Recast youth

Chapter 1793 Amazing Cost

Chapter 1793 Amazing Cost
Chapter 1802?
the next day.

Ye Feng and others got up early in the morning. After having some breakfast, they asked Li Liang to take them to register a company responsible for operating the Sonics. The first thing to do was to find an office location.

This location must have an arena for players to play, which is relatively close to the players' residences.

Ye Feng had thought about this before. He had also visited the Seattle Supersonics Arena. It was very small and relatively simple. As a person with a special interest in real estate, Ye Feng’s first thought was to build an NBA arena by himself. The stadium will serve as the team’s home stadium in the future.

Although it will cost a lot of money to build an arena in a city like San Francisco, and it will save a lot of costs compared to renting an arena like the Sonics, once the arena is built, it does not mean that it can only be used as an arena for team games.

It can also be rented out, like the Lakers' Staples Center, to singers who want to come to San Francisco to hold concerts, or who want to hold events.

Moreover, after the arena is built, it will become your own real estate asset. Even if you say that you will no longer play for an NBA team, you can still sell the arena. It is now 2007, and the value of the arena will still be high in the future. Appreciated.

So thinking of this, Ye Feng was not in a hurry to register the company first. Instead, he asked Li Liang to take him around San Francisco for a long time to see which location was most suitable for building an NBA-level arena.

First of all, this location must be large enough for him to build an arena that can accommodate more than 2 people. It doesn’t matter if the space is large, as most people will not be able to sit in it, but if the space is small and people cannot sit in it, it will be embarrassing.

San Francisco is a city by the bay.

After Ye Feng, Li Liang, and Chen Pan drove around San Francisco for half a day, Ye Feng found that the best area was still in the Bay Area near the seaside, because the Bay Area seaside itself also has a park that can accommodate 42000 people. The sea is very close, but this park field is open-air and mostly used for home baseball.

When Ye Feng arrived here, there happened to be a home baseball game going on in the park. Most of the seats on the field were full. Behind them, there was a Coca-Cola bottle about 25 meters long in the outfield. A group of people were sitting on the beach. , drinking Coke and watching the home baseball game, looking very atmospheric.

However, because the venue is too close to the seaside, Ye Feng also saw several home run balls fly out, then be caught by passing rowers, and then thrown back.

Seeing this, Ye Feng made a decision. If the SuperSonics moved to San Francisco, the new arena would be built here in the Bay Area, because the scenery here is so beautiful, especially at night, close to the seaside and brightly lit. dazzling.

Ye Feng had not been to San Francisco many times and didn't know San Francisco well enough, so after he had the idea of ​​building an NBA arena in the Bay Area, he asked Li Liang what he thought about building an NBA arena in the Bay Area.

Li Liang was surprised when he heard this.

Because the San Francisco Bay Area is close to the Pacific Ocean and is a wealthy area, many wealthy people hope to enjoy a high-quality and noble life here. Here you can see the most beautiful view overlooking the San Francisco Bay, so the residences and land here are very expensive.

As a result, Ye Feng said that he wanted to build an NBA arena here. How could he not be surprised?
But soon, Li Liang was no longer surprised, because he really wanted to build an NBA arena in San Francisco. Obviously the Bay Area was the most suitable place, and for him, building an arena was very expensive, but for Ye Feng For example, the cost of building an arena is nothing. If Ye Feng’s net worth cannot afford to build an NBA arena, then no one can afford it.

After getting Li Liang's reply, Ye Feng consulted Chen Pan, Pan Kun and Feng Zheng for their opinions. They all felt that building the arena in the Bay Area was a better choice.

Because the scenery is different.

After getting opinions from several people, Ye Feng finalized the decision. Once the SuperSonics team bought it and moved there, he would immediately start building an NBA-level arena in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Of course, this matter is not urgent yet. At that time, we can still negotiate with the San Francisco city government. He will move an NBA team to San Francisco and then ask the San Francisco city government to provide a piece of land for him to build an NBA arena. After all, the NBA is also one of the famous sports leagues in country A. If a piece of land can be exchanged for the entry of an NBA team, it will be a very cost-effective thing for the city government.

Finally, Ye Feng looked at the Bay Area near the Golden Gate Bridge as a location to build the arena.

