Recast youth

Chapter 1794 There are many Chinese in San Francisco

Chapter 1794 There are many Chinese in San Francisco
ran for a day.

I was very tired when I got back to my residence.

In fact, Ye Feng had wanted to check out his own company before. When he first came to the United States, he registered a company in San Francisco as a vehicle to hold fcaebook company shares. However, after he found the venue and rented the house, he was basically done. It was evening time, so Ye Feng gave up the idea.

Another reason is that this company is currently managed by Yang Qingzhi. With Yang Qingzhi here, Ye Feng can rest assured, and after the Sonics move to San Francisco, he will have plenty of time to go to the company.

After taking a shower, Ye Feng called and communicated with Yang Qingzhi for a while. Yang Qingzhi is still responsible for rectifying the Hilton Hotel's business. At present, the subprime mortgage crisis has broken out, and hidden dangers of the financial crisis have gradually emerged.

And this kind of hidden financial danger is slowly spreading to the real economy, which will easily lead to a significant reduction in tourism, business and other activities, thus plunging the hotel business into a trough.

And this obviously did not meet Yang Qingzhi's expectations.

Yang Qingzhi’s expectation is to first acquire Hilton Hotels through the credit market leverage model, then reorganize Hilton’s business, thereby re-listing, push up Hilton’s stock price, and finally sell it at a high point to earn returns. Now the financial crisis has affected the entity The economy caused some trouble for his plan.

Yang Qingzhi revealed these gradually emerging crises to Ye Feng, and then asked Ye Feng with a smile on the phone if he was nervous.

Ye Feng didn't take it seriously. The financial crisis was something he had known for a long time. As for the impact of the financial crisis on the hotel industry, he was a little late-minded, but the impact was not significant. Looking back on his previous life, yes, the financial crisis in 2008 The crisis is global and has had a huge impact. Countless companies have closed down, but there is also a saying that the cold winter will eventually pass.

In Ye Feng's view, the real estate industry and the hotel industry are far from reaching the peak they should reach. The only difference lies in whether you can withstand the impact of the financial crisis.

Unable to withstand bankruptcy.

If you resist, everything will be smooth sailing from now on, and you will see the scenery from high places.

However, Ye Feng kept these things in mind and did not tell Yang Qingzhi. Instead, he showed a tone of great trust in Yang Qingzhi, smiled and joked with Yang Qingzhi, and said: "The eggs in the basket are not just for me, but also for you. Since You’re not in a hurry, I have nothing to be anxious about.”

Yang Qingzhi laughed when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Yes, Lanshan has been successfully listed on NASDAQ, and now you are a rich man. This money seems to be a lot in the eyes of others, but it does not mean much to you." What kind of."

Today is the second day for Lanshan to be listed on Nasdaq.

The closing price today was $102 per share.

In other words, Lanshan's overall market value has once again climbed to a peak, reaching 382.5 billion U.S. dollars. At the same time, Ye Feng's worth has also increased by 20%. This means that even if fcaebook's shares are not included, the total market value has reached a peak. With the money invested by Maple Leaf Fund, Ye Feng's net worth has exceeded 300 billion US dollars, which is 2400 billion yuan.

This was a very exaggerated number in 2007, and unlike Bill Gates and Buffett, these two figures have been taking turns to be the richest people for more than ten years.

It only took less than 6 years for Ye Feng to go from being unknown to being one of the top five richest people in the world today, and he is still under 30 years old.

Even if the Chinese New Year ends at the end of this year, Ye Feng will only have just turned 28 years old.

Ye Feng smiled a little when he heard Yang Qingzhi's teasing, and said to Yang Qingzhi with a smile: "No matter who it is, no matter how much money they have, they definitely don't want the 200 billion US dollars acquired to go to waste." "

"Well, that's true."

Yang Qingzhi nodded in agreement, and then stopped joking with Ye Feng. The hotel industry has been affected to some extent, and with the gradual shrinkage of the credit market, the impact on the hotel industry may be more serious, but it is not that he is not doing anything. Some adjustments.

Hilton Hotels have a very great value, which sometimes even exceeds the value of hundreds of thousands of Hilton Hotel suites.

The value here refers to the brand value of Hilton Hotels.What Yang Qingzhi is currently doing is to fully promote changes, replace management personnel, accelerate Hilton Group's franchise strategy, and significantly reduce operating costs.

And many times, when encountering irresistible factors like the financial crisis, the operating costs saved by a company may be its profit, and it plays a decisive factor at critical times, determining whether you can survive the upcoming crisis. A complete financial winter broke out.

Yang Qingzhi communicated with Ye Feng about what the Hilton Hotel was currently doing, but the two did not chat for long. He knew that Ye Feng had been busy with the company's listing some time ago, and now he was about to acquire an NBA team. He should be tired, so he chatted for a while. After that, Ye Feng was allowed to rest.

However, Yang Qingzhi asked Ye Feng to rest, but others did not intend to let Ye Feng rest. Not long after Yang Qingzhi hung up the phone, there was a knock on Ye Feng's door.

It's Chen Huang.

"Who were you talking to on the phone just now?"

Chen Huang walked in after Ye Feng opened the door.

"Yang Qingzhi."

Ye Feng sat on the sofa, picked up the cigarette on the coffee table and threw one to Chen Huang. He also lit one. Then he looked at Chen Huang curiously and asked, "We are going to Seattle early tomorrow morning, aren't you going to sleep?" ?”

"Not sleepy for now."

Chen Huang caught the cigarette, lit it, then exhaled a puff of smoke, sat down on the table under the TV, looked at Ye Feng and asked: "Are you really planning to build an $8 million arena in San Francisco?"

In the afternoon, he had a very exciting chat with Ye Feng at the company about US$8 million to build a complex integrating arenas, hotels, and businesses.

But after returning to his residence, he calmed down and thought about it carefully. Chen Huang felt that Ye Feng was a bit too risky and invested too much. To buy an NBA team, Ye Feng would have spent US$3.7 million.

It will cost about US$8 million to build an arena.

This equates to nearly $12 billion.

How long will it take to earn back the principal?And if this money is used elsewhere, it may not be possible to double it within a few years.

It’s not that Chen Huang disapproved of Ye Feng’s establishment of an NBA team, but he said that the team could buy it and then rent an arena to use as the arena. After all, it only costs a few days a year, and it doesn’t cost much. The annual rent of more than 100 million US dollars is enough.

"Yes, didn't we agree on it this afternoon?"

Ye Feng actually wants to build an arena. Either he doesn't do it, or he wants to make something famous in San Francisco. Of course, the premise is that the arena is high-end enough. Only if it is high-end enough can it really attract people. In addition, there are quite a lot of Chinese in San Francisco.

Chinese team.

Chinese arena.

Will no one come to support me?

Ye Feng was a little unconvinced. There may be many poor people in China, but there are still many wealthy Chinese overseas, and San Francisco is not the only Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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