Recast youth

Chapter 1606 Expensive Original Stock

Chapter 1606 Expensive Original Stock
in the conference room.

Several executives were talking about it.

At present, Ye Feng only plans to give people at the general manager level and above the opportunity to hold shares in the company. Others only have the opportunity to hold virtual shares. The virtual shares have dividends but cannot be sold.

Because this is a reward given to you by the company based on market value, Wang Xin gave Ye Feng an idea. When there are employees with outstanding performance, Wang Xin will call the employees to the office after obtaining Ye Feng's consent, and then give them a contract and inform them How many company shares can be subscribed this year?

However, this contract cannot be taken out of the office. After the signature is completed, the contract must be handed over to the company for safekeeping. There will be no copy, no shareholding certificate, and it will not appear on the industrial and commercial registration. However, the employee will have an internal account. You can check the number of shares you hold.

In essence, this is just an employee equity unilaterally recognized by Lanshan Company. It is not an equity legally owned by employees, but a virtual equity agreed between Lanshan and employees through a contract.

The values ​​are actually the same.

The only difference is that there is no ownership or voting rights, and it cannot be transferred or sold.

However, the 15% shares Ye Feng wants to take out today are different. These 15% shares are actual shares and are recognized by law. They not only have ownership rights, but can also be transferred and sold.

Wang Xin's 5% stake is guaranteed by Ye Feng, so she sits firmly on Diaoyutai.

Li Zhedong and Chen Xiao are both wealthy themselves, so they are not in a hurry to speak. Wang Xin subscribes for 15% of the 5% shares, and the remaining 10% will be allocated. It depends on how much others can take.

He Chongxin came from a technical background. Seeing that no one said anything, he counted the senior executives present and made his own estimate. Is it not too much to take 1% of the shares for yourself?

Coupled with last year's dividends, he thought his pocket was thick enough, so he raised his head and looked at Ye Feng: "Mr. Ye, I want to subscribe for 1% of the company's shares. How much does it cost?"

Ye Feng said: "About 1.5 million US dollars."


He Chongxin stopped talking for a moment.


1% of the shares are worth 1.5 million U.S. dollars. Doesn’t it cost more than 10 billion?

"I can not afford it……"

He Chongxin instantly gave up the idea of ​​subscribing for 1% of the shares. In the past few years, he had only accumulated a net worth of less than 2000 million by relying on dividends from the company's performance.

Li Ping also said: "I can't afford it either."

Seeing that both He Chongxin and Li Ping said they couldn't afford it, Wang Xin also knew that these two people were Ye Feng's earliest confidants, so she reminded them: "He Chongxin, Li Ping, in fact, this time it's like Mr. Ye took it out of his pocket." It is a rare opportunity for us to make money by paying for it. Before this, many people from all walks of life tried their best to get the company's original shares from Mr. Ye, but Mr. Ye refused and wanted to keep the original shares. Here you go, US$1 million for 1.5% of the shares may be a lot now, but after the listing, maybe this US$1.5 million will become US$3 million, or even US$30 billion, you should consider it.”

"I want it too."

He Chongxin frowned and said: "The key is that these 1.5 million U.S. dollars are equivalent to 12 billion yuan. Where do we get so much money? The most we can collect is 2000 million, which is already a lot."


Starting in 2003, and now at the beginning of 2007, He Chongxin has barely earned 2000 million, is that less?In fact, it’s quite a lot. Taken together, the annual salary exceeds 500 million.

In China, even among professional managers, few can achieve this level.

It’s just that compared to the pace of Lanshan Company, the little money they make is still a drop in the bucket. This is the main reason why so many people want a potential initial stock.

In this era, it is really difficult for you to make money based on salary, unless you can reach the level of Yang Qingzhi and dominate Wall Street.But that is simply impossible.

After all calculations, all the professional fund managers on Wall Street can't pick out 10 people of Yang Qingzhi's level. It is very unimaginable to have trillions of client funds alone.

Ye Feng didn't expect such a thing. He ignored He Chongxin and looked at Li Ping: "Don't you have so much funds?"

"I don't even have 1000."

Li Ping said a little embarrassedly. Her position in the company is superior to that of He Chongxin, but He Chongxin has been in charge of the game department for the past two years. He has received dividends from web games and online game research and development, so his income is other than Wang Xin's. , the highest person in Lanshan Company.

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at Li Zhedong and Chen Xiao: "Where are you two? What proportion of shares do you plan to subscribe for?"

"I might be 0.5%..."

Chen Xiao said that 6 million yuan is his greatest ability.

Li Zhedong said: "I also subscribe for 0.5 points."

This situation greatly exceeded Ye Feng's expectations. Originally, he thought that he would temporarily hold 85% of the company's shares, leaving 15%, 5% for Wang Xin, and the remaining 10% for the management such as He Chongxin. I even thought that 10% of the shares were not enough.

But now judging from the results, 10% of the shares were subscribed for at most 3%, and no one had the strength to take advantage of the remaining 7% of the shares.

Not to mention Gao Xuan.

Neither He Chongxin nor Li Ping could afford to subscribe, and she, who had just been in the company for two years, couldn't even afford to subscribe.

"How about this."

Ye Feng thought for a moment and looked at the people sitting there: "Among the 10% shares, several people should each subscribe for 1% of the shares, which is exactly 5%. How much money can you raise first? If there is not enough money, the company I will help you with the advance and pay it back with your salary in the next few years. This can be regarded as a reward from the company for your hard work over the past few years. The remaining 5% of the shares will be reserved for the time being to encourage others. Management, is there a problem with this?”

Li Ping said hesitantly: "Would it be bad?"

Ye Feng said in a casual tone: "There's nothing wrong with it. The company is mine, and whatever I say will be whatever it is."

He Chongxin was shocked. Mr. Ye actually wanted to help him advance 12 billion to subscribe for company shares?This is simply unbelievable, 12 billion, this is not 100 million, nor is it 1000 million.

He Chongxin felt like he was about to faint.

At the same time, I am also very excited and touched. I am grateful to Ye Feng for making him who was fired from a game studio suddenly reach the heights he is today, and now he is helping him advance 12 billion to subscribe for the company's stocks.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, thank you, Mr. Ye..."

He Chongxin was so excited that he couldn't speak for a while.

"no problem."

"no problem."

Li Zhedong and Chen Xiao were more mature. Seeing that Ye Feng had already made up his mind, they nodded in agreement. There was no need for a heavy hammer to sound the drum. When they reached this position, they no longer valued what was said, but what was done.

Of course, they were calm on the surface, but they couldn't help but feel excited and shocked in their hearts. In fact, they were no different from He Chongxin.

(End of this chapter)

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