Recast youth

Chapter 1508 The Electric Seal of Spring Chapter

Chapter 1508 Spring Festival Call

Saturday, February 2007, 2.

It is also the most important festival for Chinese people, the Spring Festival.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Ye Feng woke up from his sleep, and then couldn't sleep anymore. He sat on the bed for a while, walked to the window, and opened the curtains. Below was the residential road that ran through the north and south of Ning'an County.

At this time, there were already people who got up early one after another on the road and were busy with their daily lives. A breakfast stall owner in the distance supported the stall and was cooking breakfast for sale at dawn. Steam was rising from the bucket.

Watching the people coming and going downstairs, Ye Feng suddenly felt that everything in front of him was unreal, and he felt like he was dreaming. In his previous life, his family did not live here, but lived in the most remote corner of the county. The house It was very shabby, the small wall was full of mottled surfaces, and the wall near the corner was covered with ivy. On the other side of the road was my family's vegetable field.

In the past, long beans, cabbage, radishes and other vegetables were grown, and there was a dug hole at the edge of the vegetable garden. During the winter, the uneaten cabbage and radishes would be put in and stored to avoid Chilled by the cold weather.

But what is in front of you now?
It's the increasingly prosperous streets, and the endless stream of people coming and going. There are even a few teenagers who stayed up all night in the Internet cafe on New Year's Eve. They yawned from the Internet cafe downstairs, shrank their necks, and stuffed their hands into In the pocket, talking about the game, we braved the cold to go home.

Ye Feng took a puff of cigarette, and the remaining consciousness let him know that he was reborn and made a lot of money. He bought this house and the house to the west for his parents, so he was here.

Moreover, the eldest sister Ye Yun, the younger sisters Ye Qing, and Zhang Lan are in the east suite.

Yes, Zhang Lan.

Ye Feng found the reason for his insecurity. Over the past few days, Ye Feng found that he enjoyed this kind of life too much. The family reunited in the new house and it was lively.

After dinner, the family either sat on the sofa and watched TV or played cards.

Occasionally, when no one is paying attention, you can make some intimate gestures with Zhang Lan, and then watch her glare at you in panic, and then leave with pride and satisfaction.

Ye Feng even thought that if he stayed like this for the rest of his life, it seemed that he was willing to continue like this, because even if he did nothing now, the money earned by the company would be enough for him to use for a lifetime.

No ambition?

But Ye Feng was content. He could be with his family and his beloved. When the weather got warm, he could even take Zhang Lan to the beach to catch some swimming crabs and cook them.

It is also because I cherish it that I am afraid.

Afraid of losing it all.

Ye Feng glanced at the cigarette butt. It was flickering and burning. He hesitated for a moment. He lightly touched the back of his hand with the cigarette butt, and then the severe burning sensation made him quickly take it away. Then he cursed and pulled the probe out of the window. After throwing it out, Ye Feng waited until he was sure that the cigarette butt fell on the ground and didn't hit anyone. Then he closed the window again to prevent the cold air from coming in.


Everything is true.

I'm a little worried about gain and loss.

Ye Feng shrank back into bed, glanced at the burned back of his household registration hand, and then shook his head. It wasn't that he wanted to do this, but that this was so real that it made him feel that his previous life was a dream.

After all, rebirth is such a bizarre thing.

Who can believe that a person can really transcend time and go back to 15 years ago?
Will I be reborn?
When 2016 comes, what is waiting for you? Is it to survive safely or to start over like a game rewind? If so, will the Zhang Lan of 2016 exist?
Will he and her have children? There should be children, right?
Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly felt that these thoughts were a bit like messy threads that could not be sorted out. He could not predict things that had not happened. What could be confirmed so far was that he really had wealth that ordinary people could not imagine and that he really Reborn.

Think for a while.

Unable to think of a clue, Ye Feng sent Zhang Lan a text message and then went to bed to catch up on his sleep.

after an hour.Ye Feng's cell phone started to ring. He glanced at it and saw that Gao Xuan's call was not answered. It was the Chinese New Year period and the company was on holiday. Ye Feng couldn't think of anything that had any intersection with Gao Xuan, so he didn't answer it.

5 minute later.

The phone rang again, it was Wang Xin's phone.

Ye Feng still didn't answer the call and went back to sleep. He planned to call Wang Xin back when he got up. He would use the excuse that his cell phone was muted and didn't hear. However, today was the Spring Festival and the first day of the new year. Ye Feng was destined to not be able to sleep early.

After Gao Xuan and Wang Xin's calls, Meng Yun's phone rang again.

When Ye Feng first opened the club, he owed Meng Yun a favor regarding the fire protection license and special industry license. After thinking about it, Ye Feng answered Meng Yun's call. Ye Feng answered the phone sleepily: "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."

Meng Yun's voice came from the phone: "Are you in your hometown now?"

Looking at his watch, it was almost 7 o'clock in the morning. Ye Feng knew that it was impossible to sleep anymore, so he sat up and said with a hint of sleepiness: "Well, come back to celebrate the New Year."

Meng Yun asked: "When will you return to Dongzhou?"

"What's wrong, is something wrong?"

Ye Feng was a little curious, Meng Yun looked obviously troubled.

Meng Yun said: "Li Man dropped out of school."

Ye Feng knew that Li Man and Meng Yun were good friends, but Ye Feng also felt that it was inappropriate for Meng Yun to tell him about Li Man now, so he asked, "How can you tell me about Li Man? I broke up with her almost five years ago. years."

Meng Yun also asked, "Why are you so resistant to hearing about her? Do you still have her in your heart?"

Ye Feng denied it: "It's nothing. My girlfriend is celebrating the New Year at my house right now."


"Zhang Lan."

Ye Feng said: "You may know him."

"A little impression."

Meng Yun had an impression. When Ye Feng and Li Man broke up, Meng Yun also paid attention to Ye Feng and knew that he was with a girl named Zhang Lan, who later dropped out of school.

"Well, as long as you have an impression."

Ye Feng nodded, lit a cigarette, and said, "Zhang Lan is at my house now, and my parents like her quite a lot, and I also like her quite a lot, so it's inappropriate for you to tell me about Li Man now. "

Eastern State.

Meng Yun was furious when she heard Ye Feng's plain words, and couldn't help but said: "Even if you broke up, you have talked about it, and there is always a sense of friendship. Is it okay for me to talk to you about her? Why are you so heartless now? ?”

Li Man's beautiful face appeared in Ye Feng's mind, and he said calmly: "She was the one who wanted to break up with me, not me. Besides, I have a girlfriend now. Do you think I should discuss other women with you?" ?"

(End of this chapter)

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