Because it not only has beautiful scenery, but also has a very good geographical location. It is also an important cross-sea passage between downtown San Francisco and Marin County in the north, spanning the Golden Gate Strait up to the San Francisco Peninsula in the south.

At the same time, the Golden Gate Bridge is also known as a miracle of modern bridge engineering. Basically, tourists who come to San Francisco will come to the Golden Gate Bridge to see the scenery. As a tourist souvenir, the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge often appears in the shots of many Hollywood directors. There are often scenes of drag racing on the Golden Gate Bridge, or scenes of blowing up the bridge.

When Ye Feng arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge, the blue sea was filled with various sailboats and cruise ships, and seagulls flew over from time to time, leaving behind a sound of chirping.The beautiful scenery in front of you seems like an unfinished painting.

This pair of Ye Feng, who was born in the Yellow Sea area in northern Jiangsu, can be said to be an unusual beauty. Not only is the sea water turbid at Ning'an's seaside, but the air is very humid and cold in winter. The wind blows, and the biting chill is almost to the bones. Drill.

But San Francisco is different. The four seasons are like spring, and the sea water is azure, which makes it feel pleasing to the eye.


Under Li Liang's introduction, Ye Feng rented a simple office building in the Bay Area near the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a basketball gym downstairs as the registered address of the basketball club. He also asked Li Liang to call Shao Yuwen, whom he met unexpectedly yesterday, and let him know She went to the company to familiarize herself with the environment.

Ye Feng has finished what he has to do today. After the next day, he will go to Seattle to meet with Schultz. After signing with the SuperSonics, he will return to China immediately.

Then go to Yucun, Yunnan.

After receiving the call from Li Liang, Shao Yuwen immediately came to Ye Feng's newly rented office building.

"There's nothing to do now, so just sit down and take a seat."

Ye Feng was studying the construction cost of the new arena with Chen Pan and Li Liang. When he saw Shao Yuwen coming, he asked her to sit down first, and then told Chen Pan and Li Liang about the construction plan of the arena.

First of all, the newly built arena is definitely not suitable as a place for team events, because the NBA regular season and playoffs are about to end and the offseason begins, and even during normal games, not every game All played at their home court.

So in this free time, the arena must be used.

Since the construction location of the arena is preset to be in the Bay Area near the sea, the beautiful scenery of the Bay Area on the Pacific Ocean must not be missed and must be utilized. In Ye Feng's vision, the arena competition venue is actually secondary.

What is more important is to build the arena into a comprehensive building that integrates hotel accommodation, retail, and entertainment. First of all, the arena is the most basic and must be built into a seat that can accommodate about 20000 million people. In addition, In addition, there are about 40 super luxury suites in the arena. The suites face the sea and can see the seaside scenery. Each suite is equipped with a butler, a restaurant for social activities, a private wine cellar, and there are also There is a huge screen for the rich in the suite to watch the court games in real time.

Even if you are not watching a game on the court, watching movies on such a big screen is a very enjoyable thing.

Coupled with the huge dining area and retail area, there is no need to worry about losing money when building the arena. If that doesn't work, we can build a large office building next to it. In the San Francisco Bay Area, there is no need for an office building facing the Pacific Ocean. It has to be much more stylish than the office buildings along the Huangpu River, right?

Ye Feng explained his idea bit by bit.

Chen Pan and Li Liang originally thought that Ye Feng was just going to build an arena for NBA games, but they didn't expect that he had such big ambitions. Under Ye Feng's planning and imagination, the two of them became more and more excited.

Because once Ye Feng's idea is completed, even if the arena is not used to host games, Ye Feng will not lose money. It can be used as a complex integrating tourism and business.

Shao Yuwen was originally sitting, but when she heard a few people talking about the complex, she couldn't help but curiously went over to take a look at the drawings drawn by Ye Feng.

Immediately afterwards, I felt like my heart had been pinched hard.

Because on the drawings, as Ye Feng has more and more ideas, the budget for building the arena has also been changed again and again. Now it has reached more than 8 million US dollars. This number is undoubtedly very shocking to an ordinary person. , and obviously yesterday, her family was still worried about a debt of 5 US dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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