Recast youth

Chapter 1819 Some money is necessary

Chapter 1819 Some money is necessary
The workers' surprise was not surprising.

After all, Ye Yun is just a small clothing factory owner who helps large clothing factories process, and Ye Feng is the richest man in the country. Even if they both have the surname Ye, who can connect these two people with such a huge gap?
But now they finally understand why Ye Feng, whom Ye Yun brought, drove over in a Mercedes-Benz S600, and why Ye Yun decided to transfer out of the garment factory where she had worked for several years.

Who has a younger brother who is the richest man in the country and still runs a clothing factory with an annual income of only a few hundred thousand?
Ye Yun originally wanted Ye Feng to be recognized, so she pulled him downstairs. The reason was simple. Ye Feng was the richest man in the country and also her biological brother. How could she not be proud?

Extremely proud.

Normally, Ye Feng wouldn't like this kind of environment where people were watching and talking about him, but now he didn't. Instead, he stood quietly next to his eldest sister.

Being able to become the pride of his family made Ye Feng feel faintly proud in his heart.

So after Ye Feng was recognized, he stood up and greeted the little worker girls in the factory with a smile. Some bold girls took secret photos of him with their mobile phones, and he graciously allowed them to be photographed.

After greeting the people in Sister's factory, Ye Feng gave time to Sister and the workers. He took Pan Kun and Feng Zheng back to the office to wait for the results.

About half an hour later, Ye Yun came back.

"Have we talked about it?"

When Ye Feng saw his eldest sister coming back, he immediately asked with concern.

"It's agreed that 50 will be given to Wang Lan and Zhang Yaqi."

Ye Yun glanced at the office and the clothing samples piled in the corner with some melancholy, and sighed: "The factory that was finally put together was sold at a loss of 50 yuan. If it takes a little time, it can be sold for at least 300 yuan." Thousands of dollars."

What Ye Yun said was not an exaggeration.

A garment factory with a net income of 50 yuan a year and a stable list can definitely be sold for more than 300 million yuan. After all, it will fully recover its capital in five or six years, and if it does well, the net income can be increased by another one. carry.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Sell it if you want. If you don't have enough money, I will replenish it for you."

"Do I care about the money? I have feelings for this factory, okay?"

Ye Yun rolled her eyes at Ye Feng angrily, and then sighed and said: "But it's okay, it's not easy for them to make clothes. They sit there for more than ten hours a day, and sometimes their fingers have to be pierced by needles. It’s only 200 yuan, so let’s help them.”

"Well, sister, you are right."

Ye Feng could only agree at this time, and then looked at Ye Yun and asked: "Now you pack up and go back to your hometown, prepare with your parents, and come to my place first? As for the money from selling the factory, let them put it into your card when the time comes. .”

Ye Yun shook her head: "I still have some debts to collect, let's wait a few days."

"Shouldn't it be counted?"

Ye Feng sounded rich and wealthy.

Ye Yun glared at Ye Feng: "For your size, your sister and the workers in the factory processed this money piece by piece. How can you give it up so easily? It's good to give the money back to your parents."

Ye Feng was helpless: "How much?"

"About 120 million."

Ye Yun spit out a number.

"So much?" Ye Feng was a little surprised. No wonder the eldest sister was reluctant to get back the unclaimed debt. She didn't expect that her factory with an annual income of 50 yuan actually had 120 million unclaimed bills.

But soon after listening to the eldest sister's explanation, Ye Feng finally understood.

Because there are too many private garment factories in Chang City, but there are only a few large factories that can give large orders. Everyone wants orders from large factories, so who should we give them to?
Then competition comes out.

The eldest sister, Ye Yun, also spent a lot of money to get this order, and she also worked by forcing money. This meant that the person in charge of the factory refused to give the money for the first batch of goods, and then the second batch of goods would be paid. Give you money.This means that the work done by the previous group will never be paid.

In addition, in the early days, I helped some colleagues work overtime to process some goods, but I didn't get any money. In this way, I saved 120 million yuan over the past few years and never got it back.

Ye Feng suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, during the Chinese New Year, you told me that a boss owed you 20 but didn't give it to you. Have you given it to you now?"


Ye Yun sighed when she heard this. She had known this boss for six or seven years. At first, his factory made more products than hers, and the orders he received were all good ones. However, it suddenly collapsed because of gambling. , I don’t know how many people I owed money to, and the workers stopped working. She also helped him process 20 yuan of goods without knowing it before, but when she checked out, she said that he had no money. No matter what, she said that he had no money. Ye Yun had no choice but to suffer the consequences and paid a salary of 20 yuan in advance.

Ye Feng asked: "He has no money?"

"He has money, but now he is a lot more rogue."

Ye Yun told Ye Feng the specific situation, saying that at first the boss was called Huang He, and he was quite nice at first, and he felt good at the checkout, but after gambling, he became a bad person.

It has been more than two years since this happened. Huang He has no business dealings with her anymore. He is not going to give her any money. His mobile phone has gradually stopped answering calls. Ye Yun has also been rejected a lot because of this. and grievance.

After hearing this, Ye Feng asked patiently: "Except for this one named Huang He, what about the money owed by others? Do you want it?"

"The other bosses are very good and they can come back one after another." Ye Yun said.

"Okay, I'll get the money for you."

"You want it for me?"

"Yes, I'll help you get it."

As he said that, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said without seeing any fireworks: "You don't have to give up other people's money, but you have to get back these 20."

"No, you'd better stop messing around. If he really doesn't give it, forget it." Ye Yun saw that Ye Feng's eyes were wrong and said quickly.

"No, it's natural to pay back debts, why not?"

Then Ye Feng comforted Ye Yun and said, "Don't worry, I won't mess around. Just wait for me in the factory."

"Are you really not messing around?" Ye Yun said.

"You really don't mess around."

Ye Feng promised with a serious look on his face, but he just added in his heart, whether he will cause chaos or not, it depends on whether the person is on the right track or not.

In fact, Ye Feng didn't care about the 20 at all.

Not to mention 20, even if it is 200 million, Ye Feng can refuse it, but this person named Huang He owes 20, and Ye Feng must get it back, because he knows that the eldest sister is a person who never talks to her family. Since she was able to tell this matter when she returned home during the Chinese New Year, it meant that Huang He had given the eldest sister a lot of anger.

So how could Ye Feng not want the money?
The meaning is also very simple, whoever makes his eldest sister unhappy, he will make her unhappy too.

Ye Yun felt relieved after seeing Ye Feng promise not to mess around. She took out the IOU from the desk drawer and handed it to Ye Feng, saying, "I'll go with you."

"No, just tell me the address."

Ye Feng was not willing to let the eldest sister go with him, but he also knew that the eldest sister was worried and was afraid that he would mess up, so he said with a smile: "Don't worry, I really won't mess around."

(End of this chapter)

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