Recast youth

Chapter 1607 Don’t worry about trivial matters

Chapter 1607 Don’t worry about trivial matters

After all.

Man is a very vulgar animal.

For power, for beauty, for money.

This is one of the three core elements of a human being. Even if he is a Buddha, he has the intention of competing for a stick of incense, right?But then again, this is also the joy of life.

It lies in the small achievements of achieving what you want and then climbing one peak after another.

1% of the shares.

1.5 million dollars.

No matter how old Li Zhedong and Chen Xiao are, no matter how wealthy they are, this money is enough to shock them. After all, the development of Lanshan Company is different from that of other companies.

Other companies have nothing and want to go public and then have a stable cash-out channel to cash out or raise funds.

During this period, the founders have only one way to retain senior management, and that is to draw a big pie for you, use the original stock to retain you, and plan for you a beautiful blueprint for the company after it goes public.

But Lanshan Company is different. Lanshan Company has been cash flow from the beginning and has grown very fast. Ye Feng does not need to raise funds at all, and Lanshan Company's remuneration conditions are also among the top three companies in the industry.

This has also resulted in a situation where Ye Feng wants to offer 15% of the company's shares for everyone to subscribe, but everyone cannot afford to subscribe. As for the outside world, there are people who can subscribe and have the financial strength.

For example, Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui.

But they want to eat, but they can't get the original stock dividends.

But what about now?Ye Feng actually gave up his profits and let the company advance capital, and his top managers each held 1% of the shares. This was really equivalent to putting money into the management's pockets.

It just means that the salary for the next few years or even ten years will be overdrawn in advance.

But then again, how much can the salary be?Will the value of shares be the same now as it will be ten years from now?There is no way to compare the value. If you miss it, you will no longer have the opportunity.

In fact, Wang Xin was also a little surprised.

Before this, Ye Feng had no intention of letting everyone subscribe in this way. Instead, he asked everyone to subscribe according to the proportion of capital contribution. As a result, 5% of the shares were now given out in the form of replacement.

I have to say that my boss is a bit too generous.

Thinking of this, Wang Xin glanced at Ye Feng with a smile.

Ye Feng also noticed Wang Xin's eyes. He knew what Wang Xin meant. It seemed to be that he was only special to her, but he didn't expect that it was the same for other people.

But can it be the same?

For others, it is 1%.

That's 5% for you.

This is almost 60 billion in advance capital.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a bit of toothache. He didn't think it was anything when he decided to help Wang Xin advance the capital to subscribe for 5% of the shares. Only after converting it into RMB did he realize that the value was actually 60 billion.

But now that Ye Feng has given it away, he has no regrets. The plan is not as good as a change. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

The most important point is that Ye Feng subconsciously feels that as a human being, one should "don't get entangled in big things and not get entangled in small things." This means that when it comes to big things, don't get entangled so much.

Don't bother with it when it's a small matter.

People will be much happier if they do this.

And Ye Feng also feels that it is not appropriate to use the current Ye Feng to describe it here. It would be more appropriate to use the thoughts of Ye Feng in the previous life. Although Ye Feng in the previous life had no money, he still felt that if a person had a few dollars, It is really sad and boring to quarrel or even quarrel with others for tens of dollars.This came from Ye Feng's impression when he went to a relative's supermarket and saw a customer quarreling with a relative over a few cents while buying eggs.

The relative choked and said, "You just want to take advantage of me by a few cents, don't you?"

The customer then made a fuss, saying, yes, I just want to take advantage of you for a few cents.

Then the relatives said they would not sell it.

Although the supermarket only makes a small profit, Ye Feng still feels that it is a shame to have to fight with others for a few cents. Isn't it a kind of sadness?

It's just that the small is the big thing.

In this life, Ye Feng really regarded hundreds of millions as nothing.

And Ye Feng also has such confidence. Not to mention Lanshan Company, he also has unicorn Maple Leaf Financial Services, Jingke Pictures, 40% of Facebook Company, and the private equity fund "Maple Leaf Capital" managed by Yang Qingzhi.

These will all shine in the future.

How could Ye Feng not have the confidence to say such a thing?Of course, even so, Ye Feng didn't mean to just help them advance the money and give it to them. He said to Li Zhedong, Chen Xiao, Li Ping and others present: "I have to make it clear here that the money is not for free. The salary is advanced from your future wages."

He Chongxin said: "But we don't have such high wages..."

"You listen to me first."

Ye Feng continued: "As for the shares, they will be distributed to you, but there is one thing. They are not allowed to be sold within five years. In addition, if sold, the company has the first right to repurchase. Otherwise, the company has The right to take back the shares in your hands."

Ye Feng said this because he wanted his company's shareholders to be cleaner. He did not expect that in the end, there would be more people like Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui on the company's shareholder list.

After all, not everyone can resist the way Chen Yiming and others spend money in front of them. Who would have thought that just 1% of their shares would be worth US$10 billion or even more than US$50 billion in the future?

Of course.

As the company issues additional shares and financing costs increase, the proportion of their shares will also be diluted. As for how diluted it is, it depends on how many additional shares the company issues on the Nasdaq market.

"OK, no problem."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will never sell it."

"I won't sell it either."

"Haha, now our company has the most potential among Internet companies. I wish I could hold more shares. Selling is impossible."

Li Ping, Li Zhedong, He Chongxin and others expressed their opinions one after another.

"Well, this is the best. We also hope that everyone will not focus on immediate interests, but take a long-term view and be able to follow the company down the road."

Ye Feng nodded, thus almost reaching a verbal agreement with them. All that was left to do was to implement it into the contract, and Wang Xin and Chen Xiaolai were responsible for formulating relevant contract constraints.

However, I did not expect that out of the 15% of shares that were expected to be given out, there were still an additional 5% of shares that were not given out. They could be kept and distributed according to specific circumstances, which would give them more room for maneuver.

At this moment, a hand was raised.

It's Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan didn't interrupt from the beginning. She became executive vice president of the company only because of Wang Xin's promotion. To some extent, her position was even half a height higher than Li Zedong's.

Because Li Zhedong is in charge of Maple Leaf Financial Services Company, which is a subsidiary.

Gao Xuan is the executive vice president of Lanshan Company as a whole. On the main road of the company, perhaps in the future, as the company continues to grow and the work allocation becomes more detailed, individual work areas may be assigned to him, but for now , Gao Xuan reached the core of Lanshan Company's management.

(End of this chapter)

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