Recast youth

Chapter 1651 Chain Reaction

Chapter 1651 Chain Reaction
New York time.

At 12 noon, the plane from Yanjing to New York landed at JFK Airport. Many people had a sense of novelty. Even Ye Feng had a different sense of revisiting an old place.

the reason is simple.

The last time I came to New York, I was considered rich, but not particularly rich. I was still taking advantage of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and taking advantage of the major investment institutions in the United States.

This time is different.

This time, Ye Feng issued an official notice to the American people. I am going to be listed on the Nasdaq market in the United States and raise your capital. It can be said that it is a different height and a different mentality.

After this IPO financing is completed, Ye Feng's net worth will no longer be an illusory valuation, but a real market value and real net worth. If he is ranked on Forbes again in 2007, Ye Feng will have no doubt about it. The top three, if the stock enters the securities market and receives a good response, then this ranking will rise.

In other words, Ye Feng will no longer be the richest man in Dongzhou City, but a new level, the richest man in the country.

Although the title of the richest man is not worth mentioning in the eyes of some people compared with the people off the stage, on the stage, Ye Feng is about to take the real position of the richest man.

And Ye Feng is also confident that in less than three years, he will be the richest man in the country, both on and off the stage.

"Brother, is this New York?"

When the plane stopped, Ye Qing came to Ye Feng's side and curiously looked outside through the window. His eyes were full of curiosity and longing. After all, at the time of 2007, for most people, going abroad was considered a high-class thing. Ye Qing was no exception when she came to a world power like the United States. She grew up in Ning'an, northern Jiangsu, and had never been to any other city except Dongzhou.

As for Yanjing, Yunnan, and Guangzhou, it was because of Zhang Lan that we went there.

As a 20-year-old girl, how could she not be excited when she came to an international city like New York for the first time?


Ye Feng stood up with a smile: "Are you happy?"


Ye Qing nodded excitedly.

"Get off the plane first. After arranging the place, I will take you around New York."

Ye Feng was happy to see his sister, and he was also very happy. He confirmed the number of people with Wang Xin and others, and started to get off the plane. Unlike the economy class, the first class cabin was closest to the cabin door, so Ye Feng's cabin was the first to go through the L1 cabin door of the entire plane. Getting off the plane.

out of the airport.

Ye Feng saw Wen Yueqi and Yang Qingzhi holding welcome signs outside the airport. He was coming to New York this time. Ye Feng had called Wen Yueqi early in the morning.

Ye Feng did not expect that Yang Qingzhi would also come to pick him up.

From a distance, Ye Feng and Ye Qing waved to the two of them.

Chen Huang and Ye Feng knew Yang Qingzhi together, but Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao did not know each other. When Zhou Yihang saw Ye Feng waving to Yang Qingzhi, he asked in a low voice next to Chen Huang: "Who is that man next to Sister Qi? He looks pretty." Unusual."

"Qing Emperor, Yang Qingzhi."

Chen Huang deliberately mentioned Yang Qingzhi's title in New York with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

"What the hell?"

Hou Yao on the side suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, so he asked Zhou Yihang: "He just said Qing Emperor, right? So awesome?"

Zhou Yihang said cooperatively: "If you don't tell me, I also suspect that I heard it wrong."

"Qing Emperor is the title given to him by others."

Soon they were in front of people. Chen Huang stopped teasing Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao and introduced Yang Qingzhi's identity to them in a low voice: "He is a great god in the Wall Street investment world. He is very awesome. He used to be from Goldman Sachs." , the total asset base owned by customers exceeds one trillion..."



Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao were both shocked and speechless. One trillion, what is that concept?Even if Chen Huang stopped talking, the two of them realized that the man standing next to Sister Qi and greeting Ye Feng with a smile was an extraordinary man.

As for Wang Xin, Chen Xiao, Li Zhedong and others, they followed Ye Feng in a well-behaved manner. After all, when Wen Yueqi returned to China, they all knew Wen Yueqi's background.That is the background of Babel.

And Yang Qingzhi can stand side by side with Wen Yueqi, and Mr. Ye is also very polite to him. Naturally, this person's status can be imagined.

