Recast youth

Chapter 1683 Marketing and Self-Marketing

Chapter 1683 Marketing and Self-Marketing
Yang Qingzhi's awesomeness Ye Feng can feel through different things.

The first thing is Yang Qingzhi’s annual salary at Goldman Sachs. When ordinary professional managers only had an annual salary of one million, his annual salary was over 2004 million. And it was still in 2005 and [-]. At that time, Wen Yueqi mentioned Yang Qingzhi When it came to the annual salary, Ye Feng was shocked. Not to mention his personal annual salary of over [-] million, a company with an annual net profit of over [-] million is a very impressive company.

The second thing is that the basic amount of funds owned by Yang Qingzhi's customer base is one trillion US dollars. Even Ye Feng's current net worth finds the figure of one trillion US dollars to be really scary.

The third thing is that Yang Qingzhi’s return caused a sensation in New York. The New York Times and the Economic News both published reports that the PE king returned to work after leaving Goldman Sachs.

The fourth thing is the US$240 billion acquisition of the Hilton Hotel. In fact, if you wait a few years, with Ye Feng's ability, you can also acquire the Hilton Hotel, even if the number is doubled again, but Yang Qingzhi is different. He used his own US$40 billion, and then Ye Feng didn't know if others could do it by raising $200 billion from investment banks to complete the acquisition of Hilton Hotels, but at least he couldn't do it.

Therefore, Yang Qingzhi has a very high status in the minds of people who have just entered the financial industry or are engaged in finance themselves. There are also many people who target Yang Qingzhi and want to create some achievements under his hands.

After entering the company.

Ye Feng felt this. First of all, the mental outlook of everyone in the company was different, and it even reminded Ye Feng of a movie he had watched in his previous life.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

This movie tells the legendary story of The Wolf of Wall Street, and also tells the story of Wall Street financial practitioners. Just when Ye Feng thought of this, the tall Yang Qingzhi also arrived at the company.

"You so early?"

Yang Qingzhi walked into the office and was startled when he saw Ye Feng, Wen Yueqi and others there.

"I couldn't sleep, so I came to the company to have a look."

Ye Feng looked at Yang Qingzhi and suddenly asked curiously: "By the way, do you know about The Wolf of Wall Street?"

"The Wolf of Wall Street?"

Yang Qingzhi thought about it for a while, but had no impression.

Ye Feng gave a hint: "Jordan Belfort."

Yang Qingzhi was a little impressed when he heard Jordan Belfort's name. Jordan Belfort is a well-known motivational speaker in country A and was once a stock broker.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is a memoir he wrote in prison.

Yang Qingzhi had heard about this incident, but did not pay attention to it. He looked at Ye Feng with interest and asked: "I heard that he wrote a memoir called "The Wolf of Wall Street", but I didn't read it. How could you think about it?" Are you interested in Jordan Belfort? Have you seen his speech?”

Ye Feng had never heard Jordan Belfort's speech. He only looked up the prototype when watching "The Wolf of Wall Street" in his previous life, and knew that the prototype of The Wolf of Wall Street was him.

As for the memoirs Yang Qingzhi mentioned, they basically touched on Ye Feng's knowledge blind spot.

After all, Ye Feng had never lived in country A, and he was afraid that he would spill the beans, so he said vaguely: "No, I just heard a friend say it once, saying that this person is very good at stock trading."

Chen Huang on the side was confused by what Ye Feng and Yang Qingzhi said, and couldn't help but ask: "Who is this Jordan Belfort? Is he very powerful?"

Wen Yueqi said: "In the 90s, his company Stratton Oakmon illegally defrauded more than 1 million US dollars, and was hailed as the Robin Hood in the stock market by Forbes magazine." "So fierce?"

Chen Huang was a little speechless.

Not only Chen Huang, but also Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao were shocked after hearing this. What a great person. He was able to defraud more than 90 million US dollars in the 1s.

That’s the fucking 90s.

Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao looked at each other and both felt that their visit to country A had really broadened their horizons and knowledge.

However, before the two of them finished their emotion, they saw Yang Qingzhi shaking his head slightly and said: "However, he was also expelled from the National Association of Securities Dealers for deceiving customers, and he himself was charged with fraud by the federal government and sent to jail. In jail."

"how to say?"

Yang Qingzhi paused for a moment, looked at Ye Feng, Chen Huang and others and continued: "Actually, I am not opposed to walking on the edge of the law, or even breaking the law. Anyone who steals the hook will be punished, and those who steal the hook will be the princes. I still understand this principle, but he Being caught in the end means that he failed. You must know that on Wall Street, once you lose the trust of customers, it means that you have cut off your own way out, so I don’t think there is anything commendable about his behavior.”

Yang Qingzhi said very calmly.

In fact, this is indeed the case, and when looking at a person's height results, it is not fixed. For Chen Huang, Zhou Yihang, Hou Yao, and even Ye Feng.

They all think Jordan Belfort is very powerful because of their height. Looking from the bottom up, Ye Feng is now very powerful to many people, even to Jordan Belfort, but to Ye Feng himself, he is not. He attributes his successful completion not only to his talent and talent, but also to the "Ten Years Prophet", and this is why Ye Feng has always been able to maintain his true nature and be low-key and humble.

Looking at Jordan Belfort from Yang Qingzhi's perspective is to look at it from the top down. For Yang Qingzhi, Jordan Belfort's approach is undoubtedly killing the goose that takes the egg, and there is no way out.

Of course, Ye Feng was able to pay attention to Jordan Belfort mainly because of the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street". Without the blessing of this movie, Ye Feng would not have learned anything about Jordan Belfort.

After Yang Qingzhi finished speaking, Ye Feng decided not to dwell on the topic of Jordan Belfort, and instead chatted with Yang Qingzhi about signing an acquisition agreement with the Hilton Hotel board of directors, and asked Yang Qingzhi what he should pay attention to.

Yang Qingzhi seemed very calm, and told Ye Feng some details to pay attention to, including specific acquisition matters. Previously, the acquisition team headed by Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi had already reached an agreement with the senior management of Hilton Hotel. Ye Feng wanted to do this this time. What he did was very simple, which was to sign a contract with Hilton CEO Stephen Bollenbach as the man behind Maple Leaf Capital, in order to use this incident to increase the influence of Ye Maple and Lanshan Company, so as to make Lanshan The IPO of Shan companies has attracted more attention.

After Yang Qingzhi finished talking about some details, he looked at the time, then looked around, and asked Ye Feng: "Didn't you find a photographer to take pictures?"

"Take a picture? What picture?"

Ye Feng was startled.

Yang Qingzhi looked at Ye Feng's stunned look and couldn't help but smile a little, and then said: "Actually, as far as entrepreneurship is concerned, sometimes entrepreneurship itself is not necessarily important. On the contrary, marketing and self-marketing are probably the most important. This time The Hilton hotel acquisition is a good self-marketing opportunity, which can promote you and the name of Lanshan Company. As for the acquisition itself, generally speaking, both companies will find photographers to take photos of the signing ceremony, and then For media promotion.”

Ye Feng also understood. This is just like the founders of some domestic companies who take photos with powerful people and hang them in the company corridor, telling others how awesome they are, what they have done, and who they are with. Everyone took photos together, and some people even deliberately submitted articles to the media to buy headlines for publicity.

However, Ye Feng thought about it and still found it troublesome to find a photographer. The most important thing was that he didn't care about this.

Because Ye Feng has the self-confidence to reach the top of this world with dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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