Recast youth

Chapter 1684 I have experienced peaks and troughs

Chapter 1684 I have experienced peaks and troughs


Ye Feng, Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi took Maple Leaf Capital's professional acquisition team to Hilton headquarters to conduct the entire acquisition signing ceremony. In other words, after today, the ownership of Hilton Hotel will belong to "Maple Leaf Capital".

Ye Feng was also very happy.

In fact, there is a saying that most people don't agree with and it is very reasonable. When money exceeds a certain number, the money really becomes a number, and there won't be too many surprises.

First, in the second half of his junior year, Ye Feng was selling cheats and opening a cheat studio. If he made tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands from a private server, Ye Feng would be the most excited.

He also had a lot of thoughts in his mind. For example, when he went to the bank to withdraw money, he would not show up at the bank. Instead, he would wait outside the bank's surveillance area for Lin Rui to withdraw money, and then go to a small hotel in Dongcheng University Town to split the money.

At this time, Ye Feng could clearly feel that there was a lot of money, and he also knew that the money could improve his life and serve as the original capital for his subsequent development.

The same was true when I collaborated with Ge Zhang to open a studio.

It is also because of this money that Ye Feng can buy a house and buy NetEase stocks. He can feel the sense of accomplishment and contentment that comes with his efforts and the realization of his goals step by step.

But when Lanshan Company's annual net income reached several billion, Ye Feng no longer felt the happiness he felt at that time. He had everything he wanted. Whether it was buying a car or a house, nothing could surprise him.

The money in a company account and a personal account really becomes a number. The difference is nothing more than a few zeros added to the end of the number.

But the Hilton Hotel is different for Ye Feng. It is one of the top hotels in the world. Being able to acquire the Hilton Hotel allows him to once again find the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that he had when he first bought a house and a car.

To put it simply, you can pretend to be compared to the people around you, like people in the outside world.

Although Ye Feng's current wealth is at the top of the country, no matter how rich a person is, there will always be a side of vanity in his inner world.

Ye Feng is no exception.

Otherwise, wouldn’t those princes in ancient times have high status?Why do we still want to kill each other and ascend to the throne of God?Is Heshen not rich enough?After ransacking his house, he found [-] million taels of silver, houses, and countless treasures. Why would he continue to be greedy?

This shows that no matter what height a person reaches, they will always have their vanity. It just means that their goals are different from ordinary people.

The same is true for Ye Feng. Being able to acquire a top hotel like Hilton is a milestone that satisfies his sense of accomplishment. What's more, he never owned any of these in his previous life, right?
As the saying goes, what you lack is what you want.

This sentence is so true.

However, Ye Feng also agreed with what Yang Qingzhi said about Jordan Belfort in the company before. Yang Qingzhi did not object to Jordan Belfort wandering around the edges of the law.

Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the hook will be punished by the princes.

After you can achieve something, preserving yourself is the last word.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yang Qingzhi was chatting with Wen Yueqi about the renovation plan after the Hilton Hotel was acquired. Seeing that Ye Feng was distracted, he couldn't help asking with a smile.

Ye Feng came back to his senses and said to Yang Qingzhi with a smile: "I was thinking about what you said in the company: Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be martyred. This sentence is very reasonable. In this society, people judge heroes based on their success or failure. They don't know how to judge heroes by their success or failure. It depends on what you have done and what the process was. They will only ask you how much money you have and whether you can do bad things and still be out there safe and sound. As long as you can, you are a tyrant."

"Why do you think you want to do something earth-shattering?"

When Yang Qingzhi heard this, he looked at Ye Feng with a smile.

Ye Feng shook his head: "No, I just felt a sudden emotion." "It doesn't look like that."

Yang Qingzhi looked at Ye Feng with interest and said, "The feeling you give me is actually very strange."

Ye Feng also wanted to know his impression on Yang Qingzhi, and asked calmly: "Why is it weird?"

"Logically speaking, your current height is something that 99% of people in this world will never be able to reach in their lifetime."

At this point, Yang Qingzhi shook his head and said again: "No, it should be said that even one in a billion people cannot reach your height and has not suffered setbacks. Generally speaking, you should give me a sharp edge." , the feeling that I am the only one in the world, but you gave me a feeling of maturity, vicissitudes, experiencing peaks and troughs, and seeing all the warmth and coldness in the world."

Ye Feng couldn't help but look up at Yang Qingzhi.

A really great person.

It feels very accurate too.

Ye Feng, who has been a man for two generations, knows very well that a person's character is not only born, but also changes with experience to a large extent. If he has smooth sailing, he must be confident, but if he encounters setbacks, he must lose a little bit of energy.

Did Ye Feng reach his peak in his previous life?


In the relatively poor Ning'an County, among his relatives, I can honestly say that he is the only college student who has been admitted to university. As for the others, they repeated their studies for one or two years, and the highest they got into was junior college. That’s all.

It's not that Ye Feng's brothers and sisters are all stupid, but that in the previous period, Ning'an's educational conditions were relatively poor. In addition, the transition from junior high school to high school in Jiang Province was also relatively strict, with only over 40% of the admission rate.

Therefore, most of Ye Feng's classmates in junior high school dropped out of school and went to work, including his aunt Liu Hailiang, who dropped out of school very early to work in a factory in Jiangnan.

And this is why Ye's father was so proud when Ye Feng was admitted to college in his previous life, and why Ye's father suddenly aged several years after Ye Feng was dropped out of school.

Because the hope placed on Ye Feng was too great.

In his previous life, Ye Feng also felt so guilty because he knew this. Then he was overwhelmed by his own guilt, the disappointed eyes of his parents, and the setbacks he encountered in his job without a college diploma.

These factors will in turn lead to many subsequent difficulties.

Gradually, the backbone of Ye Feng in his previous life was crushed by this. From then on, he fell into a trough in life and experienced all kinds of ups and downs in human relationships.

But of course Ye Feng could reveal these secrets that could only be kept in his heart. He looked at Yang Qingzhi, smiled, and said jokingly: "I am the only one in the world, why don't you just call me Sakyamuni?"

"That won't work."

Yang Qingzhi laughed: "Although I don't believe in Buddhism and am a realist, I have to respect other people's Buddhist culture. However, if you can predict a few things, even if you say that you are the reincarnation of a living Buddha, some people will believe it. uncertain."

Ye Feng smiled on the surface, but secretly thought in his heart, I can really "prophesy" this kind of thing...

"Do you think of him the same way?"

At this time, Wen Yueqi, who was wearing a black queen's aura, glanced at Ye Feng, smiled and said to Yang Qingzhi: "Actually, I also think that he is too old and premature. He doesn't look like he is in his 20s at all. Sometimes When I'm with him, I subconsciously ignore his age."

Ye Feng's face darkened: "Isn't it too much to use the word precocious to describe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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