"Hello, Miss Qi."

Ye Feng first greeted Wen Yueqi with a smile, and then said to Yang Qingzhi with a smile: "Brother Yang, good afternoon, why do you have time to pick me up today?"

The slender Yang Qingzhi said with a smile: "My boss came all the way from China. No matter how busy I am, I have to drop everything in my hands and come to pick you up."

"Stop making fun of me. What kind of boss is not a boss?"

Ye Feng said helplessly, in the "Maple Leaf Capital" fund, although Ye Feng holds the largest proportion of shares, it does not mean that he is the boss. Yang Qingzhi's shareholding ratio is the only partner below him.

"No, you're my boss."

Yang Qingzhi smiled eloquently and said: "I told Hilton's hotel management the same thing. In the acquisition agreement next week, you will appear as the BOSS of Maple Leaf Fund."

"real or fake?"

Ye Feng looked at the serious Yang Qingzhi suspiciously. The acquisition of the Hilton Hotel did not go smoothly at the beginning. At one time, he even jumped out of the way like the Blackstone Group.

Coupled with the large amount of the acquisition, this acquisition lasted for nearly half a year.

From the negotiation to the final acquisition agreement, it can be said that Yang Qingzhi and Sister Qi did everything in person. Ye Feng was not involved at all. The only person who had a sense of participation was the key points in each negotiation, such as the two parties. ’s quotation, Blackstone’s intervention, and the final determination of the purchase price, Sister Qi and Yang Qingzhi would communicate with him on the phone across the ocean.

Now Yang Qingzhi actually said that the acquisition agreement will be signed next week and he will appear as the boss of Maple Leaf Fund. How can Ye Feng believe it?

Yang Qingzhi said with a smile.

Ye Feng saw that Yang Qingzhi looked real, and couldn't help but look at Wen Yueqi next to him with confusion: "Sister Qi, what's going on?"

Wen Yueqi smiled and asked, "Why did you come to New York this time?"

"Companies Listed."

Ye Feng said subconsciously.

"That's not right."

Wen Yueqi revealed the mystery and said: "The listing of your company can be postponed for a few days. You first sign an acquisition agreement with Hilton on behalf of Maple Leaf Fund, and then the company will be listed."

When Wen Yueqi said this, Ye Feng understood.

Although the U.S. investment market is somewhat different from the domestic investment market, one thing is common, that is, basically all investors are willing to see the pie drawn by the managers for them.

Yang Qingzhi and Sister Qi wanted him to sign a comprehensive acquisition agreement with Hilton Hotel on behalf of Maple Leaf Fund first. After all, hotels like Hilton are among the top hotels in the world.

In addition, the newly established Maple Leaf Fund has Yang Qingzhi, the king of Wall Street investment, at the helm.

Since Yang Qingzhi resigned from Goldman Sachs, he has not come back for more than a year. Now he has come back after more than a year. Just after he came out, he personally handled acquisitions worth tens of billions of dollars.

How could this not cause a sensation and attention in the investment community?
It can be said that due to Yang Qingzhi and the Hilton Hotel acquisition, the Maple Leaf Fund will also enter the public eye.

At this time, Ye Feng, as the boss behind Maple Leaf Fund, is responsible for signing an acquisition agreement with Hilton. How big of a sensation will it cause?Are people in the investment community curious about who Ye Feng is?
What is his background?
There is no doubt about this.

Therefore, Ye Feng's photo and name will definitely appear in the Hilton Hotel acquisition case, and become famous in the Wall Street Journal and major economic media in the world.

Then, before the news about the acquisition had subsided, major investment banks and investors were curious about Ye Feng and discovered that Ye Feng was actually the founder of China Lanshan Company and was going to be listed on the NASDAQ market in New York.

Then Lanshan Company's stocks will also enter the eyes of many investors and investment institutions, gaining very large exposure and trust. The reason is also very simple, because Ye Feng's US$240 billion acquisition of Hilton Hotels fully illustrates Strength, coupled with Yang Qingzhi’s reputation in the Wall Street investment community.

It can be said that Lanshan Company's road to listing has been completely paved.

(End of this chapter)

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