two tall men next to him, Feng Zheng and Pan Kun.

The visitor is not good.

Huang Mao, who was packing, immediately ran to a young leader in his early thirties, pointed at Feng Zheng and said, "That man turned off the electric switch in the factory."

When the young leader heard this, he frowned, walked over immediately, looked at Ye Feng and the others, and said, "How can we go to work if you turn off our power switch?"

With that said, the little leader asked Huang Mao to push up the switch.

The moment Huang Mao was about to push the switch, Feng Zheng suddenly took a step sideways and stared at him without saying a word. There was no expression on his face at all. Huang Mao's whole body was hairy when he looked at him. He turned around and glanced at the little leader. Where do you dare to push the switch?
Ye Feng lit a cigarette, looked at the small leader and said, "I have something to do with your boss. You call him and tell him to come back now, otherwise his factory will not open."

The young leader glanced at Ye Feng, who was confident, and then at the tall and powerful Feng Zheng and Pan Kun. Knowing that these people came to make trouble with the boss, he immediately walked aside and called the boss Huang He, speaking in a low voice. stand up.


In a room in a private house in the countryside.

There is a table here, and the table is full of people. Not only the table is full of people, but also the three floors around it are full of people. They all have money in their hands and are paying attention to the playing cards on the table.

On the long bench outside stood Brother Shui with short-sleeved tattoos and a bag on his back.

Huang He was sitting at the table gambling [-] cards. In the past few years, he had owed a lot of money from gambling, but in the past two years, he deliberately took orders from the factory, and then found his colleagues to do the work. He got the money from the factory and deliberately delayed it. At the end of the day, it took a year to turn around.

At this time, his phone rang while he was waiting to open the bank. After he answered the phone, his expression changed. The power switch in the factory was actually turned off. If the power switch was turned off, how could he still work in the factory?

So he stood up immediately, found the person who ran the casino, and asked him to take him to the pick-up location in a van. His car was parked at the pick-up location. Every time he gambled, the person who opened the casino would tell him a pick-up location, and let him They parked the car and used a van to pick up the gamblers, and when they came out, they also used a van to take the gamblers out.

Huang He also had a social worker with him. Huang He already knew on the phone that there were three people who went to make trouble in his factory. After getting into his car, Huang He asked the social worker next to him to make a call. Call someone.

The private clothing factories in Chang City are developed, and the people in the society are also developed. They basically rely on loan sharks to gamblers like Huang He to support themselves, so Huang He also knows many people in the society.

A phone call was made to a relatively well-off brother in the urban area. He was from northern Jiangsu. He was nicknamed Xiaoyuezi in the early days, but is now known as Yueda. The social people who follow Huang He now are the subordinates of Yueda Company.

Huang He's brother-in-law is the manager of a large clothing factory, and he also gave Huang He the order. This is why Huang He couldn't dump it after he missed the bottom. If he had an order, he couldn't dump it.

After Yueda received Huang He's call, he said he would bring two people over to see who was so awesome that he would cause trouble in his factory.When Huang He heard what Yue Da said, his heart dropped. The reason was simply because Yue Da was very famous. As long as he was present, the matter would basically be solved.

As for the troublemakers?

Huang He sneered.

Soon, Huang He drove back to the factory gate, and then he saw the Mercedes-Benz S600 parked at the gate. When he saw the Mercedes-Benz S600, his eyelids jumped.

This car is not driven by ordinary people, it is driven by bosses.

At this time, a black Land Rover also drove over. The driver was a relatively majestic social man, with black short sleeves and exposed arms. Huang He knew him, he was a month-old follower. , his name is Haodong, and he is also a relatively good eldest brother.

Yuedao was sitting in the passenger seat. He was not tall but had a burly figure. After he came over, he put his arm on the window with a smile and greeted Huang He: "Boss, what's going on?"

"I don't know. People from the factory called and said that someone had turned off the power switch of our factory."

Huang He felt more confident when he saw Yue Da coming over. He got out of the car to spread cigarettes for Yue Da. Then he said hello to Haodong who was driving, called Brother Dong, and handed over a cigarette. He was a good businessman. There is no difference between a social person and a social person.

People from society who were quite close to Huang He before also came over and called Yueda, Brother Dong.

Yuedao didn't take it seriously. He was hanging out in Changshi. No matter who saw him, he would betray him in some way, so no matter who came, he didn't take it seriously and lit the cigarette that Huang He handed over. , got out of the car and said, "Okay, let's go in and see who it is."

Huang He didn't say anything and followed behind Yue Da and Haodong. He glanced at the Mercedes-Benz S600 first. If it had a foreign license plate, he would be a little shy. If it was from a foreign country, he wouldn't be so shy when Yue Da was around. .

But I don't know why, Huang He is always a little uneasy.

inside the factory.

Both Feng Zheng and Pan Kun are very strong. When they stand next to Ye Feng, they are very imposing. After all, people in the factory are paid to work. Even if they see them turn off the power switch, they don't dare to interfere. , can only sit there and wait.

Ye Feng was not in a hurry. If he went to Huang He directly, he might not be able to find anyone, but as soon as the power in the factory went out, I believe he would appear soon, although this method was a bit anti-aircraft to swat mosquitoes compared to his identity.

But there are two advantages.

The first point is quick results.

The second point is to relieve your anger.

As for the issue of his own safety, let alone Feng Zheng, the Tianzihao fierce man, even if Pan Kun stopped here, Ye Feng did not believe that anyone could break through Pan Kun and do something to him.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng saw several people walking in at the door. Most of them had tattoos on their bodies. They looked like social workers. Ye Feng instantly knew why Huang He was so confident that he refused to pay back the money.

Yueda came over with Haodong and Huang He and glanced at Ye Feng and Feng Zheng and Pan Kun next to him. He had been in the society for almost 20 years. At a glance, he could see that the two people behind Ye Feng Everyone should be his bodyguard.

"What's going on, brother?"

Yue Da took out the golden leaves and gave them to Ye Feng. He said with a very social smile: "Why did you turn off the electric switch of someone else's house? Aren't you blocking their way of making money?"

Ye Feng glanced at the person who spoke, with a northern Jiangsu accent.

Still half a fellow countryman.

Ye Feng saw that he spoke kindly and did not embarrass him on the spot. He took his cigarette but did not smoke: "I came to ask for money, but I couldn't find the boss, so I had to turn off the power switch so that he could come back faster."

Then Ye Feng's eyes swept around the four people who came, and finally his eyes fell on a thin middle-aged man who glared at him: "Are you Huang He?"

(End of this chapter)

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