Recast youth

Chapter 1509

Chapter 1509
Ye Feng's mood was a little gloomy.

When he was rich, Ye Feng was not very happy, but was a little depressed, but these past few days were the happiest times since his rebirth, and he didn't want anyone to ruin all this beauty.

In his opinion, Meng Yun was a bit reckless.

Why should I tell myself about Li Man? Does it have anything to do with me?

However, because he owed Meng Yun a favor, Ye Feng still suppressed the haze in his heart and patiently told Meng Yun his thoughts. Ye Feng felt that, at the very least, he had nothing to do with Li Man now.

The only marriage in Fantasy Westward Journey happened without knowing it, and they didn't talk very intimately with each other, calling each other "husband, wife" and so on.

And it has been 5 years since the breakup.

After Ye Feng's displeased question, Meng Yun on the other end of the phone was silent for a while and said, "Ye Feng, don't worry, I didn't call to say I wanted to quarrel with you."

Ye Feng hummed: "Well, I don't intend to quarrel with you. Happy New Year..."


Meng Yun was speechless: "Have you noticed that every time I mention Li Man, you become extremely grumpy and impatient?"

Ye Feng asked: "Is there any?"

"do not have it?"

Meng Yun asked back.

Ye Feng listened to Meng Yun's rhetorical question and said, "I don't think so. If you want to discuss her with me, that's fine, but I've broken up with her. What do you want to tell me about her?"

Meng Yun said: "In the past few years since she broke up with you, she has not found anyone else."

Ye Feng didn't speak.

First, whether Li Man found anyone else had nothing to do with him, and they broke up.

Second, maybe Li Man saw that she was rich, so she didn't find anyone else. People are like this. They break up because of their future, and then see the partner they broke up with become successful and famous, and then they will feel regret in their hearts.


If the bridge is broken like this, it would be too vulgar.

Ye Feng couldn't help but recall Li Man's words when he broke up with him and said he would never regret it.

Meng Yun sighed and said: "Oh, Ye Feng, I know you are arrogant and angry that she broke up with you, but in fact you still care about her, I know this, otherwise she was almost taken away by someone, you I won’t just go up and beat someone up without saying anything.”

Ye Feng wanted to retort that if the scene had been another female classmate that day, he would have intercepted her.

But after thinking about it, Ye Feng did not refute in the end. One reason was that he was afraid that Meng Yun would talk about his emotions again, and the other reason was that Ye Feng knew that he would intercept, but there was a high probability that he would not attack immediately.

However, Ye Feng does not think that he still has Li Man in his heart. He just said that after all, he has been with her sincerely. Even if they are separated, he does not want others to touch her with dirty hands. Ye Feng feels that if it were any man, , when they see the person they love drunk and taken away, they will have the same reaction as him.

"Did I tell you what's on your mind?"

Meng Yun asked.

Ye Feng said helplessly: "I'll refute you. You said I'm irritable and impatient. If you don't refute you, you hit my mark again. Sister Meng Yun, can we not be so self-righteous? If you want to handle the case this way, I I think Uncle Meng might not be happy with it."

"I hate it, don't talk about my dad." Meng Yun blushed at what Ye Feng said, and said angrily to Ye Feng, and then said: "Actually, I don't have anything else to do, I just thought that today is the first day of the new year. During the Spring Festival, I would like to ask you to help persuade Li Man."

Ye Feng was silent for a while and asked, "What can I advise her?"

"Persuade her to continue studying for a Ph.D."

Meng Yun said: "Li Man is studying for a master's degree and a Ph.D. This year, she is in the last year of her Ph.D., and after the thesis defense, she can graduate successfully and get a diploma. I actually don't care about a Ph.D. diploma, but this is very important to Li Man. Man is very important. With her ability, thesis defense is a very simple matter, but she gave up. I want you to help me persuade her. After all, she can get her doctoral diploma, so that several years of hard work will not be in vain. ”

Ye Feng was silent again.

In fact, Ye Feng had a strange feeling in his heart. In his previous life, he dropped out of school and failed to get his college diploma. Unexpectedly, it was Dr. Li Man who dropped out of school in this life.

what is this?
Is it a causal cycle?
Then Ye Feng was thinking, does Li Man dropping out of school have something to do with him?

After thinking about it, Ye Feng came up with an answer that he didn't know and didn't want to think about it. He thought for a moment and said to Meng Yun: "Actually, you really shouldn't make this call to me. I don't think I have the position to persuade him." She, do you understand? Even if I call her to persuade her now, she may think that I am here to show off to her or show off my power. If you really want to help her, just persuade her and analyze it more with her. How important is a PhD diploma?”

"I also want to persuade him. The key is that this person is particularly stubborn, even more stubborn than you."

Meng Yun sighed and said depressedly: "To tell you the truth, she had no choice when she broke up with you. It was her parents who asked her to break up with you and concentrate on the postgraduate entrance examination. She had always been reluctant to let go of the relationship with you. She didn’t agree with the relationship, so her parents came to school specifically to find her, and then told her that if she didn’t break up with you, don’t come out like this in the house.”

Ye Feng's heart fluctuated and he sneered: "Did she tell you?"

Meng Yun said: "Don't smile so sinisterly, I'm telling the truth. Li Man didn't expect to pursue you now that you are rich. In the past five years, has she ever looked for you?" No, that's what Li Man's parents told her back then. They even came to the dormitory to look for her the day before and gave her an ultimatum. She had no choice but to break up with you. One side was her parents and the other side was you. Instead, It's you, how do you choose? If your parents came to school and told you seriously that if you don't break up with Li Man, they will sever the father-son relationship with you and don't enter the house, what will you do? "

Ye Feng opened his mouth and found that he couldn't say a word. This was the first time he knew about this matter in two lifetimes, but then, Ye Feng's heart hardened again.

In her previous life, she had been reduced to skipping school in the Internet cafe every day. She should also know that in the end, she didn't come to see her, not even a word of comfort.

When I saw her again, I was in a state of despair. When she was driving a Porsche Cayenne with her dazzling scenery, God knew how miserable I was and how much I wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Meng Yun didn't know what Ye Feng was thinking, so when he didn't speak, she continued: "So, Li Man had no choice at the time, and you don't even think about it. If a woman really wants to break up with you, does she need to talk to you about anything? Yes. Do you advise you to work hard? There is no need at all. I can just not see you. But Li Man didn't. She solemnly came to you and talked about breaking up with you. This means that she values ​​​​the relationship with you, and why her parents Were you in school at that time? Aren't you just afraid that Li Man would be soft-hearted and not break up with you in the end? Didn't you think about this carefully? "

Ye Feng suddenly felt a little upset.

"Don't say it."

Ye Feng took a deep breath: "It's all in the past. She has her life, and I have mine. At this time next year, I may be getting married."

"……All right."

Meng Yun was silent for a while and said: "Then can you help me persuade Li Man to finish her doctoral studies? Really, after several years, I feel it is a pity to see the last year. If You can still reminisce about our old friendship and help me persuade her."

Ye Feng was silent for a while: "Do you think I can persuade her?"

"You can persuade me."

Meng Yun said with certainty: "Really, she also has you in her heart. After she knew that the Crazy Swordsman account was yours, she stopped going online. I will send you her mobile phone number now."

With that said, Meng Yun couldn't refuse and hung up the phone.

Then a text message came over, with Li Man's mobile phone number on it.

Ye Feng looked at the mobile phone number and was a little at a loss. The past and present life of him and Li Man could not help but emerge bit by bit. Should he make this call?
(End of this chapter)

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