Recast youth

Chapter 1652 A gentleman should be careful what he says

Chapter 1652 A gentleman should be careful what he says
After returning from the airport.

Wen Yueqi and Yang Qingzhi took Ye Feng and his party to Le Bernardin restaurant. Le Bernardin restaurant is one of the few Michelin three-star restaurants in New York. It ranks among the top five restaurants in the United States. It is also worth visiting for many foreign tourists. The place to come.

Not to mention whether it tastes good or not.

But every dish is very exquisite, arranged like a work of art, but while it is exquisite, the portion is also relatively small, and it is basically gone in two bites.

Unlike Ye Feng, it was Ye Qing's first time to go abroad and her first time to eat Western food. The freshness of the first time was always more important than the deliciousness of the food, so she was very excited, but she was not very good at it. Knife and fork, she kept asking Ye Feng in a low voice, which hand should use the knife and which hand for Western food.

Yang Qingzhi found it interesting when he saw Ye Qing asking in a low voice. He smiled and said to Ye Feng: "Your sister is quite interesting, and she is much prettier than you."

Wen Yueqi smiled and said: "It's okay, Ye Feng is a man, he doesn't have to be too pretty, just Ye Qing is pretty."

Ye Qing was so praised that she felt a little embarrassed to speak.

"What you are saying is a bit unconscionable. My sister is pretty, and I am not ugly either, right? It has something to do with handsome."

Ye Feng glanced at Ye Qing and said with some pride that his sister, apart from other things, has a decent face and figure. Then Ye Feng fiddled with the knife and fork and looked at the delicate caviar on the plate in front of him. , said: "Actually, I've eaten Western food a few times, but I'm still not used to it. For example, I'm not very used to eating this caviar."

"Eating habits are different."

Yang Qingzhi said with a smile: "If you ask Americans to go to China to eat fried sausages and the like, they will open their eyes wide and wonder, is this sausage edible?"

Chen Huang, who was eating aside, put down his knife and fork and protested in feigned anger: "I'm eating, brother."

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Yang Qingzhi couldn't help but laugh.

Wen Yueqi ignored the two people and said to Ye Feng: "Do as the Romans do when you are in the country. In fact, the food in this restaurant is quite good. The main thing is to bring Ye Qing over to try the characteristics of French and Western food."

Ye Feng nodded, and then talked about business with Yang Qingzhi. He looked up at Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi and said, "By the way, about the acquisition of the Hilton Hotel, it is not very suitable for me to sign the agreement as the head of the fund, right?"

"Why not?"

Yang Qingzhi said: "Now that your company is going to be listed on Nasdaq, during the road show, what you need most is exposure and the trust of investors and investment institutions. When they find out that you are the person behind the acquisition of Hilton Hotels, The sale of your company's shares will not be a problem at all, which is a good thing for your company to go public."

"This is the word."

Ye Feng said helplessly: "But I still think it's not good to be in public. Originally, the Hilton Hotel acquisition case has attracted much attention from all over the world. If I, a Chinese, show up again, it will be like focusing everyone's attention on me." ”

"Aren't you used to it?" Wen Yueqi saw Ye Feng's thoughts and couldn't help laughing.

"It's a little uncomfortable."

Ye Feng nodded. When he was in China, many media wanted to interview him or invite him to attend meetings, but he always avoided them.

You can be high-profile when you have no money.

But when you have money, you must remember to keep a low profile, otherwise your unintentional remarks will be recorded by the media, which may cause many people to hate the rich.

When the direction of the wind is determined, there will never be a shortage of people who follow the trend and criticize.

Even the people who follow the trend and scold you don't know what you do. If you ask them why they scolded you, they will reply blankly, "I don't know. I saw them scolding you, so I followed suit."

Ye Feng said helplessly: "If I can avoid appearing in reports, I really don't want to show my face." "Other founders are trying their best to increase their own or the company's exposure, but it's better for you to do the opposite. "

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng and laughed. Generally speaking, people with such achievements at Ye Feng's age will show a sharp edge, which is normal.

Less than 30 years old, he has created assets of over [-] billion.

Who wouldn't be high-spirited?

Wen Yueqi counted the people in the world who had achieved such great success at Ye Feng's age. After counting, only Ye Feng could maintain a low profile and initial calmness.

And this is what Wen Yueqi admires most about Ye Feng.

Unlike ordinary women, Wen Yueqi has met too many outstanding men along the way, and has also seen too many men with backgrounds. At her age and level, she has no interest in those elites who are sharp-edged.

Ye Feng was the only one who could enter her eyes.

So she was also curious about what Ye Feng was thinking. Her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Feng's face with interest: "Tell me, why don't you want to appear in the media?"

"I'm also curious." Yang Qingzhi also said with interest.

Ye Feng asked: "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Wen Yueqi held her chin up with a smile on her face: "Then it depends on whether you want to tell us the truth or a lie."

Ye Feng had no choice but to say it.

"It's actually nothing complicated."

Ye Feng put down his knife and fork and said: "It is said in "The Analects" that a gentleman is slow in words but quick in deeds. If I have the ability, even if I don't say anything, I can succeed. If I don't have the ability, even if I say something, I can succeed." Not many people believe me, and now is the era of rapid development of the Internet. Everything I say and do may be recorded. In addition, I am not a person who speaks impeccably. If I say more, I will be wrong, and if I don't say it, I will be wrong. , so I simply don’t appear in public anymore.”

Wen Yueqi said nothing.

It's hard to imagine that Ye Feng could understand such a profound truth at his current age. What has he experienced before?
Then Wen Yueqi thought about it. If Ye Feng was not special, he would not be able to achieve today's results. How many people of Ye Feng's age can have Ye Feng's business talent and overall perspective?
Yang Qingzhi poured a glass of red wine for Ye Feng, raised the glass and said to Ye Feng: "A gentleman who is careful with his words will become a great person. I have to toast you here."

"I respect you."

Ye Feng picked up the wine and responded.


Ye Qing looked at his brother who was holding a wine glass and drinking with Yang Qingzhi, and admired him in his heart. Not only Ye Qing, but also Wang Xin, Li Zhedong and others were also full of admiration for Ye Feng.

Especially Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan used to be full of fear of Ye Feng, thinking that Ye Feng was a very inhumane person with evil intentions. However, after the prejudice was removed, she discovered all the advantages in Ye Feng.

Let’s not talk about business talent for now.

Just Ye Feng's behavior and his demeanor in treating others are destined to lead Ye Feng's development. Who doesn't want to work with someone who is comfortable with him?

The next moment, Gao Xuan thought of Ye Feng's previous attitude towards herself, and couldn't help but curling up the corners of her mouth in a strange way. Maybe it was only for herself, but thinking about it this way, could this be considered as the only person he was special to? ?

(End of this chapter)

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